Getting Real Results: Interview with Thomas Power

Working out is just a tool to achieve a desired result or outcome…this is pretty obvious. But when you commit to a workout that isn’t producing the results you want it might not be as easy to change to a new workout as you think.

Adonis Index Transformation Thomas Power Before

Adonis Index Transformation Thomas Power After

Sometimes you might think it’s you that is failing and not the workout itself. Maybe it’s just not a fit for your current training status, or maybe you’ve got the wrong expectations.

In any case, if you’re not getting results, but you’re putting in the effort, then something has got to change. Like Einstein said “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results”.

This is what Thomas had to overcome when he realized his old workout simply wasn’t producing the results he wanted.

One of the most interesting things Thomas said was that he had to ‘swallow his pride and just trust that the Adonis Index Workout would work”.

I find this to be a revealing statement because the workout he had been doing for the previous two years just wasn’t producing the results he wanted, and he was faced with a choice. Either continue doing the old workout and try to force it to work, or take a leap of faith and try the Adonis Index workout.

The rest of the story is history…Thomas finished in the money on our latest contest building a significant amount of muscle.

In todays podcast we discuss the “permission to be light” and how it can free you from the old way of believing that you must ‘gain weight’ and ‘bulk up’ to build muscle.

We’ll also discuss intensity and joining contests to generate motivation.

Adonis Index Transformation Transcript Thomas Power

And finally we’ll talk about embracing what your genetics have. If building muscle comes easy but you struggle with fat loss…well embrace the fact that you can build muscle easily (because the ‘skinny’ guys would kill to build your kind of muscle)

On the other hand if you’re naturally lean but building muscle is a challenge for you, embrace the fact that you can have visible abs without really dieting for them…(the bigger guys would kill to have abs all the time without dying)

The point is the grass is always greener on the other side if you always focus on what you DON’T have…instead you should embrace what you DO have and get to work developing your weaker points.


You can download the transcript here:

Getting Real Results: Interview with Thomas Power


Building Muscle and Losing Fat

Most of us who workout are trying to build muscle, and along with that we’d all like to get rid of some fat too. One of the first and most common questions that comes up next is this:

“Is it possible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time”

The answer depends on what your definition of ‘building muscle’ is.

The look and size of your muscles is a transient state based on how many calories you’re eating, the type of food you eat, the supplements you do or don’t take, the drugs you do or don’t take, and the volume, frequency and intensity of your workouts.

If you change any one of these factors you’re likely going to have some change in the look and size of your muscles.

When it comes to fat loss you must eat less calories than you burn, this might also cause your muscles to be less hydrated (less full looking) than when you’re eating as much as you like. This doesn’t mean you’re losing muscle, it just means that they’ll be more full looking when you go back to eating maintenance.

Keep in mind that a muscle is over 80% water and the hydration status of your muscles plays a big part in how they look on a day to day basis. You can get refresher on what muscle growth is here: WHAT IS MUSCLE GROWTH

The question shouldn’t be: ‘can I build muscle and lose fat at the same time’ but rather ‘what will my muscles look like once I’ve lost the fat’

In todays audio lesson we’ll talk about the factors that go into muscle building and fat loss and why this muscle building vs fat loss question isn’t easy to answer.

We’ll also talk about government regulations on fat loss claims and why you might see and hear different claims online vs on television or in print magazines.

For a refresher on the calories required for weight loss go here: HOW MANY CALORIES TO LOSE WEIGHT


The Adonis Effect – True Accounts With Rich Sigona

If you’ve been listening to or reading our stuff for any length of time you’re likely aware of the concept of “The Adonis Effect” which is the reason we’re all working out and trying to take care of our bodies in the first place.

This effect is both external and internal, is psychological, physical, and psychosocial. It affects you and everyone around you.

The way you look and feel will change the way you see yourself and others, and the way others see you and how they act around you…and its ALL GOOD.

In todays audio lesson we’ll talk to our second place overall winner of the latest Adonis Effect transformation contest, Rich Sigona. One look at Rich’s before and after pictures is worth a lot more than 1000 words!

This is truly an amazing transformation.

We’ll talk to Rich about what it took to get to his new golden form, what it’s taking to stay in this shape since the contest ended and the profound changes it’s had on his life.

Some changes are subtle, some are more dramatic, but it’s all part of the reason we’re working towards our best bodies and it can happen to you too.

This is what it’s all about.


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Muscle Building

The amount of muscle you can build is controlled by multiple factors, the two most important being your genetic starting point and your workout routine.

Your age is the next most important factor.

The specifics of your workout routine including the sets and reps and rest intervals play an important role in determining which routine will work best for you based on your current training status and your goals.

Nutrition and supplementation plays a minor role in muscle building. Adequate calories and how much protein you eat daily are all that is typically needed to ensure maximum results from a muscle building program.

In today’s audio training lesson we’ll discuss the major factors that contribute to your muscle building success.


(transcript: Insider Muscle Building)

Satisfaction With Your Body Starts With the Right Goals

Many people have a desire to change the look and shape of their body, and so they set a new body image goal.

In many cases the goal we choose for our body image is not attainable and should have never been chosen as our goal in the first place…so how do so many of us end up with such unrealistic goals anyway?

We tend to build an image of what we think we ‘should’ look like using pictures of athletes, bodybuilders, fitness models and celebrities. We seem to pool these images into an idealized form we think we can build and then pursue it never once questioning if it’s even possible.  In many cases there is also a specific bodyweight associated with this goal body look.

This however can be a recipe for years of frustration and disappointment if we cannot somehow build the body we thought we could. Once you accept a more realistic and achievable goal, the frustration can disappear and a new sense of calm confidence will set in.

And make no mistake, I’m not talking about a lowered expectation for an unimpressive body. I’m simply talking about realigning the goal of your new body image with reality.

In this podcast we will talk about:

1. Setting realistic goals

2. Why a specific bodyweight should never be your sole goal

3. Why you can’t ‘cheat’ your genetics (with training or diet) and what happens when you try to

4. Focusing on the advantage your genetics gave you instead of the shortcomings

This podcast features an interview with our BUILD category winner Pierre Farine who will teach us many of these lessons and more.

Pierre also shares an extraordinary thing that happened to him during his transformation.


Muscle Building Supplements – Creatine is King

There are lots of different muscle building supplements available on the market and you could easily spend $100-$200 per month on them.

But which ones are worth the money and which ones are a waste of money?

This podcast gets to the bottom of the muscle building supplement story.

