The Adonis Transformation Contest AT-15 Will Start on September 1, 2014

Would you like to achieve the same success as these previous Adonis Transformation contest winners? You definitely can do it too – at any age!

Would you like to achieve the same success as these previous Adonis Transformation contest winners? You definitely can do it too – at any age!


The Adonis Transformation Contest AT-15 Will Start on September 1, 2014

We will accept contest entries starting on September 1, 2014. The deadline for entering your before pictures will be Midnight Eastern Time on September 8, 2014.

The pictures must be taken between between September 1 and September 8, 2014. The newspaper front page picture must be taken during the same photo session.

Before you enter please read the contest instructions:

Click here –> Contest instructions, rules, and regulations <– Click here

Note: The contest dashboard is only open during the

week of September 1-8, 2014

Here are the steps to enter AT-15:

1)      Login to you online Adonis account

2)      Click on the “Tracker” menu



3)      Click on the “Contest Dashboard” button


4)      Click on the green “Join Contest” button



5)      Drag and Drop your contest pictures



6)      Scroll down and enter your measurements with the drop down arrows



7)      Click on the blue “Start Contest” button



8)      You are successfully entered when you see the green letters that say “Before photos uploaded”



You will receive a confirmation email after September 8, 2014 if you carefully followed the contest instructions.

If you completed all 8 steps but did not carefully follow the contest instructions you will not receive a confirmation email and you may have to wait to enter the next contest.  Please carefully read the contest instructions before you enter the contest.

Checkout the winners of our previous contests.

GET EXCITED!! The Adonis Golden Ratio 12 week transformation contest is the first step in your Adonis Lifestyle journey!


Email me if you have any problems or questions entering the contests:

Stay Safe & Train Hard!

your brother in Iron,


  • Adonis/Venus Index Transformation Coach
  • Editor-In-Chief, Adonis Index Blog
  • AI Community/Forum Administrator

My Adonis Index Transformation Story

Would you like some extra help and accountability? Click here to visit the Adonis Premiere Coaching Page 
 “It’s Not a Competition, It’s a lifestyle!” 

When Abundance Abounds…Shred Season Begins

Today’s post is two-fold.  It is both a reflection of the Summer Season,with the conclusion of contest AT-14. Also, returning to the regular line-up,  the latest installment of the new “Coaches Corner” with Jason Haynes.


Shred Season: The Final Countdown of AT14

Shred Season: The Final Countdown of AT14

Enter the Shredder: Final Countdown of AT14

In the last remaining days of AT14 it’s imperative that you maintain your pursuit towards that  “Golden” transformation.   Many will be making there final preparations this weekend or have already done so.

Contest Photo Submissions for AT14 will be due no later than Monday August 11th at midnight Eastern Standard Time.  AT14 is trending to be our largest competition to date based on the number of contest entries.

For many contestants, this is the first workout program that you’ve followed consistently.  Thank you for your commitment to the Adonis Golden Ratio Program and more importantly for your commitment to your own personal goals.

The time of this particular contest in conjunction with the summer months have been unofficially proclaimed to be the “Shred Season.”  Many people begin to shred not only their clothes, but their diets in order to hit the beach looking there very best.

Win or lose, remember that your transformation is a personal achievement and you should be very proud of your accomplishment.

In a previous post, I discussed the Four Key Ingredient necessary in order to become “Photo-Shoot Ready” on command.  Those ingredients are:

1. Conditioning

2. Posing

3. Tanning

4. Photography/Lighting

Keeping these concepts in mind will help you capture some amazing images of your new & improved physique.

In conclusion, to all my brothers in Iron, I hope your enjoying living the Adonis Lifestyle and to those contestants in AT14, come August 11th, I look forward to congratulating you on your transformation!

If you have any questions on the contest email me at:


Abundance Abounds

To continue the series, our topic  comes from none other than Adonis Transformation Coach and AGR Pioneer, Jason Haynes.

First, let me apologize for my absence and lack of blogs these days.  We have re-located internationally and as many of you may realize, that is NO small task…and with everything that it includes, some things naturally get put off until a later time.

But, I’m back and while FAR from settled in, 75% of all the major things have been handled and thus more time is available for writing.

So the last few weeks have been a hectic mess as we settle into life in the US after moving from Asia where I had lived for the previous ten years.  While there were a myriad of challenges and hurdles to overcome while living in Asia, abundance and ease of accessibility to food was NOT among them.

Indeed, in terms of food, nutrition, and drinks, we led a rather simple life simply because of what was available to us.  We ate lots of oatmeal (with protein powder thrown in), eggs, rice, noodles, pork , yogurt and vegetables.  We ix-nayed on the high calorie cakes and comfort foods simply because they were not easily accessible and, quite frankly, most of them didn’t appeal to me (or taste that good…I mean, no offense if you like them, but shrimp flavored potato chips simply have never “done” it for me…and the bakery cakes were simply too spongey).

So, because of these reasons, getting lean and staying that way was quite simple…I would almost say it was easy.  With the exception of a bi-weekly trip into downtown where we would indulge in a stuffed-crust pizza, everything was pretty standard in our household, meal-wise.

Weekly we would buy enough “fresh” meat from the market (or wet market), some frozen dumplings, and some other staples.  We’d buy fresh eggs almost every 3 days (we would go through 24 of them in about that amount of time), and fruit and vegetables daily.

Yes, we lived in the boondocks, BTW.

So when I used to hear John Barban or Brad Pilon talking about just how abundant and ultra-convenient food is here in the US and Canada, I could totally see and understand it although the true depth of that truth was impossible to grasp.

That is, until I got back home.

I have only been here about 28 days, but I can totally see what they saw…and what many of you ( and now me, too) have to deal with in terms of struggles with the super abundance and ultra convenience of the modern world.

I mean…wow.  Walking into a 7-11 for the first time in 10 years was a jaw-drawing experience.  I just went in for a coffee…a simple cup of unsweetened black Joe…and I froze in my tracks as there were what seemed like a dozen choices….and some of them seem downright odd (I mean:  I truly enjoy blueberries, and indeed they are probably my favorite fruit, but…blueberry coffee??  Really?).  The next sight I saw was what appeared to be a 20 ounce Red Bull, but I could NOT have seen that right…I mean..sheesh.

Walking to the cooler, I was greeted by a 4-pack of pre-made Muscle Milk in small, individual serving bottles. If I remember right, it was $7 for 2 bottles.  I remember doing the math at that time…to buy the pre-made stuff once a day every day would cost 3-5x more than just buying a 5lb bottle and mixing it yourself, depending where you bought your 5lb bottle, of course.

But hey, if you can afford it and want to throw money away…it is crazy convenient.

And that is just talking about convenience…but what about abundance???


I could go on and on about just how ABUNDANT calories are here…and high calories at that!  With the amount of choices and the accessibility to food, it is no WONDER there is an obesity epidemic.

Don’t get me wrong…there are MANY wonderful and healthy food choices available.   Personally, I have taken a liking to something suggested to me on the Adonis Forums:  greek yogurt mixed with a certain brand of chunky applesauce and some cinnamon.   Same amount of protein as a standard 30g scoop of protein, basically, with minimal caloric differences.  I’ve also re-discovered old favorites I have not eaten for YEARS such as cottage cheese.

shred season-2

“Abundance Abounds in our Western Culture… Second only to Convenience.” – Jason Haynes


But I must, as I assume everyone struggles with, not allow the abundance and convenience of what is available to me to cause me to stray off target with my nutrition.  Yes, I have some leeway and also some “tricks” that any and every AGR client is encouraged to follow, but it is SO easy to fall into the caloric pit that access to tasty food can trap even the most diligent and strong-willed golden physique maintainer can fall into.

It is something we all must learn “on the fly.”  We also must learn to adapt as needed. We must not allow the abundance and convenience of the foods that are so tempting to overindulge in lure us away from our path of achieving and/or maintaining that golden physique.

All of this is pretty much standard fare for those guys who hang around the Adonis Forums for long enough.  Lots of tips and tricks are freely shared there as well. If you are an AGR client, I highly recommend you go and check it out.  If a forum search does not produce the results you are looking for, then post a topic.

Similarly, if you are looking for a dedicated coach to help you design your training and nutrition needs….someone who has done it successfully for himself and maintained his success, then check out the AGR Premiere Coaching program.

Train Hard, train smart.



The Adonis Transformation Contest AT-14 Will Start on May 19, 2014

Would you like to achieve the same success as these previous Adonis Transformation contest winners? You definitely can do it too – at any age!

Would you like to achieve the same success as these previous Adonis Transformation contest winners? You definitely can do it too – at any age!

The Adonis Transformation Contest AT-14 starts on May 19, 2014

We will accept contest entries starting on May 19, 2014. The deadline for entering your before pictures will be Midnight Eastern Time on May 26, 2014.

The pictures must be taken between between May 19th and May 26th, 2014. The newspaper front page picture must be taken during the same photo session.


Before you enter please read the contest instructions


Click here –> Contest instructions, rules, and regulations <– Click here

Note: The contest dashboard is only open during the

week of May 19-26, 2014

Here are the steps to enter AT14:

1)      Login to you online Adonis account

2)      Click on the “Tracker” menu

Step 1 Click on Tracker

 3)      Click on the “Contest Dashboard” button

Step 2 Click on Contest Dashboard

4)      Click on the green “Join Contest” button

Cliick on green Join Contest button

5)      Drag and Drop your contest pictures

Step 3 Drag and Drop Pictures

6)      Scroll down and enter your measurements with the drop down arrows

Step 4 Scroll down and use drop down arrows to enter metrics

7)      Click on the blue “Start Contest” button

Step 5 Click the Blue Start Contest button

8)      You are successfully entered when you see the green letters that say “Before photos uploaded”

Sucess - You are in the contest

You will receive a confirmation email after May 27, 2014 if you carefully followed the contest instructions.

If you completed all 8 steps but did not carefully follow the contest instructions you will not receive a confirmation email and you may have to wait to enter the next contest.  Please carefully read the contest instructions before you enter the contest.

Checkout the winners of our previous contests.

GET EXCITED!! The Adonis Golden Ratio 12 week transformation contest is the first step in your Adonis Lifestyle journey!

Stay Safe & Train Hard!

your brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott | Adonis/Venus Index Transformation Coach

P.S. Email me if you have any problems or questions entering the contests:

AT13: 30 Days and a Wake Up!

The title of today’s post, comes from a “phrase” inspired by my military background.  Often time tasks were given to us and they had a deadline in which they were to be accomplished.

To help instill not only a sense of urgency, but teamwork and accountability we’d often remind one another how many days we had left  to accomplish the mission.

In the last remaining weeks of AT13 it’s imperative that you maintain your pursuit towards that  “Golden” transformation.  I’ve often heard the transformation contest described as a “Marathon” with a series of sprints.  Today’s post will strive to ensure that you are keeping pace and that you’ll have enough “fuel in the tank” to sprint to the end in order to present your best physique.

The Final Countdown of AT13 Has Begun!

The Clock is Ticking! The Final Countdown of AT13 Has Begun!

Contest Photo Submissions for AT13 will be due no later than Monday April 14th at Midnight Eastern Standard Time.  AT13 is trending to be our largest competition to date based on the number of contest entries.

For many contestants, this is the first workout program that you’ve followed consistently.  Thank you for your commitment to the Adonis Golden Ratio Program and more importantly for your commitment to your own personal goals. Win or lose, remember that your transformation is a personal achievement and you should be very proud of your accomplishment.

In a previous post, I discussed the Four Key Ingredient necessary in order to become “Photo-Shoot Ready” on command.  Those ingredients are:

1. Conditioning

2. Posing

3. Tanning

4. Photography/Lighting

Keeping these concepts in mind will help you capture some amazing images of your new & improved physique.

In conclusion, to all my brothers in Iron, I hope you’re enjoying the Adonis Lifestyle journey and to those contestants in AT13, come April 14th, I look forward to congratulating you on your transformation!

Stay Safe, Train Hard, and enjoy the weekend!

TGIF (The Goal Is Fitness)

your’s in fitness,

Allen Elliott | Adonis Golden Ratio Ambassador

The 13th Adonis Transformation Contest starts TODAY!

The 13th Adonis Transformation contest (AT13) starts today!

The 13th Adonis Transformation contest (AT13) starts today!


The 13th Adonis Transformation Contest starts TODAY!

We will accept contest entries starting on January 20, 2014. The deadline for entering your before pictures will be Midnight Eastern Time on January 27, 2014.

The pictures must be taken between between January 20th and January 27th, 2014. The newspaper front page picture must be taken during the same photo session.


Before you enter please read the contest instructions


Click here –> Contest instructions, rules, and regulations <– Click here

Note: The contest dashboard is only open during the

week of Jan 20-27, 2014

Here is the link to an earlier post showing steps for contest entry:




You will receive a confirmation email after January 28, 2014 if you carefully followed the contest instructions.

If you completed all 8 steps but did not carefully follow the contest instructions you will not receive a confirmation email and you may have to wait to enter the next contest.  Please carefully read the contest instructions before you enter the contest.

Checkout the winners of our previous contests.

This is your chance to throw your hat in the ring and be part of something
special. It’s time to make a change, a big time change in your body and
your life!

Stay Safe & Train Hard!

-Allen Elliott

PS Email me if you have any problems or questions entering the contests.


The Adonis Transformation Contest AT-13 Will Start on January 20th 2014

would you like to achieve the same success as these previous Adonis Transformation contest winners? You definitely can do it too – at any age!

Would you like to achieve the same success as these previous Adonis Transformation contest winners? You definitely can do it too – at any age!


The Adonis Transformation Contest AT-13 starts on January 20, 2014

We will accept contest entries starting on January 20, 2014. The deadline for entering your before pictures will be Midnight Eastern Time on January 27, 2014.

The pictures must be taken between between January 20th and January 27th, 2014. The newspaper front page picture must be taken during the same photo session.


Before you enter please read the contest instructions



Click here –> Contest instructions, rules, and regulations <– Click here

Note: The contest dashboard is only open during the

week of Jan 20-27, 2014

Here are the steps to enter AT13:

1)      Login to you online Adonis account

2)      Click on the “Tracker” menu

Step 1 Click on Tracker

 3)      Click on the “Contest Dashboard” button

Step 2 Click on Contest Dashboard

4)      Click on the green “Join Contest” button

Cliick on green Join Contest button

5)      Drag and Drop your contest pictures

Step 3 Drag and Drop Pictures

6)      Scroll down and enter your measurements with the drop down arrows

Step 4 Scroll down and use drop down arrows to enter metrics

7)      Click on the blue “Start Contest” button

Step 5 Click the Blue Start Contest button

8)      You are successfully entered when you see the green letters that say “Before photos uploaded”

Sucess - You are in the contest

You will receive a confirmation email after January 28, 2014 if you carefully followed the contest instructions.

If you completed all 8 steps but did not carefully follow the contest instructions you will not receive a confirmation email and you may have to wait to enter the next contest.  Please carefully read the contest instructions before you enter the contest.

Checkout the winners of our previous contests.

The Adonis Golden Ratio 12 week contest is the first step in your Adonis Lifestyle journey!

Stay Safe & Train Hard!

-Allen Elliott

PS Email me if you have any problems or questions entering the contests.
