“The Golden Birthday Gift” Interview with AT10 Winner Mike Cerantola

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 10th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today we get to hear from Mike Cerantola who placed 10th in our last 12-Week Transformation contest.

Mike’s Transformation Journey begans when he received a severe “wake-up call” from his doctor.  He was 18 at the time and had just weighed in 315 pounds.  Prompted to take action he began to look for weight loss solutions.  Bound and determined, he found results in playing a popular video game called “Dance Dance Revolution.”  His results were uncanny, he lost more than 85 pounds in about 3 months!

However it wasn’t until one year ago,  when Mike would receive his “Golden Birthday Gift.”  He was first introduced to the Adonis Golden Ratio by a fellow “Sister in Iron”  Jessie T, VT6 contest winner from  the Venus Index.

Mike picked up the Muscle Building Foundation and Eat Stop Eat Plans and catapulted his transformation even further than he could imagine.  Scroll down to listen to how Mike was able to make more progress in one year compared to the previous seven!

Check-Out Mike’s AT10 Pictures:

Mike Cerantola - AT10 10th Place - Before Photos

Mike Cerantola – AT10 10th Place – Before Photos


Michael Cerantola - AT10 10th Place - Transformation Image

Michael Cerantola – AT10 10th Place – Transformation Image


Michael Cerantola - AT10 10th Place - After Photos

Michael Cerantola – AT10 10th Place – After Photos

Mike’s Transformation Essay:

AT10 was a completely different shift of mentality from AT9.  I spent most of my time  focusing on making my training and gym times a fun habit instead of viewing going to the gym as an ‘errand’, or ‘chore’.  I had no problem adapting to that,unfortunately I did not place.

I realized that even though I was pushing it really hard in the gym, I had gotten cocky and stopped using myfitnesspal to count calories and just assumed “yeah yeah, I’m always between 1500-1800”. I became the victim instead of the victor. AT10 was all about keeping my diet in check, adapting ESE to fit with my lifestyle and schedule.

Coming from a 315 lb background where I used to eat well over 3-4k cals a day, cutting from 1500 to 1300 and finally to 1000 for the last 3-4 weeks was probably one of the most difficult ongoing mental battles of my overall transformation. It’s easy to “auto-pilot” to the gym and then you’re there so you do your workout, but it is very difficult to “auto-pilot” not eating when you’re at home, not keeping too occupied, and having a mind that always thinks and reverts to food.

After placing in AT10 I am reflecting on this experience with the knowledge, willpower, and dedication to not fall off the bandwagon. I reached my golden waist, I have gotten used to eating ~1300/day, and now my next journey is maintaining my waist while slowly developing an extra 3 inches in my shoulders, which should take a couple of years.

I placed a quick before and after side-by-side from 1 year ago to my 1st day of AI 3.0, compared to now, and I am proud to say that I have achieved a level of physique that does not make me anywhere remotely near as self conscious as I used to be. The Adonis Lifestyle has changed my life.

I feel I’ve began to develop good habits that I will use as a takeaway and apply to the remainder of my lifestyle…Leanness is awesomeness!


Mike’s Transformation Interview:

See below to listen to Mike’s transformation podcast interview:

The “Muscle Hustle” Experience! Interview with AT10 Winner Tim Heaton

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 10th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today we get to examine the “Lessons Learned” from Tim Heaton who placed 9th in our last 12-Week Transformation contest.

As Tim states in his essay, he is no stranger to hard work. In just 12 short weeks Tim was able to add a significant amount of  “muscle” with the help of his “hustle” mentality.

Coming from a diverse background in both SCUBA diving and marathon training, Tim launched his AT10 journey with a clear goal in mind.  That goal simply was to progress from start to finish.

For a visual journey of Tim’s 12 contest weeks which consisted of: developing focus, overcoming obstacles, and achieving desirable results, simply check-out Tim’s AT10 Pictures:

Tim Heaton - AT10 9th Place - Before Photos

Tim Heaton – AT10 9th Place – Before Photos


Tim Heaton - AT10 9th Place -Transformation Image

Tim Heaton – AT10 9th Place -Transformation Image


Tim Heaton - AT10 9th Place - After Photos

Tim Heaton – AT10 9th Place – After Photos

Tim’s Transformation Essay:

When entering the contest, I had no intentions of winning anything, or placing in the Top 10. This was only meant as a way to progress from start to finish, with a clear goal in sight. Having been an active person throughout my life, I was no stranger to hard work and intensity in training, although I found many obstacles to overcome. From 24-hour fasts and tracking of all food intake, to 6-day-per week weight-training sessions that lasted up to 2 ½ hours, I found the twelve week process more intense than training for a marathon.

In contrast to marathon training, I look better, I feel much better, and most important…I am injury free! After trying a multitude of strength-training protocols and sport-specific systems, many years went by in frustration at not being able to achieve a lean muscular body. I have had more change in the last twelve weeks than ever before. After three years away from ANY kind of training, working on SCUBA-dive boats in the Caribbean, I started the AI program on 13 Dec 2013. I went from Muscle Building Foundation (MBF) to Final Phase. These, along with the other protocols within the system, all seem to be sustainable, incorporating things that work to gain an incredible physique AND strength, yet changes often enough to keep one from getting bored.

But, the biggest surprise and change came from nutrition and fasting. I have learned more about these two things than I ever thought possible. This aspect, especially, has changed my life forever. Sure, I will still eat chocolate, drink red wine, eat a burger & fries or pizza, and indulge in ice cream, but over the days, weeks and months, it will not happen as often (except for the chocolate and red wine – ok ice cream, too). I am truly impressed with the knowledge and support of the AGR/AI community.

I utilized the Forum to gain insight into training philosophy and nutrition from real people who have gone through the process before. The podcasts and information available from the Adonis Index system provided information AND inspiration to keep me dedicated to giving myself a healthy, strong and lean body, along with a well-rounded mindset to train smarter. THANK YOU!!


Tim’s Top Five Lessons Learned:

  1. Muscle Building Foundation is a great place establish a baseline for you AI goals.
  2. The 12-Week Transformation process was more intense than Marathon training.  The only difference is I LOOK and FEEL much better!
  3. 24-Hour Food Fasts and Tracking of my caloric intake, helped keep me accountable to my nutrition goals
  4. Utilize the AGR forum gain additional insight and training philosophy from real people who have already gone through the transformation process.
  5. Listen to the podcast and read the blog posts to remain informed and inspired.

How Low Can You Go? Interview with AT10 Winner Saul Celis

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 10th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today John talks to Saul Celis  who placed 8th in our last 12-Week Transformation contest. Saul explains to John his motivation for joining the contest. After realizing that at 193 lbs and 33% body-fat, change was in order; he diligently began to search for answers.  A testament to Saul’s transformation described in his own words is, “I’ve achieved in 12 weeks what I couldn’t do in 4-years!”

Saul found a fellow member in the community who resembled his body shape and began to set goals during his transformation.  His turning point came when he gave himself permission to be light, and began to lose weight in order to reach his Golden Ratio.

Scroll down to tune into the podcast and find out how Saul was able to attain his “Enter the Dragon” look.

But first, check-out  Saul’s AT10 Pictures:

Saul Celis - AT10 8th Place- Before Photos

Saul Celis – AT10 8th Place- Before Photos


Saul Celis - AT10 1st Place - Transformation Image

Saul Celis – AT10 1st Place – Transformation Image

Saul Celis - AT10 8th Place - After Photos

Saul Celis – 8th Place – After Photos

Saul’s Transformation Essay:

I was 193 pounds at 5’5” because of my “addiction” to video games. I played on average 5hrs on weekdays and 16+ hrs on the weekend. A co-worker of mine suggested we start working out. I use to work out in my twenties after I finished my time in the Army. I thought no problem I need to take care of my health. I’m 36 years old and obese. We checked out LA Fitness and signed up. A personal trainer gave me my measurements and I discovered I was at 33% body fat.

That literally meant one third of me was fat. I began my fitness journey  by following basic exercises for upper and lower body, along with a standard cardio routine. I worked out for six months and only lost three pounds. I knew what I was doing wasn’t working. I ended up watching some videos on youtube and that is where I found John Barban, Vince DelMonte, and Patrick McGuire talking about an Empowered nutrition meal plans. I purchased it and saw results pretty quick.

I was losing a pound a week and was really happy about the way things were going. I got down to 155lb and that’s when everything started going wrong. I started listening to people telling me I was getting to skinny. The co-worker I started going to the gym introduce me to a workout called permanent muscle by Ruben Bajada where I “learned” the bulk method. I started that and ballooned back up to 165. I keep telling myself once I’m bigger I know how to slim down again. In the back of my mind I remember looking at the Adonis Index. So I looked into in and it didn’t make sense to me because the principle was the direct opposite of bulking.

Nevertheless, I concluded that you can’t build a house without materials. So I purchased Vince’s stuff, then Kyle’s, then Joel’s, Dave Ruel’s recipe’s which I actually still use. I finally purchased Adonis Golden Ratio but then MI40 came out and I put it on the back burner. I gave myself the permission to be fat again and used bulking as an excuse. I listened to a lot of scientific podcasts and thought let me see if there are any good fitness podcast. I found the Adonis podcast and started listening. Everything finally made sense! I realized that the body stores fat for future needs. I was always scared if I didn’t eat I would lose the hard earned muscle (fat) that I gain. I started MBF and was losing a pound a week using the free advice you guys gave away on the podcast (fasting) lol. When I began the program my weight was 170 in September 2012. When the contest started I was down to 142. I joined contest AT10 for motivation, I never really thought I would get down to 123lb and about 8 to 9% body fat. It was the hardest easiest thing I have ever done but well worth it.


Saul’s Transformation Interview:

See below to listen to Saul’s transformation podcast interview:

It’s All DeGood! Interview with AT10 Winner Mike Degood

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 10th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today John talks to Mike Degood who placed 6th in our last 12-Week Transformation contest.  Mike has a story similar to most, he grew up working out  but never really attained the ideal physique of working out.  Granted even as an adult  he continued to follow his passion for fitness by becoming a personal trainer and his wife  a sports nutritionist.  Nevertheless, it wasn’t until he  began following the diet /workout principles of “Eat Stop Eat” &  AGR that his goal of gaining lean muscle mass was realized and John Barban claimed Mike’s Physique as being “Competition Ready!”.

Scroll down to listen to his podcast interview and find out when it comes to lean muscle mass, why Mike is, ” All “DeGood!”

But  first, check-out  Mike’s AT10 Pictures:


Michael DeGood - AT10  6th Place - Before Photos

Michael DeGood – AT10 6th Place – Before Photos


 Mike Degood- AT10-Transformation Image

Mike Degood- AT10-Transformation Image


Michael DeGood - AT10  6th Place - After Photos

Michael DeGood – AT10 6th Place – After Photos


Mike’s Transformation Essay:

I’ve been working out ever since high school with minimal results. There is a myriad of reasons why I didn’t get the results I was after, which was tremendous gains in  lean muscle mass. If it wasn’t my nutrition being completely off, it was my workout regimen being unspecific, my intensity levels to low, improper rest, you name it I screwed it up.
Now, over twenty years later I have finally started to get the results I’ve been working out practically my whole life for. I was introduced to The Adonis Index through Kyle Leon’s Somanabolic Weight Training (another fine workout regimen). He had an interview with John Barban and they talked about the idea of ideal proportions, it totally made sense to me in fact if gave words to the REASON I worked out. Never before had someone made a workout geared specifically toward an ideal proportion. Most workouts are either to lean you out or bulk you up.
So, in the beginning I only bought the 3.0 module, because I was skeptical. I should also add that I’m a certified personal trainer and a strength and conditioning coach and my girlfriend is a sports nutritionist, so we are not new to physical fitness. After doing the strength and endurance cycle and reading ‘Eat Stop Eat’ I started to notice small changes happening. The first thing was my waist began to shrink and my arms and shoulders grew half an inch, and from there I was hooked.
Entering the contest was more of a way to keep me in the gym than it was anything else, I didn’t think I stood a chance of placing. I took the Immersion Prize for placing and I’m doing the Category three workout now. I will always strive to find new and exciting ways of shredding muscle to grow new and improved muscle, but up to this point I’ll have to say the Adonis Golden Ratio has been my absolute favorite workout and my” go-to regimen” for guys who train with me and want to put on lean muscle mass.


Mike’s Transformation Interview:

See below to listen to Mike’s transformation podcast interview:

His Photos Cost Him 100 Pounds: Interview with AT10 Winner Kris Wragg

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 10th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today John talks to Kris Wragg who placed 5th in our last 12-Week Transformation contest.

Truth be told, Kris is no stranger to the principles of AGR. He had been following the principles of Eat Stop Eat  for quite sometime before he made the decision to begin AGR workouts.  Kris had seen great results from intermittent fasting but realized in order to take his physique from what he called “skinny-fat” to “amazingly defined” a transformation contest would prove most helpful.

Kris also shares insights on he developed his homemade,  yet “Professional-Level” images for under 100 pounds.

Check out  Kris’s AT10 Pictures:

Kris Wragg - 5th Place - Before Photos

Kris Wragg – AT10 5th Place – Before Photos

Kris Wragg- AT10-Transformation Image

Kris Wragg- AT10-Transformation Image


Kris Wragg - AT10 5th Place - After Photos

Kris Wragg – AT10 5th Place – After Photos


Kris’s Transformation Essay:

When I started AT10 I was just finishing off MBF and then I moved on to the category 3 workouts. Throughout the competition I followed the calories suggested by the AGR calculator and shed quite a lot of fat in the first 6 weeks, after that it slowed down a bit and towards the end I added in a bit of cardio in the last few weeks to try and maintain steady weight loss.

I found the fat loss fairly easy, some weeks were harder than others trying to maintain the calorie allowances, especially with social events, but generally I compensated with a fast day and my weekly average balanced out. Between me and my girlfriend we managed to create lots of tasty low calorie meals and even tasty high protein desserts for treats, I’ve especially been enjoying some homemade protein flapjacks with chocolate on.

The workouts were fairly hard going and I added in a chest booster in the middle as this seems to be a lagging part for me. I really enjoyed the Fibonacci pyramids although they were extremely tough and took a long time setting up adjustable dumbbells. I thought the workouts were pretty well rounded and hit the whole body hard but evenly.

Overall I am extremely pleased with my transformation over the last 12 weeks, my girlfriend has been doing the Venus competition and we have both made great changes to our bodies in the short period of time. We are off on holiday in a few weeks and we will both be looking fantastic in our swimwear thanks to our hard work.


Kris’s Transformation Interview:

See below to listen to Kris’s transformation podcast interview:


The Battle of Perception: Interview with AT10 Winner Paul Tomlinson

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 10th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today John talks to Paul Tomlinson who placed 4th in our last 12-Week Transformation contest.

Paul, a military fitness instructor was first introduced to  AGR when we met at at fitness workshop.  Recovering from an injury suffered during CrossFit, he was looking for a way to satisfy his “competitive edge” without the “wear & tear” of previous programs he had followed.

When I first  introduced  the  philosophy and workout concepts of  AGR with Paul he was skeptical, yet OPEN-MINDED.  As you’ll hear in his interview, he literally did a full-scale investigation of the AGR program including, measurements, training logs, body-fat analysis, etc.

However, when he finally conquered “The Battle of Perception”  he mentally embraced the transformation process.  Building positive habits, and following the workouts as instructed set the stage for some amazing results.  Scroll to the bottom of the page to listen to Paul’s interview.

But first, check out  Paul’s AT10 Pictures:

Paul Tomlinson - AT10 4th Place - Before Photos

Paul Tomlinson – AT10 4th Place – Before Photos


Paul Tomlinson Transformation Image

Paul Tomlinson – AT10 Transformation Image

Paul Tomlinson - AT10 4th Place - After Photos

Paul Tomlinson – AT10 4th Place – After Photos


Paul’s Transformation Essay:

Coming into this challenge I have to say I was quite skeptical. First, because I have been in the gym for 20 years and the only time I have seen any significant changes in my physique has been when I amped up my training to 2+ hrs/day, 5+ days/week. Second, I am a single father, of a 5 yr old, teaching for the Air Force, taking online classes for my degree, and still trying to be a Scouting leader and an active participant in a men’s small group.

Where was I going to fit in the extra time for the gym? Furthermore, I wasn’t willing or in a position to follow a body builder diet plan. What I have learned has really opened my eyes to my own personal fitness and self outlook. I work out less than I did last year (3-4 days/week, using lighter weights), have made small, simple changes to my diet (definitely not what I thought it would be) and find myself in better health today than I have been in over 20 years.

Before this transformation I was seeing a chiropractor once a week to manage pain and numbness from two bulging discs, pressuring the sciatic nerve. Today, I have no pain and only see the chiropractor once every 3-4 weeks. I feel so much more energized than I have in a long time, not to mention, much more confident. Thanks to AGR, at 44 I feel, and look, more like a 24 yr old.


Paul’s Transformation Interview:

To listen to Paul’s transformation podcast interview:

