In light of the recent AT11 Contest, I felt compelled to add the latest installment of the Golden Eye for the Adonis Guy series.
Today’s Topic: Marrying the Numbers to Your Picture
The AT11 contest entries yet again challenged the beliefs of what was believed possible to achieve in a mere 12 weeks. Nevertheless, the contestants of AT11 provided some valuable feedback from their transformational journeys. As you may recall from Monday’s post, contestants were judged in a total of five equally weighted categories:
1- Final Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR) – 20%
2- AGR Transformation (Delta) Change -20%
3- Weight Loss (LBS) – 20%
4- Muscularity- 20%
5- Aesthetics/Photogenic Quality – 20%
Here is an example of charted numbers in each category:
The Scoring Metric above serves as a great benchmark tool for quantifying your overall transformation. However, this is only part of the equation…
Although, you may be familiar with the phrase, “The Numbers Don’t Lie,” there is another quote that states, “Statistics are No Substitute for Judgment.” In the AT11 Contest, the numbers told the truth for the majority of the contestants, however as the last quote stated, mere facts alone were not a substitute for “Visual Assessment.” How you present yourself on camera with both confidence and proper posing is critical to balancing the equation.
Marrying the Numbers to Your Picture
For the first time in tangible form we’ve now been able to identify both the “Science and Art” of a transformational contest. John Barban summed up our finding best by simply saying, “marry the numbers to your picture.”
In conclusion, your numbers are helpful metrics to keep you guided in a logical 12-week transformation process. However, a “Visual Assessment” should marry to your numbers and help to root the emotions of how you actually look, with the logic of what your measurements are telling you. Ways to improve upon your “Visual Assessment” is to take progress pics and practice posing which in return build confidence.
Stay Tuned for Monday’s Post as we’ll be revealing a “Special Awards” category to the AT11 Contest!
Yours in fitness,
Allen Elliott