How to Gain 8 Pounds in One Workout

Diet and fitness marketing material is littered with outrageous claims about weight loss and muscle gaining.

Some marketers would actually have you believe that you could gain 20 pounds of muscle in a month, or 40 pounds of muscle in 6 months.

Brad Pilon and I did a video showing how Brad gained a legitimate 8lbs of lean body mass in 1 workout!

This isn’t a lie or a joke, Brad actually gained 8lbs of measurable lean body mass in about 1 hour. So you’re probably asking yourself “how could this be?”

The answer is simple…if you understand how lean mass is measured and the difference between lean body mass and muscle mass.

In this podcast we replay the “how to gain 8lbs in one workout’ teleseminar (for those of you who might have missed it.

We discuss the main points to look for namely:

1. Don’t believe everything you hear or even see

2. The difference between what is said and what you hear

3. And how your fitness and diet marketing BS radar is probably not calibrated correctly (in other words, you most likely will believe something that is not possible)


p.s. Here’s an UNCENSORED podcast that goes into even deeper detail on the misuse and lies about lean body mass

Change Your Body and Change Your Life

Many things happen to you when you make a dramatic change in your body including:

1. A new level of confidence

2. A shift in your perception of yourself and who you are

3. The presence you will command in any social situation

4. The respect you command from others

5. The things you believe are possible will change

6. Your overall health, vigor and energy

7. The ability to carry the momentum of success into other areas of your life

In this podcast we talk about many of these items with our first place overall Adonis Effect transformation winner Ron Hansen.

Ron shares with us his keys to success and how he won the contest.

We’ll also discuss the difference between working out and training and how every rep of every workout matters.


(p.s. from Brad, if you haven’t seen this video or registered for Wednesday’s teleseminar, go here now ==>Brad Pilon Gains Crazy Lean Mass From 1 Weird Workout… we need to know how many more lines to add to our account as we’ll already went over 2000… thanks!)

You’ve Got To Have A Goal

Creating a real change in the look and shape of your body requires you to take action…taking action requires you to have a clear goal set…having a clear goal requires you to know what it is that you want.

Although this sounds simple many of us may not be clear on what we want and end up spending time and effort but never getting the result we’re really after.

In this podcast we’ll talk about getting to a clear goal and simplifying the process.

We interview Jason Haynes, the winner of our BURN category and 2nd place overall, and well discuss how he managed to lose almost 30 pounds in 10 weeks and how he simplified his approach to training and diet and got big time results.


Your Body is Linked to Your Identity Whether You Like it or Not

The look and shape of your body plays a major role in you sense of identity and who you are. This is true whether you choose to believe it or not.

Making a serious change to your body will open your eyes to this realization (if you didn’t already know this)

There are multiple factors that can influence your view of yourself including money, your relationships with women and your body shape and size.

In this podcast we’ll talk about:

1. How an irrational body image and specifically bodyweight goal can leave you depressed and unsatisfied

2. Accepting your genetic limits is essential to having a realistic body image

3. The trap of trying to and One-Up your way through life

4. Relative size vs absolute size. “One pound” of muscle looks different on each person

5.  Having the grace and class to lead other people by example with your personal transformation

Show Notes:

Muscle Mass accounts for approximately 50% of total Lean Body Mass.


Satisfaction With Your Body Starts With the Right Goals

Many people have a desire to change the look and shape of their body, and so they set a new body image goal.

In many cases the goal we choose for our body image is not attainable and should have never been chosen as our goal in the first place…so how do so many of us end up with such unrealistic goals anyway?

We tend to build an image of what we think we ‘should’ look like using pictures of athletes, bodybuilders, fitness models and celebrities. We seem to pool these images into an idealized form we think we can build and then pursue it never once questioning if it’s even possible.  In many cases there is also a specific bodyweight associated with this goal body look.

This however can be a recipe for years of frustration and disappointment if we cannot somehow build the body we thought we could. Once you accept a more realistic and achievable goal, the frustration can disappear and a new sense of calm confidence will set in.

And make no mistake, I’m not talking about a lowered expectation for an unimpressive body. I’m simply talking about realigning the goal of your new body image with reality.

In this podcast we will talk about:

1. Setting realistic goals

2. Why a specific bodyweight should never be your sole goal

3. Why you can’t ‘cheat’ your genetics (with training or diet) and what happens when you try to

4. Focusing on the advantage your genetics gave you instead of the shortcomings

This podcast features an interview with our BUILD category winner Pierre Farine who will teach us many of these lessons and more.

Pierre also shares an extraordinary thing that happened to him during his transformation.


The Bad Boy Formula – Carlos Xuma Spills His Guts

He walks into the bar… cool as a cucumber, luggage rolling behind him, smile on his face…

… which was strange considering he was over 6 hours late due to NUMEROUS flight delays and other “drive you crazy” set backs.

But here he was, sitting in a bar, big ass luggage in tow… like he owned the place. I could see it in his eyes.

He could care less what people thought.

“So what’s the closest thing to eat around here?” he asks. Obviously, he took the cab straight from the airport to the bar all of us were at.

I can respect that.

I mosey over to the nearest group of women and ask the simple question, “We need some food… what do you recommend within walking distance”.

I get an answer, and Carlos Xuma, Mr Bad Boy, Mr. Inner Game – makes a beeline for the door, luggage rolling behind him as he embarked on his little mini quest to get his grub on.

This was the first time I’d met Carlos in the flesh, although we’ve talked off and on for the better part of 2 years.

And, naturally, this was the type of behavior I expected – calm, cool, collected, and unfazed by the days events.

Is it a surprise that I’d have him on this week’s podcast?

It shouldn’t be…

We’re about to expose the “Bad Boy Formula“… that dastardly sweet spot that gets the ladies tingling and explodes your confidence to new levels.

Listen in as I extract the knowledge from Mr. Inner Game himself… and take your life to the next level… just by getting out of your own damn way.

Confused? Don’t be, it’s all here.

Stay Cool,


p.s. Carlos just set up some really insightful free videos for you to check out. I’ve seen them, you might want to check ’em out too.
