Rest and Recovery For Muscle Growth

The specific adaptations you get from your workouts is in part determined by the amount of rest you take from set to set, and the recovery you get from workout to workout.

Arnold Resting Between Sets

The rest you take from set to set determines the type of conditioning and anatomical changes that happen within your body. Shorter rest has a different response than longer rest. Both are necessary for maximum muscular adaptation to training.

The process of recovering from workout to workout is dependent on multiple factors including systemic stress, the amount of food you’re eating and probably most important, the quality and quantity of sleep you’re getting.

From month to month you can become fatigued in a specific rep and rest range. A good workout program should change every 3-4 weeks to accommodate this workout specific fatigue.

Finally on a year to year basis you should be taking some time off to let your entire system relax and come down to a base level. Taking a week off of training 3-4 times per year is one of the best things you can do to allow for systemic recovery from the stress induced by your workouts.


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Juvenile vs Work Induced Muscle Growth: What is going on Inside the Muscle

Multiple factors influence muscle growth including your age, genetic predisposition, exercise, nutrition and drugs. This is a general list but each category has specific effects and interact with each other. Over the course of your life there are two major factors that override all others with respect to how much muscle you’ll ever build and those factors are:


Once you're past the age of 25 Juvenile growth is over.

1) Juvenile Muscle Growth

2) Work Induced Muscle Growth

The effects that nutrition and your specific workout pattern can have on your ability to grow muscle will change depending on the stage of muscle growth you are working within.

The changes that happen at the muscle are also different depending on your stage of life and training status/history.

In todays podcast we’ll look at what happens at the cellular level when muscles are growing in both the juvenile state and as a result of working out.

We’ll discuss something called “satellite cells” and how they might be the limiting factor to the amount of muscle you can ultimately grow and how various factors such as nutrition, age, working out, supplements and drugs can affect your satellite cells.

We’ll also discuss how your specific situation will change how effective supplements like creatine or protein can be and what the best strategies for using these might be.


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What Controls Appetite? Appetite Regulation Explained

Seriously…what the heck controls appetite? Wouldn’t we be gazzillionaires if we had a simple answer for this question? We would be able to abolish obesity and all the related disorders that go along with it…if only it were that simple.

The truth is appetite is controlled by a complex interplay of various hormones released in different areas of your gastrointestinal tract as well as your fat cells themselves.

A short list of some of the gut and other hormones that are involved in appetite control include:



What controls your Appetite

Peptide Tyrosine-Tyrosine

Pancreatic Polypeptide

Glucagon-Like Peptide 1





There are others but this list is some of the major players. But this list is to say nothing of the other controlling factors that do not originate from your gut or fat tissue but rather come from other area’s of your brain and are rooted in your emotional connection to food as well as your feelings of reward and pleasure.

The main brain structure that regulates appetite is being influenced on a constantly basis from other areas of your brain as well as your gut and fat tissue to send a complex set of signals to tell you to eat or not eat.

The two overriding driving factors that determine appetite can be classified as homeostatic and non-homeostatic appetite control.

In our modern obesogenic environment it has become the non-homeostatic controllers that override our control of appetite.

In today’s podcast, we talk about what the real drivers are for appetite in our modern society and what we can do about it. We’ll also discuss the direction research is going and how it is slowly uncovering more mechanisms and pathways that influence appetite.


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A Systems Approach to Health

When we think of health many of us might have too small a view of all the things that really affect our health in a measurable way.

There are many levels of systems in your life that you are a part of that will affect your health. It is becoming more prudent to view health from this systems approach. It can be imaged as layers of an onion, with the smallest component being at the center. The levels of systems that affect your health and interact with each other are as follows:

1. Cell – The cellular level.

Systems Approach to Health

Systems Approach to Health

2. Organ – All your cells are part of an organ

3. Organ System – A grouping of organs that make up a system (ex: digestive system)

4. Your body as a whole

5. Your lifestyle (includes diet and exercise)

6. Your family

7. Your place of work/school

8. Your city

9. Your country

10. The planet and it’s biosphere

At a glance this list may seem a bit extensive and unnecessary, but upon closer examination, you’ll see that each of these levels affects the other and many of the levels are within your control to change.

As an extension of this approach, we will discuss the concept of ‘Locus of Control’ and how to identify where you can and should take action in your own health and where you need to defer to a professional for their help.

Your health is your job, in all cases you need to take action to live the healthiest and most satisfying life (according to your definition).

Adoption a systems approach view of health will go a long way to helping you decide what you need to do to live the life you want.


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Metabolic and Muscle Building Rates

When we speak of metabolism and metabolic rates, most people are not thinking of it in the correct terms.

Metabolic Rates

Our metabolic rate is traditionally referred to in terms of calories per day, but it might be more useful to actually consider how many calories you burn per hour.

If you think about how many calories you burn per hour, the amount of food you need to eat per meal, the number of meals you need to eat per day, and how far to space those meals apart starts to look much different.

Understanding the amount of calories your lean body mass and specifically your skeletal muscle mass burns will also help you understand how much food to eat in order to gain muscle and maintain it without gaining fat.

In most cases the amount of calories required for muscle gaining is grossly over estimated as well as the amount of calories your muscle can burn per hour.

Brad and Brad also touch on what goes on behind the scenes at a bodybuilding photoshoot and the fallacy of the big eaters in the muscle building industry.

The difference in metabolic rate from one person to the next can vary, but it won’t vary as much as you think.

The concept of fractional synthetic rate is also introduced and Brad explains it in the simplest terms possible (although this is still a bit sciency sounding…sorry, some of this stuff is just more complicated than other fitness marketers will have you believe)

Finally, viewing your metabolic rates in these new perspectives will help you understand what it really takes to build a lean muscular physique and avoid some major set backs of the traditional bodybuilding recommendations.


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Orthorexia and Food Cults

Orthorexia is a term coined by a physician Dr. Steven Bratman. It’s defined as an unhealthy obsession with health food…ironic to say the least.

Food Cults

Some people end up worshiping at the alter of a new food cult without even realizing it.

Many people can fall victim to some degree of orthorexia as they search for the one ‘right’ way to eat, but each of these diets is nothing more than an unscientific fad that is more marketing and fear mongering than it is science.

Diet fads come and go and each one has it’s villian food and it’s hero’s all the way from it’s champion founder to the champion foods.

Low carb diets, blood type diets, raw foodies, macrobiotic, paleo and so on, each one will profess the merits of eating specific foods while removing many other foods from your diet for good. But is there really any proof that these diets can help you live healthier or longer or improve performance or the way you feel…or do anything at all?

In most cases these diets quickly become like a cult with all of the ugly consequences like becoming socially isolated from other people who are not part of the cult, the development of an elitist attitude about the given way of eating above any other form of eating and a general smugness of it’s followers as they assume they have become ‘enlightened’ to the one and only way to eat.

The reality is there is little if any scientific evidence to support any of these restrictive styles of eating. They are usually focused on minor and insignificant points about mixing and matching their ‘correct’ foods and miss the point of getting total calories under control and developing consistent exercise habits.

In todays uncensored podcast we’ll discuss orthorexia and food cults and how many of the diets that people read about and follow start to take over other parts of their lives.

We’ll also discuss how the champions of many of these cults don’t even follow their own recommendations.


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