PLAN AHEAD: 2014 marches on and it’s time to get ready for some exciting upcoming event in the Adonis Community
Count Down To AT13
The First Contest of the Year Starts on January 20, 2014
The next contest will be the Adonis Transformation Contest AT-13. This starts on January 20, 2014 and will end on April 14, 2014
Contests are a great motivator for some people. You can also “shadow” a contest which is not actually submitting an entry but following along during the same 12 weeks.
Many people use the online community for support during the contest, or during their “shadow contest”.
There are also many challenges created by community members; these are informal mini contests where Adonis community members pool together prizes and have fun cheering each other on.
Competition Amongst Contest Entries Has Been Fierce!
As more men enter the contests, the bar is getting set very high so think about entering a contest during a time of the year when you might be close to reaching your Adonis goals. The contest judges will evaluate final entries based on the following factors:
1- Weight Loss (LBS)
2- Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR) Transformation Change
3- Final AGR Score
4- Muscularity
5- Aesthetics/Photogenic Quality
The judges need to see these changes in the pictures so it’s important that both before and after pictures are in focus and taken at appropriate angles and with good lighting (selfies don’t do this well). Take the time to to use a camera with a timer or have someone with a steady hand take the pictures.
We typically run three contests a year. After AT-13 is complete there will be two additional contests this year:
AT-14 Starts May 12, 2014 and ends August 4, 2014
AT-15 Starts September 1, 2014 and ends November 24, 2014
Look forward to AT-12 interview podcasts in the weeks to come
In the upcoming weeks we can look forward to the Adonis Transformation Contest AT-12 interview podcasts being posted every Monday. This is where we will hear the first hand stories from the winners and what helped them with their success. We will hear about their struggles, lessons learned, obstacles overcome, and their words of wisdom. For most of us these stories are very motivating. We can learn something new from each story.
Not only will you hear the motivating stories; John also includes tidbits of coaching and advice that pertain to the stories. Usually we find this information reassuring or can use it to change our own strategy for success.
Look forward to a new workout of the month
You can look forward to seeing a new workout released each month. We’ve got some really fun and interesting series coming out based on your continued requests and feedback. It’s going to be an exciting year.
New Year, Same Drive. What keeps you motivated to achieve your goals?
This will be different for each person. You may already know what keeps you motivated or you may need to experiment to find out. Some people like our contests and others may like our fun community challenges. Some may have a wedding or important life event to look forward to. If you’re still searching for motivation to pursue your goals, here are some additional questions you may want to ask yourself:
Who do you know that can support you in making this transition to live a healthy and fit lifestyle?
What prompted you to want to make these changes?
When would you like to start this process and when do you expect to see results?
Where else have you looked for advice or found helpful information?
How do you think the transformation process will affect your current schedule and responsibilities?
One thing to keep in mind regarding support and motivation is this year we have an Adonis meet up in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA planned. As iron sharpens iron, there have been several long-lasting relationships developed within the Adonis Community. This meet-up will be a great opportunity to enjoy in the camaraderie and fellowship of like-minded people.
Thanks for your Vote!
You may recall earlier last year that I was nominated into the Top 20 as “Semi-Finalist” in the 2014 BodySpace Spokesmodel Search, hosted by Bodybuilding.com
I’m happy to announce that thanks to your support by way of votes, I was selected as a Top 10 Finalist. I will go on to compete in the Finalist Competition at the LA Fitness Expo January 21-26. This was a dream turned into reality thanks to the continued support from my brothers in iron. I’ll definitely have some updates to share upon my return and am thrilled to be an ambassador for the “Adonis Lifestyle” on a national platform such as this.

“Top 10 Finalist Have Been Chosen! Thanks for helping make this dream a reality.” – Allen Elliott aka “Captain Healthy”
Wrapping up
Last but not least, we’ve got a surprise down the road for those of who have asked for some EXTRA accountability… more on that very soon.
Stay tuned, The year is young and we’re just getting started!
your brother in Iron,
Allen Elliott | Adonis Golden Ratio Ambassador