Christian Hudson Interview – How To Be UNBREAKABLE

I think I really sell these interviews short in these little descriptions… lol

(and this one will be no different)

In todays, podcast… I interview none other than the “Social Man’s” Christian Hudson.

Now, you may have heard of him before, and that’s because I’ve sent you emails about some of his cool products like:

Unbreakable (confidence and killer “inner game”)

Conquer Your Campus (ruling the college scene)

Today, you’re going to learn a little about:

– the dichotomy of male self improvement

– the difference between being attractive and “convincing”

– how being non judgmental and having healthy boundaries INCREASES your social status and life

– and even a really cool technique called “paint the picture” which virtually guarantees you’ll never have a conversation dry up on you again

So give it a listen, this is EASILY better than some of the things guys charge for 🙂

Stay cool,


p.s. If you’re looking to get rock solid confidence and “inner game”… check out UNBREAKABLE

Naturalistic Fallacy and How to Find Experts

There are many self proclaimed ‘experts’ in the field of human health, nutrition, exercise and relationships. But how do you know if these people really know what they are talking about?

Credentials is at least a start but isn’t the only thing to look at. Do the experts practice what they preach? On the other hand are they preaching too much about too many things they couldn’t possibly know about?

It seems to be that so called experts start to preach about more things than they are capable of knowing and quickly revert to the naturalistic fallacy to explain concepts outside of their area of expertise.

In this podcast we’ll discuss how many people revert to the naturalistic fallacy as a way of explaining away things they just don’t understand about human nature/biology/psychology.

We’ll also talk about a practical way to tell if an ‘expert’ really knows what they are talking about or if they’re just full of hot air.


Water Weight, Fat, Muscle, What is Signal vs Noise?

Claims in the health and fitness industry (and any industry for that matter) can be clinically or technically significant, but have no significance in the real world.

In other words, something might have a significant effect in a laboratory setting, but will never be applicable to you in your daily life.

This makes it difficult to tell what is a realistic and useful claim that you can incorporate into your daily routine for real results, and what is just marketing speak to get you to buy into something that you can never actually take action on or use.

In this podcast we’ll examine all of the following issues:

1 – The difference between real world significance and clinical significance

2 – Separating the signal from the noise: are the results that you are hearing about normal changes in human physiology that are simply being brought to your attention for the first time.

3 – The 80-20 principle and how 20 % of your effort will end up being responsible for 80 % of your results.

4 – Water weight: how water weight/retention is the big confounding factor in the way your body looks and how fitness and nutrition marketers take advantage of this to make claims that their products can do things that are not possible.

5 – Getting to the core principle of what works for weight loss.


Interval Training vs Steady State Cardio For Fat Loss – On Trial

In this podcast we review the popular claim that high intensity interval training is superior to steady state cardio for fat loss.

The research supporting the claims you see and hear may not be what you think.

The fact that a research paper is published doesn’t mean it is accurate, and it rarely means it supports the claims the fitness and nutrition industry is trying to make from it.

In this podcast we will deconstruct the claim about interval training and walk you through the most popular and commonly quoted research paper that supposedly ‘proves’ that interval training is the gold standard for fat loss.

Get ready for another trip down the rabbit hole.




(The video will auto-start, just give it a second)


John Alanis Interview – On Personal Authority

You’re gonna like this interview with John Alanis.

Not only does he got into some of the tactics, techniques, and strategies that he uses to get women to chase HIM, but we also go into some interesting topics on “inner game” including:

Personal Authority

– Approach Anxiety

the Bill Parcells “method” of women getting

– Plus more

AND, if you like what you hear, go check out John’s stuff, he’s got some cool free reports like “Where to meet high quality women” and more.

More good stuff for you next week.

Stay cool,


Nutrition Guidelines and Marketing – Who Can You Trust?

Nutrition guidelines are handed to us by government departments and most of us will blindly assume that the guidelines are both accurate and up to date.

The truth of the matter is that much of the guidelines you see are heavily lobbied for by industry and don’t represent a true unbiased scientific opinion of what is the truth.

Government mandated guidelines and marketing health claims are usually only an interpretation of some of the science available and should never be taken as a fact that can be applied to all people.

When it comes right down to it, your body and your health is your responsibility and requires you to do some digging to find out if the guidelines you’re told and the claims you read are even worth the paper they are written on.

In just about every case the claim or guidelines you’ve read have much more than just your best interest at hand.

