9 Pounds Muscle Gain Since His Last Contest

Today we have an interview with Vivek who placed 3rd in our latest Adonis Index Transformation Contest.

The topic of this interview is muscle gain and how quickly it can happen.

Check out his pictures:

Make sure you set up good lighting or book a studio for the shoot.

This is the second time Vivek has placed in one of our contests.  To make matters more interesting, this is Vivek’s first year of weight training.

After the first contest, Vivek was very lean, however,  his  muscles were still undefined  and his abs weren’t visible.

For the second contest, he chose to focus on muscle gain; ensuring that any future weight gain would be from muscle and not fat.

He followed the Main AI 3.0 workout for the contest followed  by MBF.  He also recorded his DEXA scan measurements every four weeks to track his progress.  His training efforts  yielded a steady increase of 1-2 pounds  in lean body mass every month during the contest itself.

Vivek’s philosophy was, “you don’t know the change if you don’t know the data.”

Unfortunately, despite Vivek’s progress,  he developed tennis elbow and had to stop training to recover completely.  However, he continued his DEXA scans and observed that there was no change while he was receiving from the elbow issue, which is proof that muscle growth doesn’t occur when your body is resting, but only as a response to training (like some so called “experts” would have you believe).

Your muscles remain in an anabolic state because of the work performed and not your protein intake.

All that matters is the amount of work you did on that muscle group.

With this realization and experience, Vivek decided to do 10 workouts a week. Why? Simply because more work equals more muscle.

For his morning routine, he did the Hyperthrophy and Strength modules from the main workout; in the afternoon, he chose Strength Endurance and Specializations for his weaker areas like abs, chest or hamstrings.

Lots of people do some kind of cardio in the afternoon, however if you take away the health benefits, then you are really doing it for the calorie burning, so why not add some weight training instead since the usual cardio doesn’t stress the muscles?

And the bonus is that you will still get some health and conditioning benefits from the Strength Endurance workouts too, so it’s kind of win-win.

Double the Work, Double the Gains

Vivek doubled the work, made sure he followed the rest periods and took DEXA scans every four weeks to track progress.

Did double the work translated into double gains?

Since we interviewed him a few month after this contest he was prepared to share the results…

And the answer is…YES!

In the first month of doing this he gained 2.9 pounds of lean body mass, he kept doing that for another month and he gained another 3 pounds.

This was after the contest, but still part of his Adonis transformation and the results are just astounding.

And Vivek is not the only one who tried doing the workouts more often, one of our previous contestants Adam Murphy did the same thing.

Now, should you also work out twice a day?

Well, the answer is “It depends”.

If you are just starting out then the regular program as it’s laid out will be more than enough, also if you follow one of the more advanced protocols from the Adonis systems, then you won’t be able to add much more on top of that.

But if you went through the AI workouts at least once and you are familiar with how they work, then you can play with it, and maybe just like Vivek, do two per day instead of one, well at least if your lifestyle allows you to do that.

Ice Cream as Pre-Workout Meal?

Vivek has a pretty unique pre-workout routine. He likes to grab an ice cream, for no other reason than that he enjoys it. Now if we take the regular ice cream that Vivek gets it’s roughly only 150 calories (about two apples worth), so no big deal, but he was driving people nuts in the gym. Imagine everyone pounding protein shakes and pre-workout drinks and then Vivek walking in the gym at less than 6% body fat and ice cream in his hand.

What they didn’t realize was that their shakes probably had more calories than his small ice cream.

The point is, you can eat whatever you want. If you keep some balance in your diet and limit the amount, then there is no reason why you couldn’t have an ice cream before your workout.

Forget about the bad foods goods foods dogma and focus on the basics that really matters.

Take Lots of Photos

Here are a couple more photos of Vivek:

Vivek’s back muscle development over the months.

…And a few more:

Once you are at it and doing the photoshoot, make sure you take some pictures with your casual clothes, those photos can be handy.

Tips from Vivek:

  • “Use the permission to lift light approach”
  • “Make it a goal to stay away from injury”
  • “Lighter weights (still challenging though) in the combination with high reps can help you keep your joints healthy and will improve your strength endurance”
  • “AI approach works, at 38 years old I’m experiencing growth that’s similar to  juvenile muscle growth that only guys in their teens and 20s typically get”
  • “If your lifestyle and fitness condition allows it, train more often”
  • “Stop killing your time in front of TV and get to the gym, it’s a great stress reliever”
  • “Focus on building muscle without gaining fat mass”
  • “The name of the game is TRACKING, if you’re not tracking you’re likely not progressing”
  • “Learn the basics of dressing and body language to present yourself and your new body properly”

Links from the interview:

  • Main AI Workout – Workout protocol responsible for one of them most amazing transformations online
  • “MBF” – Muscle Building foundation is designed to help you gain size and optimize your AI ratio

Read Vivek’s experience with Adonis Index in his own words:

Competing in AT7 was essentially the challenge of increasing muscle mass while still keeping my fat mass low.  I had lost a lot of fat and had very low body fat percentages by the end of AT6. 

I started off with MBF right after completion of AT6, the week after thanksgiving.  Being able to eat at maintenance gave me a lot of energy to give it all I had with MBF.   When I started off MBF, my squat and Bench numbers were relatively low.  However by the end, I had almost doubled…Continue reading here

Listen to the interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

Adonis Index Program Works, You Just Have to Do It

Today we have an interview with Gabriele Lazzari who placed 2nd in the Open Level 1 Category in the latest Adonis Index Contest. Check out his pictures:

What will be different today though, Gabriele doesn’t speak well in English so he has agreed to do a written interview.

Here it is:

What workouts or programs have you done in the past and how did you find Adonis Index?

I followed too many programs and advertised workouts. I was excited to try them all and I jumped many times from one training system to another within just a few weeks.

All the consistency I was able to insert in my schedule derived from random principles put in together. I wanted to experiment with all the things I found to be interesting. So, I followed all them as I encountered different ads on my fitness journey, but unconsciously i knew that the lack of perseverance was the main problem.

Another weakness I found I had was the desire to change the various workouts and programs.

Another problem was all the various subscriptions I had, my email box was flooded with them every day and that just left me confused.

After discovering the Adonis Index program I finally realized that i needed only one program and that I had to stick to it. The results I obtained from Adonis Index  Lifestyle speak for themselves.

What did you think about the Adonis Index system when you first heard about it?

Once I heard about this kind of training philosophy, I was hooked. Something in me resonated, deeply.  In the beginning I was fascinated by the concept of subconscious attraction.

Afterwards I fell in love with the whole lifestyle of the Adonis Index System.

What program did you use during the contest?

I used AI 3.0 Workouts with the Fibonacci Pyramids rage module. The workouts were very challenging, but let me say that especially the rage workout was insane!

When I was in doing them I was shocked at how much intensity I can handle. Both physically and mentally, it was very challenging to do them, but finally, when I returned to the AI 3.0 system (hypertrophy cycle) the normal routine suddenly became easier and I could progress faster. I bet it was due to the shock my muscles were introduced to during the rage phase.

I just didn’t allow them to adapt.

What do you do for dieting?

At first the conditioned habit of manipulating macronutrients was creeping up on me.

However, prior to that, I decided to trash this old approach and as preached in the Anything Goes Diet, I started  controlling my daily calorie budget only. I stick to the advised range of protein by Brad Pilon from his book How Much Protein, plus the caloric indications from the Reverse Taper Diet.

So, I basically just limited calorie intake and maintained good protein intake.

I think that simplicity is the best way because it’s sustainable in the long term, that’s what I discovered anyway.

What were the specific challenges you faced during the contest? 

The contest itself was a pretty big challenge.

The level of intensity in the various workouts’ phases was not easy to sustain, especially during Strength Endurance and Rage. The nutrition side is simple, but as I pointed out above the old patterns die hard.

The real challenge was of course mental. I faced many weaknesses that I thought were buried in the past. I suppose that is the main lesson you are waiting to hear: when you are in the fray you have to play. This body transformation involves an entire evolution of your being. In this transformation you will encounter your “different sides” at some point.

How did you prepare for the photos and what did you think when you saw them?

I decided to hire a professional photographer. I did some research on the Internet and I practiced posing every week for at least one hour prior to the photoshoot session.

When I saw the photos I was a little bit disappointed. I set the bar very high and I wanted to achieve more than was possible, I guess fitness media would be to blame. However, the response from friends, acquaintances and fellows of AT7 was incredibly positive and that made me realize just how much of a change I really made.

The professional images from the shoot compared to what I viewed  in the mirror  allowed me to view a better version of my body. Lighting is the key. But at the end I am satisfied, especially when I compare my conditioning to previous photos.

What advice would you give to other guys who want to get into the kind of shape you did?

I strongly recommend to calm yourself and focus your attention on the program. Set the daily problems aside and stick to the Adonis Lifestyle. Focus your concentration like a laser and you will succeed. Secondly, I would  recommend comparing your results only to yourself and not others. Each man runs a different race.

I love the Adonis Lifestyle!

Here are a couple more pictures of Gabriele:

Here are Gabriele’s metrics:

Gabriele’s before and after measurements.

And here is Gabriele’s essay from the contest:

I want to be sincere and tell that, when I discovered this new way to approach body-building, I was a little bit skeptical. I tried so many hyped training programs that I lost the count.

In the beginning I considered Adonis Index Workout to be yet another overhyped product. But something in myself said to prove it, so I decided to dive into it.

I find that this training system is highly counterintuitive and, in the same time, full of wisdom.

I enjoyed myself  following the contest plan and the…Continue reading here


About the Adonis Physique You Should Aim for, with Kidafi Byer

Today we have an interview with Kidafi Byer who placed 2nd in the Open Level 2 Category in the latest Adonis Index Contest. Check out his pictures:

Find the pose that shows your body the most.

Kadafi is no newbie to weight training or to the Adonis Index Lifestyle. He has been with us for a while now.

And this wasn’t his first Adonis Index contest either. From last contest he successfully maintained his fitness and even managed to gain a bit of lean muscle mass without putting any fat mass on, if anything he got more ripped!

And that was exactly the point – get in shape with one or two contests and use the next one to find out how to maintain your body and get even more ripped.

Decide, Plan, Act

When Kidafi saw Allen Elliott‘s winning pictures in one of the contest he knew he would be a worthy opponent and that it will be hard to beat him.

He decided to take his time to strategize, prepare and then put in as much effort as he could into building the Adonis physique for the contest.

This time he wasn’t fasting very often, just a few times in the last four weeks prior the contest.

Rather than fasting he used the Reverse Taper Diet principles and tapered his calories up towards the end of the contest.

In his diet he didn’t change anything, he ate pretty much exactly what he did last time, just a bit more since he wasn’t really cutting much.

And that’s what you can expect to happen. If you’ve been eating too much in the past and gained a bit of fat, then you need to start eating less. However, once you lose the fat and you get lean you can slowly increase your calorie intake closer to your maintenance.

At this point dieting becomes super hard and cutting is a really big challenge. Basically your body will have very little fat stored and it will force you to eat more calories more often.

This is why fasting at 8% bodyfat it’s almost impossible.

Have someone else take the pictures, so you can focus on posing.

Can You Take the Pictures Yourself or Do You Have to Pay for a Photographer?

For the photoshoot itself Kidafi recommends having someone else take the pictures.

You can either have a friend/spouse take it or pay for a professional photoshoot. A lot of our contestants like to schedule the professional photoshoot, because it helps you with accountability and also gives you a clear deadline to shoot for.

And since you are going to put a lot of effort into all this, you might as well capture it professionally and have the pictures for life. However, a professional shoot is not necessary to win a contest. We’ve had quite a few people take amazing pictures at home or on the beach. Kidafi’s pictures are great and he did them by himself!

Just realize that taking pictures is an art and there is a whole niche of photographers who specialize in fitness, so don’t be surprised when your pictures aren’t magazine cover quality when you take them yourself.

But why would you even take the pictures?

Well, even if you are not comfortable taking pictures right now, that will change once you get in shape.

It’s worth getting a real photoshoot to really see what you got.

Kidafi’s Approach for Building the Adonis Physique

This time around Kidafi didn’t care about his weight. His goals were to get a bit leaner, gain more muscle if possible and generally have more of a “fuller” look while remaining injury free.

He is not the biggest guy in the gym, he is not the heaviest, but he is ripped and he loves the look.

Apart from the fact that weight is irrelevant and doesn’t tell the whole story, if you weigh yourself on a daily basis it’s guaranteed to mess with your head. There simply aren’t any big changes you’re going to see day to day besides water fluctuations.

In his workout Kidafi shifted from lifting heavy to concentrating more on the lifting technique.

He gave himself  permission to lift light and focused on the squeeze and tension of his muscle contractions instead of just lifting heavy weights up and down. The feeling after the workout was very satisfying, he gained more lean muscle mass and was injury-free the entire year.

Like most of us, Kidafi is a busy guy. He could just have just made excuses whenever he didn’t fell like working out or was short on time, but instead of making excuses he found a way to do the program. He split the workout in two. He did the first part of the workout focusing on optimizing the AI ratio in the morning and saved the second part for the afternoon and added a bit of volume there to keep the intensity.

And that was it, really.

For his diet, he just ate less than most people, made sure he followed the AI workouts and kept this going throughout the entire course of the contest.

There is no secret, no magic pill.

…Just hard work and dedication.

More tips from Kidafi:

  • The community is where it’s all happening, hang out there with same minded guys who will support your goals
  • You have to be mentally ready for the commitment
  • There is no magic, you need to put the effort in and go through the process and work your way up
  • Its easy to jump from program to program, but if you want to see the results you need to stick to it to the end
  • Consistency has always been the name of the game
  • It takes time, so don’t fall for overnight quick fixes
  • Don’t compare yourself to anyone else
  • It’s all a lifestyle
  • You have to want it for yourself, the motivation has to come from within you
  • The strength to endure the challenges and roadblocks has to originate inside you
  • It’s a commitment for life and no excuses are allowed
  • You have time to work out, find it
  • Everybody wishes to see changes after one workout, but that’s not the reality – accept it
  • You don’t have to live in the gym to look good, for most people 4-5 workout sessions a week is more than enough, just make sure they are worth it
  • You don’t have to do any traditional cardio, walking the dog is a calorie burning and healthy activity too
  • Don’t be the “fitness guy”, be the the guy who is in shape, but never talks about it
  • Hope to make small improvements every day
  • The goal is to look good, so make everything you do move in that direction
  • Listen to your body
  • Move forward, that’s the right direction

Links from the interview:

Read Kidafi’s experience with Adonis Index in his own words:

This is now my third time participating in an Adonis contest and I must say I feel like a veteran around the whole Adonis system and philosophy. The experience this time has been very different as there were less reaction to what I was doing or what I looked like from the outside. It was more of a mental experience and growing experience as a person. At first…Continue Reading Here

Listen to the interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

Eliminate Inhibitors and Muscle Growth Will Be The Default State of Your Body

Welcome to Season 2 of our UNCENSORED Podcasts!

What really is muscle growth? Do you think it has been studied and understood by scientists?

In the bodybuilding community, there is a strong belief that we don’t have any research on muscle growth and muscle building.

That’s not true.

There are a ton of papers on this subject, the results are just not what we would like them to be, that’s why it’s usually brushed under the table.

A New Way of Thinking about Muscle Growth

We’ve always been lead to believe that you need to “boost your muscle growth”, find ways to eat more protein, more calories, basically do everything you can to stimulate your muscles to grow even more.

The only issue with this approach is that you can’t do it, because it’s impossible without the use of drugs.

Today, Barban and Pilon will show you how the typical approach, as explained by others who focus on bro-science in this industry, is completely the opposite to how your body REALLY works.

To explain this in simple terms, let’s imagine your body works like a car and you are the driver. In this case, you would have one foot on the gas and the other one on the brake. However, in this case, you can’t press your foot further down on the gas pedal: you already are crashing the floor with it.

What you need to do is something else – you need to completely remove the other foot from the brake. Because once you get your other foot off the brake, the car starts going forward. To complete the analogy, your body starts growing.

So instead of trying to “force” your muscles to grow, you just need to remove the inhibitors that are preventing you from reaching your golden body shape.

The minute you are born, you start growing, but let’s take away juvenile muscle growth and even steroid induced growth from this to make things really simple.

Now, you may be saying, if this is true then why don’t I already have a 20 inch bicep, right?

Well, here’s how this works. Your body has a predefined way of growth, so if you are supposed to be 190 pounds at 6’1” it will try to get there by default and it will ALWAYS try getting there until you are 190 and 6’1”.

If your body isn’t where it should be yet, then it’s not because you haven’t done enough to boost the growth, yet it’s rather because you haven’t removed the things that are preventing your body from growing the way it wants.

Let me repeat: Your body wants to grow, however there are roadblocks called inhibitors that are preventing it from growing.

These inhibitors can be nutritional, environmental and even mental. There are also genetic inhibitors that keep the body from uncontrolled or unchecked growth, which like it or not is not something you would want. (ex: a tumor or cancer is an example of uncontrolled or unchecked growth)

So some inhibitors have to be there.

In essense, what you can do is find a way to remove some of them, so your body can reach it’s full potential.

In today’s UNCENSORED training, you will discover and learn:

  • Why removing inhibitors is a way to go to build more muscle
  • How many calories you need to eat to build 5 pounds of muscle a month
  • Some of the inhibitors that are preventing your body from growing
  • Why studies on rats are completely irrelevant when making a point about human body
  • Why ‘extra’ protein will not help you build muscle
  • The reason behind “How I gained 30 pounds with this workoutmarketing stories and why they’re all likely true, and also to be expected
  • More insights from the Disinhibition theory of muscle growth that makes most fitness marketing seem outdated
  • Why running marathons might be detrimental to muscle growth

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