Can You Be Addicted to Food? Uncensored Podcast

How can we overcome being addicted to food?

How can we overcome being addicted to food?


Can you be addicted to food?

What about marketing and engineered foods?

How can we overcome being addicted to food?

How can we diet while addicted to food?

What part of the brain is effected?

Can you quit cold turkey?

What about sensationalized foods?

How can we avoid this problem when we need to diet?

Are certain food toxic?

Is there a toxic calorie level?

How do you make a diet fit for you?

How stressful is the style of eating to you?

What about “junk food”?

What is the best diet for you?

Can you pick and choose from various diets?

How can you pick a style of eating for yourself?

Can someone do a free for all diet?

What about diet when you are traveling?

How do we fit in intermittent fasting or Eat Stop Eat?

How do we make a diet fit for ourselves?

Can we eat without a plan?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about food addictions and finding the right diet for you:

IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Adonis Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not an Adonis Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more… and hear a weird story too

What Can You Do vs. What Will You Do for Fat Loss; Uncensored Podcast

What CAN you do versus what WILL you do for Fat Loss?

What CAN you do versus what WILL you do for Fat Loss?


There may be 1000 solutions but you can only do one of them.

What is the most efficient way for YOU?

There are infinite suggestions and solutions to fat loss.

Why is collecting solutions is not THE solution?

Why is the application more important than the theory?

Why does a diet fail the application?

What makes a diet click for you?

What makes everyone successful regardless of diet or workout?

How do you find the one you will stick with?

What do all the successful programs have in common?

What gets you results?

What makes it sustainable for you?

What is the measurement of what works?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about what works for Fat Loss:

IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Adonis Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not an Adonis Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more… and hear a weird story too

Wishing vs. Wanting: Coaches’ Corner w/ Jason Haynes

Today’s post is our latest installment of a new series called the “Coaches Corner.”  Our Adonis Transformation Coaches will share their knowledge, experience, and best practices to help ensure your successful transformation.  To continue the series, our topic  comes from none other than Adonis Legend and AGR Pioneer, Jason Haynes.

Take note on what he has to say about the difference between…


Wishing vs. Wanting

Wishing” is a desire to have that outstanding physique, but without the effort, sacrifice, and discipline.  It’s kind of like a “It would be nice if” kind of thing…like if a genie “zapped” them with a great physique, then it would be great, but they would not do the work and effort involved to achieve that wish.

“Wishing” is a desire to have that outstanding physique, but without the effort, sacrifice, and discipline. It’s kind of like a “It would be nice if” kind of thing…like if a genie “zapped” them with a great physique, then it would be great, but they would not do the work and effort involved to achieve that wish.


The words “want” and “wish,” unfortunately, are used interchangeably these days.  Now, perhaps this is not a new phenomenon and it may well have been true for generations or even millennia prior to this amazing “new” discovery by yours truly, but that does not negate the fact that it’s true.  Truth be told, I’ve often said this many times but this is the first time that I can remember that I have written about it, although I am quite certain that I am not the first nor will I be the last.

See, these two terms are quite different, although they have some similarities.  Now, for those of you reading who get technical and instantly think of all the different definitions of these words and their uses depending on their function in the sentence and what-not…don’t.  Just hear the core issue of what I am saying here.


Now, both terms show desire for something…”I want to get a great physique” and “I wish I had a great physique.”  Both have an object for their desire:  a great physique.  Yet…there is the difference between the two phrases.

“Wanting” is when someone is willing to put the sweat…the effort…the sacrifice…the discipline…into the endeavor to achieve a great physique.  These men and women know what they desire and put in the hard work to achieve it.  They want something and go for it, not making excuses for not doing it.  It takes sacrifice…and pain.  Certainly there is sweat and some days of disappointment…but they want it, so they push onward with discipline and determination.  Some may call them “in-human” or even “machines,” but darn it, they get it done and reap the rewards for their labors!  They do what needs to be done.


Now, “Wishing” is a desire to have that outstanding physique, but without the effort, sacrifice, and discipline.  It’s kind of like a “It would be nice if” kind of thing…like if a genie “zapped” them with a great physique, then it would be great, but they would not do the work and effort involved to achieve that wish.

These folk like to daydream about having a great physique…perhaps squish their fat or skin together at their abdomen to see what a 6-pack looks like in a mirror…then smiles with satisfaction (as if it was true) and returns to whatever they were doing before.  Excuses abound and nothing is ever achieved.

I am convinced that a lot of guys out there say they “want” an outstanding physique when, in fact, it is merely a wish.   Oh sure, they say that they “want” one, but without putting in the work, it is merely a wish confused for a want.


See where I’m going with this?

As another example (not training related), a good friend of mine (guys who read my blogs on the AI Forum should get an idea of who this is from one or two of my very very old blogs) said he wanted to learn Chinese.  The man who was talking with him, who was very fluent in the language by the way, asked him “So what are you doing to learn it?”  He had no answer…he had taken ZERO steps to learn the language, to which the man he was speaking to said “So, you really don’t want it, do you?  You are only wishing for it.”

And he is 100% right!

Get it?  If you’re not actually taking steps toward a goal, it is not WANTING it…it is merely WISHING for it.  Wanting requires a plan, hard work, dedication, discipline, and consistency…notice that all these words require ACTION!   Put these things together, and your WANT will become true for most things…but especially for a healthier, better looking physique which can be accomplished by anyone who puts the work in.

John Barban has done the actual work of planning into the Adonis Golden Ratio program with information and tools for anyone who puts in the honest effort to achieve a great physique.  A free forum (Adonis Community) is provided where like-minded men truly help and encourage one another to achieve their goals.

The team at AGR has even provided access to personal coaches who eat, sleep, and live this lifestyle every day and have done so for YEARS, to help you achieve your perfect physique!  They have each undergone their own transformations and can help you to undergo yours and come out victorious.

In short, AGR is the complete package to get you to where you want to be.

However, even with all these things in place, it is still up to YOU to make the efforts to discipline yourself and put in the effort.

YOU are the one who has to get to the gym in all kinds of weather and all kinds of situations…

YOU are the one who has to take control of your nutrition.

YOU are the one who has to discipline yourself and push yourself in the gym.
We have a great deal of resources for you at AGR…but ultimately the fact is:  You get out of it what effort you put into it.  AGR makes it as simple as possible, but you are the one who has to do all the work from here.

Do you wish for a great physique?

Or do you WANT one?

Decide and act accordingly.


Until next time,

Train Hard.  Train Smart.




ADONIS ORIGINS: Jason Haynes | Circa 2009-2010

ADONIS ORIGINS: Jason Haynes | Circa 2009-2010

Jason Haynes is one of the oldest members of the AGR community and has been around since he participated in the first and second AGR Transformation Competitions, of which he placed second and first, respectively.  Having found a system that he is confident in and that works, he has faithfully stuck by it ever since.  Now in his 40’s, Jason enjoys living the life of maintaining his physique easily and with little effort, thanks to the AGR system and tools provided.  He is also a coach in the Adonis Premiere Coaching program and desires to help anyone to achieve their fitness goals.


ADONIS LEGEND: Jason Haynes: May 2014

ADONIS LEGEND: Jason Haynes: May 2014

Stay On Your Original Flight Path: NEW Coaches’ Corner w/ Jason Haynes

Today’s post is our first installment of a new series called the “Coaches Corner.”  Our Adonis Transformation Coaches will share their knowledge, experience, and best practices to help ensure your successful transformation.  To start us off, our topic  comes from none other than Adonis Legend and AGR Pioneer, Jason Haynes.

Take note on what he has to say about how to….


Stay On Your Original Flight Path


“My purpose is to encourage each reader to remember their goal, check to see if they are on the right path to achieving it, and if off track, to get back on the path to achieve it.” – Jason Haynes | Adonis Coach

Back in 1983, Korean Airlines Flight 007 unknowingly strayed into prohibited Soviet airspace and was shot down by a Soviet fighter jet over Japan in an extremely tragic event.  The flight originated in New York and was to land in Seoul, South Korea via Anchorage, Alaska.  Everything was fine and on track until the doomed flight took off from Anchorage.  See, the plane was supposed to be on a heading of 220 degrees but actually headed off on a heading of 245 degrees due to a variety of factors regarding autopilot and beacons.

28 minutes after takeoff it was tracked at 5.6 miles (9km) north of where it should have been.

22 minutes after that, the flight was about 14.5 miles (around 23 km) north of where is should have been.

Slowly it kept drifting off course until it reached about 400 miles off course and was shot down just north of Hokkaido, Japan.  It had actually crossed Russian lands called the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Korean Airlines Flight 007 wound up 300 miles (400km) or more off target, depending on which source you quote.

Now the purpose of talking about this admittedly very-simplified version of a tragic historical event in an AGR blog is not intended to bring up old wounds of the cold war, nor to even talk about anything about the tragedy or controversies that surround it. Instead it is to demonstrate how being just a little off of your exercise “flight path” can bring you FAR off course from what you started out to accomplish.

See, we all got into weight training for one reason or another…and, most likely it was the same for you as it was for me:  seeing an impressive looking physique with wide shoulders, shredded abdominals, powerful back, sculpted chest and chiseled arms.  Simply put:  it was purely based on look.  It looked darn impressive and we wanted to look that way too.   The source of the image may have been comic books or cartoons, movies or video games or whatever…the source of the image doesn’t really matter, for all intents and purposes.

It was purely about the look, if we have the courage to be totally honest with ourselves as we look in hindsight.

(I mean, would comic book or action heroes have as much appeal to us if they were big fat slobs but had the same incredible strength?   Think about it…why do the vast majority of them have the same general look of leanness and muscularity…complete with a “V-Taper,” I might add?)

So what in the world does this have to do with “staying on the flight path?”

I’m glad you asked.

Remember…just as being a degree or two off on navigation will eventually lead you far from your intended destination, so it is the same with training.  Around the AGR community, we often speak of “goal hijacking” where we become convinced by someone that their way is the best way and that their goals are the best goals…and we totally forget why we started training in the first place.  Getting off our “training flight path” takes us away from the goals we desire most.  Soon we may find ourselves totally off course.

It happened like this for me:  I started by wanting an impressive looking physique so I started training for it…then soon after, when I started showing some good results, people started asking me “how much do you bench” (or another similar question) which, in my ego to not be out-done, led me to pursue getting stronger just for the sake of putting up larger numbers.  Soon, it became…”Boy, athletes are strong…so it’s time to train like one” (even though I had a 9-5 job and a side job and would never be a professional athlete).  Then it became:  “Boy, if I really want to get strong, I need to get into powerlifting.”  And, lo and behold, in order to get stronger at powerlifting I needed to put on a lot of weight in order to get higher numbers.


So what happened to the original goal I had set to achieve?  I had initially set out to have a “superhero” look but there I was easily 50 pounds too fat and even worseI had totally allowed my “flight path”  to get hijacked. 

 The only superhero I looked like was maybe Blob.  Haha.

(By the way, I am not slamming powerlifting or any other type of training at all.  If that is your goal and your desire, by all means go for it.  My purpose is to encourage each reader to remember their goal, check to see if they are on the right path to achieving it, and if off track, to get back on the path to achieve it).


What was it that drew you to weight training?  If you are like me then it was the powerful look that can be achieved with the AGR Systems.    It is the best “flight path” I have experienced to achieve the lean, muscular look that I easily maintain even now in my 40’s.  Have a plan and stick to it…and the AGR Systems is one of the best ways there is.  If you would like to have someone help you “plot your flight path” through the turbulence, check out our Premiere Coaching Program.


(OK, I’m done with all the references to flying now.  😀 )


Train Hard.  Train Smart.



Jason Haynes- Coaches Pic

ADONIS ORIGINS: Jason Haynes | Circa 2009-2010

Jason Haynes is one of the oldest members of the AGR community and has been around since he participated in the first and second AGR Transformation Competitions, of which he placed second and first, respectively.  Having found a system that he is confident in and that works, he has faithfully stuck by it ever since.  Now in his 40’s, Jason enjoys living the life of maintaining his physique easily and with little effort, thanks to the AGR system and tools provided.  He is also a coach in the Adonis Premiere Coaching program and desires to help anyone to achieve their fitness goals.

ADONIS LEGEND: Jason Haynes: May 2014

ADONIS LEGEND: Jason Haynes | May 2014





Why Right Now Is the Best Time to Lose Fat – Uncensored

Learn the effects of our modern North American Culture on fat loss and take corrective action the Adonis Golden Ratio System.

Learn the effects of our modern North American Culture on fat loss and take corrective action using the Adonis Golden Ratio System. Continue reading to learn more about the experiment you never want to be in!

The experiment you don’t ever want to be in!

John and Brad are going to talk about an experiment you never want to be part of.  Yet it’s exactly what our modern North American society unknowingly engages in and is why our society is becoming obese.

The study was done in Quebec in the late 1980’s. The subjects consisted of 24 sets of male twins with ages ranging from 18-27. They were sequestered in a university dorm for 120 days.  The experiment was to see what happens when you overeat by 1000 calories a day.   During this time they were not allowed to train -they were only allowed to walk for 30 minutes a day – supervised.  They only ate the food they were provided in a very controlled environment.

They were young men in very good shape.  Their average body fat went from 11.3% body fat up to 18% body fat by the end of the experiment.  The average waist size increased from 29.5” to 33”.

The average fat gained was 18 pounds, the fat weight gained ranged from 9.5 pounds to 30 pounds.  The twins in each pair had similar gains.  Everyone gained fat.

Why did some gain more than others?

Metabolism was the pretty much the same for all.

There was a fair relationship with testosterone preventing some fat gain – just a little.

Cardio training seems to help prevent future fat gain

Those that gained the least amount of fat were in the bestVO2 max cardio shape at the beginning of the experiment.  Remember they did not train during the experiment.

The cardio fitness has lasting effects; it seems to prevent or protect against weight gain.  Cardio doesn’t seem to affect actual fat loss much, but it seems to help prevent the gaining of fat and be a sort of buffer or shield against future fat gain.

Research shows it only takes 6-8 weeks of cardio training for both the up regulation of Vo2 max and the muscle enzymes responsible for increasing their oxidizing potential (or ability to burn fat), after which they begin to plateau.  A good experiment could be to have a block of cardio included in your exercise routine every so often, especially as part of primer before starting a fat loss program.

The bottom line – take corrective action and the sooner the better!

The dark side of the experiment is that everyone gained fat.  None of them ever got back to the level of leanness that they were at before the experiment.  They continued to gain weight over five years and ended up being close to what they were at the end of the study.

The bottom line is that no matter when in your life you allow yourself to overeat and gain fat, if you never do a compensatory under eat to correct it will never go away.  Corrective action must be taken, the sooner the better.

Don’t ever stop training.  Don’t let your waist size increase much.

If you have corrective action to take – get serious about taking the corrective action as soon as possible.


To hear more about what John and Brad have to say about the experiment you don’t ever want to be in and listen to today’s uncensored podcast click on the link below.

IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Adonis Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not an Adonis Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more… and hear a weird story too

The Adonis Transformation Contest AT12 starts today!

The Adonis Transformation Contest AT12 starts today!


Any male who owns an Adonis workout is eligible to enter the Adonis Transformation contest. There will be prizes for the top 10 contestants accompanied by a podcast interview  with John where you can share your story and pictures of success.  It is not a requirement that you are an immersion customer, but it happens to be that our most successful contest winners have used the immersion coaching.

If you have placed in a previous AT contest you are eligible to enter the contest to win in the Cover category.  There will not be prizes for this category but you can interview with John and share your story of continued success and pictures.  These pictures could be chosen for one of our covers.

The contest entry requirements will be:

  1.  Any  male who owns a Adonis workout
  2.  Front pose
  3.  Side pose
  4.  Back pose
  5.  Newspaper pose – same as front pose but with current days newspaper front page clearly visible in your hand.
  6. Your weight, height, shoulder, and waist measurements at the time of the photo.

It is very important that for your front, side, and back poses your arms are down at your sides but not covering your waist. Do not crop out your face.


Here is a perfect example of a contest entry (Michael is one of  our previous contest winners).   Front, back, and side images with  newspaper picture.

Here is a perfect example of a contest entry (Michael is one of our previous contest winners). Front, back, and side images with newspaper picture.

By the way, here is one of Michael's stunning contest pictures.

By the way, here is one of Michael’s stunning contest pictures.

The contest entry period is: September 2nd thru September 6th

This means you must submit all of the contest entry requirements anytime during the week.  The  deadline for the contest entry submissions will be this Friday at midnight Eastern Time on September 6th.

The entry photos must be taken during the week of Sept 2 – Sept 6 and the newspaper front page much show the date during this week.


Adonis Transformation Contest Entry Tutorial Video

Please feel free to contact me if you have problems with the tracker program:

Best of luck and remember to enjoy the transformation journey !

Your Brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott


