42 Years old and RIPPED: An Interview with Mark Levy

During this past transformation contest we had some entries that blew us away and Mark Levy was at the head of that list. Just to be clear, Mark was in pretty good shape to start the contest but his final condition was just SICK!

Mark is the definition of the word RIPPED…but don’t take my word for it…have a look for yourself:


Mark Levy Adonis Index Workout Transformation

Great Back!

Mark Levy Adonis Index

Great Abs

Adonis Index Transformation

Simply Awesome

Adonis Index Mark Levy

Some Obliques!


Adonis Index Interview Mark Levy

In today’s interview we talk to Mark about how he got into this condition and some of the major changes he made in the way he manages his diet and how this transformation has crossed over into other area’s of his life.

The best part…Mark ate ice cream and cake every week during his cut down! SIGN ME UP!

If you want to read the transcript of the interview you can download it here:

42 Years old and RIPPED: An interview with Mark Levy


Adonis Index Transformation 3: Coaching Call 2

Proportions are the Key

We’re about 4 weeks into the second Adonis Index Transformation contest. Today we’ll cover some questions and issues that have come from the contestants including:

Interval Training for weight loss

Taking shoulder and waist measurements

The difference between the Ideal Adonis Index Ratio vs a 1-1.6 shoulder to waist ratio

Gym etiquette

…and staying on track by managing expectations.


Adonis Index Transformation Contest #3

The 3rd Adonis Index transformation contest starts Wed Sept 1st and finishes on Nov 24th.

Cash prizes go to the top 6 contestants (top prize is $750) as well as other bonus prizes to be named later.

Contestants are judged on overall transformation and the change in their Adonis Index Ratio.

Starting ratio is considered as well as age and training experience.

You’ll have equal chance to win regardless if your goal is burning fat or building muscle (or a mix of the two)

I’ve revamped the workout flow of the main Adonis Index workout program for this contest and laid out how to follow the program and where to put the first ‘rage’ workout in.

I’ve also released the new muscle building foundation 12 week workout (which is the new workout component of adonis 3.0)

Depending on where you’re at in your training this new foundation workout might be the one for you to follow during this contest.

Here are my recommendations:


If you’re a novice to weight training (less than 1 year experience) and you’re primary goal is building muscle (and you have minimal fat to lose) then you might want to use the 12 week muscle building foundation workout.


If you’ve already been through the main Adonis Index program you will likely benefit from moving to our Advanced 12 week ATS workout – This is the workout Rich Sigona used to take second place overall in the last contest.

To see Rich’s results CLICK HERE.

For most other experience levels the main Adonis Index Workout system will be the one to use.

If you’re already using the main system and you’re planning on continuing for the contest, I suggest following the new flow that I have put together for the contest. You can also add a ‘booster’ workout to assist any muscle group that you feel needs extra workout.

Keep in mind that the booster workouts are only meant to be added one at a time for each 4 week cycle. In other words, you’ll likely end up overtraining if you add more than 1 booster workout in any given 4 week cycle.

How To Enter The Contest:

Before pictures:

Front back and side shots, waist up shirt off…include a picture with the current days newspaper in plain view.




Waist circumference

shoulder circumference

These pictures and measurements are the first part.

After pictures and measurements:

On Nov 24th take the same 3 pictures (with the newspaper in plain view in one extra pic)

Same measurements and a 250 word essay about your experience throughout the transformation

Once you submit your before and after pictures, measurements and essay you’re officially in the contest.

So between now and Nov all you need to do is take your before pictures and measurements and get to the gym!

Throughout the next 12 weeks we will be doing coaching calls to help you make the best possible transformation.

In the final week we will also coach you on taking an effective ‘after’ picture so everyone is on a level playing field.

In today’s podcast we’ll cover all of the contest info as well as some information about Adonis 3.0 and the Venus Index program.


Interview With Jason Haynes – Overall Winner

This is the first part of a two part interview with Jason Haynes the overall contest winner of the second Adonis Effect transformation contest.

In this interview we’ll discuss how Jason completed his transformation journey through the second contest and arrived in the best shape of his life. Check out is overall transformation over the past 9 months.

The end of this audio cuts off abruptly because we were having some connection problems.

Here’s the 2nd half of the interview on this post.



You Gotta Go With the Flow

There are multiple levels of knowledge when it comes to any area of study. The major divide being the difference between understanding a theory and applied knowledge.

In the first case you could be well read and studied in a given field but without experience. In this case you may not have the full confidence in what you know to be true.

In the second case (applied knowledge) you both understand the theory and have applied it in a real life setting…this is the formula for building life long confidence and true wisdom.

In todays audio lesson we’ll be talking to the winner of the second Adonis Transformation contest Build category winner Deiderik Masure (aka DD).

DD will be sharing his experiences of the 12 week transformation and how he managed to win his category and what it takes to make a real change in your body.

DD relates how your diet and exercise routines are two separate things and will have their own ups and downs. Having a lousy day on one of them doesn’t mean it must also ruin the other.

One of the major lessons DD learned was that sometimes life is going to throw you a curve ball, but you just gotta go with it and the results will still come.


Change Your Body and Change Your Life

Many things happen to you when you make a dramatic change in your body including:

1. A new level of confidence

2. A shift in your perception of yourself and who you are

3. The presence you will command in any social situation

4. The respect you command from others

5. The things you believe are possible will change

6. Your overall health, vigor and energy

7. The ability to carry the momentum of success into other areas of your life

In this podcast we talk about many of these items with our first place overall Adonis Effect transformation winner Ron Hansen.

Ron shares with us his keys to success and how he won the contest.

We’ll also discuss the difference between working out and training and how every rep of every workout matters.


(p.s. from Brad, if you haven’t seen this video or registered for Wednesday’s teleseminar, go here now ==>Brad Pilon Gains Crazy Lean Mass From 1 Weird Workout… we need to know how many more lines to add to our account as we’ll already went over 2000… thanks!)
