The Invictus Workout – Matt Damon Gets Jacked

Our buddy Brad Pilon put up a cool article on the new Invictus Workout that will SOON be taking the net by storm.

I liked the premise so much that I’m reprinting it here for you to feast your eyes on.



The Invictus Workout

Haven’t heard of it yet?

Don’t worry, you will.

Invictus is a new movie that is coming out soon that stars Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman.

So why does it get it’s own workout?

Well Matt Damon plays Francois Pienaar, the Captain of South Africa’s Rugby team in the early to mid 1990’s. And, at minute 0:57 of the trailer for Invictus, you see Matt with his shirt
off for about 1.5 seconds.

Sounds silly but this is the equation:

Male Hollywood Celebrity Appears “Jacked” in a movie = On-line Hysteria over “How he did it”.

Think the Christian Bale Batman Workout, the Gerard Butler 300 Workout, or the Hugh Jackman Wolverine workout.

It works every time, without fail. Hollywood Celeb gets jacked, someone tries to cash in.

So I’m going to Preempt everyone with this one:

I know EXACTLY how Matt Damon got in shape for this movie…It’s the exact same way Hugh Jackman got in shape, which is the exact same way Gerard Butler got in shape and the same way Christian Bale gets in shape.

They dedicated themselves to Hard work and some form of resistance training.

We should all realize by now that there IS NO SECRET.

It doesn’t matter if you are lifting giant rocks, kettle bells, dumbbells or small barnyard animals.

It’s the hard work that gets the results, not the trendy tools.

Matt, Gerard, Christian, they are no different then you or me… well, other than the lifestyle and money part.

They work hard, they stay dedicated and consistent and they get results. It’s not some secret new workout of the star that until now was kept secret

It’s hard work.

So there you go… If you want to look like a Movie Star, the secret is hard work.

The trick to it all?

Next time you are in the gym imagine there is a 10 million dollar movie role on the line.

You get in shape, you get the role.


And he’s right.

Even with the correct systems in place, if you don’t work at it, you get virtually no results.

This isn’t a walk in the park and on some days, you’ll just plain HATE it.

But them’s the ropes.

If you remember this past weeks podcast, we talked about this a bit.


Mental toughness.

Stretching your boundaries.

Escaping your comfort zone.

And you know what?

It’s WORTH it.

Just imagine how people will look at you when you get to that perfect Adonis Index.

Picture women asking you how you did it.

Listen to the men clamoring over your “secret” potion or “hidden” technique.

And then imagine grinning… because you know that even though you had an awesome workout system (ours) to keep you aimed in the right direction…

… you KNOW that the true secret to the body you now possess, the one that all of these people are hounding you about…

… didn’t come from anything you bought.

It didn’t come from magic.

No specific supplements.

No crazy workout machines.

YOU KNOW, that the true secret is:

Showing up and working out with rabbit-like intensity yet having turtle-like consistency

Each workout is a battle.

It’s you against your worst enemy…


The internal struggle of when to quit and when to push the gas. The flirting with the “edge”.

This is how it works.

This is your life.

And you’re now “that guy”.

Aren’t you? 😉

Stay cool,


p.s. Hard work is important. But so are systems.

It’s like running as fast as you can for a mile to try to get to a gas station when you’ve run out of gas in your car.

With no knowledge of which way you’re going, the results you get (finding the gas station) rely more on luck and guessing than having a true aim. After all, wouldn’t having a road map be better?

Here’s that roadmap for the body you want.

Take roadmap. Insert wily determination.

Get results. Period.

When it Comes to Changing Your Body – Talk is Cheap

I get irritated when I hear people saying one thing and doing another (as I’m sure this might irritate you as well).

This happens all the time and especially when it comes to changing the look and shape of your body.

When it comes to building muscle and losing fat, talk it cheap. Action is where it’s at.

If you say “I want to lose weight” but you never actually lose any weight…well then what you’re really saying is “I’d like to lose weight but I don’t want to do all the things it takes to actually lose the weight, so I’ll just talk about it instead”

The people who actually lose weight just do it, and don’t talk much about it.

Same with building muscle. If you say “I want to build muscle” but you never go to the gym and put in the tough workouts and push through every painful rep then what you’re really saying is “I’d like bigger muscles but I don’t want to stick to a workout program and put the effort in the gym that is required to get there”.

I’ve learned to tune out the people who are all talk and only focus on helping the people who really want to take action.

For most things in life talk is cheap, and action is where it’s at.

TALKING about something will never make it happen, DOING something about it will.

If you want to start doing something about your body then give The Adonis Index Workout System a try:

Stop talking and start doing: Click Here to Get Started Today


Masculinity, Sex, And Self Trust

I asked my friend Alex Allman to write this post today based on a phone conversation we had the other day. I think “self trust” is an important topic for us all….


Let’s chat for a minute about the comfortable, masculine confidence and ease that comes from “self trust”. It’s incredibly sexually attractive to women, it’s socially powerful among men, and it creates a deep sense achievement and well-being for the man who’s got it…

… and perhaps a sense of despair for a man that doesn’t.

Here’s a fact: I started working out back in 9th grade because I didn’t have ANY of those qualities, and maybe you can relate.

I hit puberty late. There are class pictures from my early teens where I look like somebody’s kid brother who snuck into the shot. I’m a head shorter than anyone else and I just look a lot less mature. My athletic coordination lagged right along with my body.

There was a particularly humiliating incident involving me, a pull-up bar, my entire class watching, and the gym teacher writing a 0 on a clip board, that started me on weights.

I get a lot of external validation from that decision. If I go running on the street with my shirt off, the occasional car-load of girls will whistle and hoot at me. And don’t even get me started on what happens if I walk through West Hollywood. An ex and her best friend once recounted a conversation they had before our first date. She said, “I’m not going to sleep with him, it’s just a date!” and her friend said, “Come on, you know if he takes his shirt off it’s going to be OVER.” And so it was.

But by far the biggest thing I got was learning to trust myself to show up.

There are a lot of things in life I have succeeded at, and plenty I’ve failed at. I’ve made promises to myself that I never kept– more than I’d care to remember. But showing up in the gym to take care of this body – the only one that I’ll ever have in this lifetime – has proven to me that I can keep an important commitment to myself with discipline and hard work.

I’m about to turn 44 and looking back, there have been times in my life when that’s about all I had to remind me that I could succeed… and that provided the ember to light the flame for many other bigger or more important challenges in my path.

I believe that self trust is the most important thing a man can have. Trusting yourself to make the right decisions, to know that even in the worst situations that you’ve got the ball, to feel in your bones that you can count on yourself in anything from sex to career to confrontation.

And this isn’t just a case of war-movie macho stuff. In fact, trusting yourself allows you to have more fun, to act silly, to not take things so seriously.

The biggest thing that kills attraction and sabotages the average guy’s relationships is his NEED for a woman’s validation. If she hands over her phone number, laughs at his jokes, agrees with his important point in conversation, takes off her clothing, has an orgasm in the bedroom, and says “yes”, then he feels great. But if she’s in a bad mood, isn’t in the mood for sex, doesn’t agree with him… then it triggers his insecurities and he becomes hostile and jealous.

A man like that, the guy I used to be, not to mention 99% of everyone else with a penis, will end up sabotaging his relationships, often before they start.

It usually takes a lot of external validation before we learn to expect life to hand us validation so confidently that we finally become internally validated. At some point when someone thinks we’re stupid, ugly, and wrong, we just laugh and think they must be crazy.

But there is another possibility that requires no outside validation from anyone else. A sweet realization that in this life you truly can do anything you want to do.

We invent the beliefs that keep us from knowing how incredibly free we really are. And I don’t mean free just in the “flag waving USA” sort of way. You could live in prison and be more free than just about anyone you’ll ever meet.

You can make a decision to just trust yourself and damn the consequences. You can decide that, come what may, you’ll take your own side and that nothing can touch you.

Ram Dass tells a story in “Be Here Now,” where he has just had this intense spiritual realization. Filled with joy he walks outside in the snow in the middle of the night and starts shoveling his parents walkway. His parents wake up from the sound and they yell out to him, “Come to bed, you idiot. Nobody shovels snow at 5 in the morning!”

He writes: “And I looked up at them and I heard the external voice I had been listening to for over 30 years, and inside of me, something said, ‘It’s all right to shovel snow, and it’s all right to be happy.’ […] You can see in that moment in the early morning the seeds of the breakaway. The seeds of the ability to be able to confront, and even disagree with, an existing institution and know and trust that inside place that says it’s all right […] All I’ll ever need to do is look inside and I’ll know what to do and I can always trust it.”

Learning to operate from this space can change everything in your life, from your career to your relationships.

I’ve been writing and lecturing on sexual skills and techniques for many years, but there is nothing that will make you more sexually powerful than fully realizing your masculine freedom.

I invite you to learn more about self trust and living a life of un-compromised passion by getting a hold of my free mini-course on how to live with passion and how to unleash passion in any woman:

Passionate Lover, Passionate Life

Just so that there are no surprises – yes, I will ask you to trade your email for the course. And, yes, I will also send you some emails encouraging to buy my stuff. Now in my opinion, that’s a win-win, because my stuff is fantastic and you are going to want it. But if that’s not the case, and you don’t enjoy my free Newsletters, you can safely unsubscribe and your personal info will never be sold, rented, or in any other way exploited, and you have my word on that.

Get the free downloads and my advanced sex tips newsletter, and check out some other cool stuff by going here now:

Passionate Lover, Passionate Life



Alex is the man. He’s a good dude and has a lot to teach. Plus he’s like us… savvy in the ways of the Adonis Lifestyle 😉


Body Building and the Adonis Index

Even though we really don’t need any more proof that the philosophies behind the Adonis Effect were correct, here is 6 time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates basically spelling out the Adonis Philosophy.


2-3 pounds of added quality muscle is great results from a YEAR’S worth of bodybuilding.

2-3 pounds of quality muscle can make a big difference.

2-3 pounds of quality muscle in THE RIGHT PLACES can make a WORLD of difference.

The idea of adding 10-15 pounds of muscle is just silly.

Chasing a body weight goal is silly because most of the times, the body-weights of pro-athletes and bodybuilders are inflated.

But don’t take my word from it, here it from one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time…

(The good stuff is from 0:10 to about 5:00)


The Key To More Confidence And Better Sex

If you’ve been hitting the gym and working on your AI, then you already know that the social advantages aren’t just from the way you look… but from the way that change affects your confidence.

As your AI improves, you can feel the way people treat you differently, it makes you more confident, you’re handed even more social power because of that confidence, and that makes you even more confident.

It’s like lighting the fuse on a stack of dynamite.

Building the kind of self-trust that leads to rock-solid confidence usually starts with something external that gives you validation… whether it’s big money success or transforming your body.

Ultimately you become completely internally referenced – you’re a rock solid man who’s confident about his masculinity… a man who’s not playing it safe or playing small…

Women call this guy “passionate,” and this type of confidence is the most sexually attractive quality a man can have.

I’m talking about the guy that even normally shy and reserved girls end up doing all kinds of crazy things with because he elicits something inside of her that’s deeper than her personality.

The fact is, there ain’t a whole lot of passionate men in the world (other than in women’s romance novels), and that’s because it’s not so simple.

We all want to build our confidence, but it’s easy to feel stuck.

So I KNOW you are working on the physical side… here’s some kick-ass techniques to work it from the INSIDE

My friend Alex (that’s him in the picture above, pretty sweet AI right?) has launched a new system that is all about getting the confidence and the passion in your life… learning how to get WOMEN to respond to you more sexually, and how to be that guy that gets her to unleash her wild-side in the bedroom.

Alex is my friend that wrote the book, “Revolutionary Sex,” (which is definitely one of the best books ever written on the subject of bedroom skills) and his new project, “Passionate Lover, Passionate Life” is the real deal.

(As and aside, this guy always speaks at Eben Pagan/David DeAngelo’s conference’s because he KNOWS what the hell he’s talking about)

He’s created what amounts to a free mini-course on having more passionate interactions with women, and I gotta say, this stuff is baller. Go check out the 1st report:

“Overcoming The Obstacles To Living A Life Of Passion”

And you know, maybe you’re the type of guy that thinks this stuff is queer or only for sissy losers…

… and you’d be wrong.

It doesn’t cost anything and Alex is my boy so you KNOW it’s gonna be good.

This stuff isn’t “pick up”. And it’s not about how to be cool when approaching women in bars.

It’s about how to live with more guts, how to have relationships with women that are more sexually powerful and more authentic for both of you.

There’s basically 4 ideas that Alex talks about in his new system:

1. How to develop the inner confidence to become more passionate as a MAN

2. How to get any woman to be more passionate (both emotionally and sexually) in your relationship

3. How to lead a more passionate LIFE

4. When you fall in love with the right woman… how to make the passion last long-term (for both of you)

If you want to learn some really sharp new ideas that you can use right away to take your interactions with women to a MUCH higher level… you are going to want to check out the reports and virtual workshop on building a more passionate life and relationship that Alex is giving away.

Watch the cool video and download the loot here:

Oh, and by the way, if you see Alex, make sure you laugh at him for this “thong” pic… HAHAHA!


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How Big Is 1 Pound Of Muscle?

If you browse the fitness – and specifically – muscle building media, you’ll always see headlines referring to the amount of ‘muscle’ you can gain.

This muscle gain is usually measured by the pound… as in “Gain 10 pounds of muscle” etc…

That’s all well and good, but what does a pound of muscle even look like? The picture above is approx 1 pound of muscle (in the form of a t-bone steak)

And if your goal is to gain weight, where exactly do you want that weight to be?

The muscle mass on your body is almost perfectly balanced between your upper body and your lower body, 52% in your legs and 48% in your upper body.

So if you wanted to gain muscle and specifically see an increase in bodyweight, you would need to do at least as much leg training as upper body training…but seriously…

… who wants to do that?

I’m not saying that you should neglect leg training, far from it. But what I am saying is that most guys have an image in their head of what they want to look like, and they always think it equals more muscle than is really needed.

Putting on 10 pounds of muscle is going to require at least 5 of it to be in your legs.

Putting on 20 pounds is going to require at least 10 of it to be in your legs.

But in your minds eye, I’ll bet all the changes you are hoping to see are mostly upper body changes such as bigger shoulders and chest, thicker wider back and kick ass arms.

The point is that big time changes in your upper body don’t require you to put on that much muscle to see dramatic effects.

A few pounds properly added to the right spots will make ALL the difference in the world.

Again, the picture attached to this post is 1 pound of steak (which is basically the same type of muscle that makes up your body)

That one pound is pretty damn big.

Next time you’re at the grocery store go over to the butcher’s counter and ask to see 2-3 even 5 pounds of steak/meat. It’s big! Now imagine slapping that much mass to your body and realize that a few pounds in the right places is all it takes to make a big time change in your look and shape.

There is simply no need to be chasing some lofty goal of gaining massive amounts of muscle, because:

A) its not possible without drugs

B) its not necessary to look great

C) Even if you do gain lots of weight half of it will have to be in your legs anyway.

Bottom line: Don’t worry about how much you weigh on the scale, but rather what your proportions look like in the mirror.


P.S. Of course this is exactly why I built the Adonis Index Workout

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