Nutrition Guidelines and Marketing – Who Can You Trust?

Nutrition guidelines are handed to us by government departments and most of us will blindly assume that the guidelines are both accurate and up to date.

The truth of the matter is that much of the guidelines you see are heavily lobbied for by industry and don’t represent a true unbiased scientific opinion of what is the truth.

Government mandated guidelines and marketing health claims are usually only an interpretation of some of the science available and should never be taken as a fact that can be applied to all people.

When it comes right down to it, your body and your health is your responsibility and requires you to do some digging to find out if the guidelines you’re told and the claims you read are even worth the paper they are written on.

In just about every case the claim or guidelines you’ve read have much more than just your best interest at hand.


Fitness Marketing, Drugs & Taking Responsbility for Your Body

When it Comes to Changing Your Body – Talk is Cheap

I get irritated when I hear people saying one thing and doing another (as I’m sure this might irritate you as well).

This happens all the time and especially when it comes to changing the look and shape of your body.

When it comes to building muscle and losing fat, talk it cheap. Action is where it’s at.

If you say “I want to lose weight” but you never actually lose any weight…well then what you’re really saying is “I’d like to lose weight but I don’t want to do all the things it takes to actually lose the weight, so I’ll just talk about it instead”

The people who actually lose weight just do it, and don’t talk much about it.

Same with building muscle. If you say “I want to build muscle” but you never go to the gym and put in the tough workouts and push through every painful rep then what you’re really saying is “I’d like bigger muscles but I don’t want to stick to a workout program and put the effort in the gym that is required to get there”.

I’ve learned to tune out the people who are all talk and only focus on helping the people who really want to take action.

For most things in life talk is cheap, and action is where it’s at.

TALKING about something will never make it happen, DOING something about it will.

If you want to start doing something about your body then give The Adonis Index Workout System a try:

Stop talking and start doing: Click Here to Get Started Today


Are you “Training” or Just “Working Out”?

Any type of movement could be considered a ‘workout’ to some degree. Even a 5 minute walk can be called a ‘workout’.

Even though it is very low intensity and duration, it’s still some form of work beyond just resting.

In order to make a real change in your muscle size and strength you need to be ‘training’ and not just ‘working out’.

Training requires a plan, a timeline, a goal, and specific exercise intensities.

Unless you’re following a program with all of the above elements built into it, you’re most likely just working out and not really ‘training’.


P.S. Check this link out of you’d like to see an example of a well designed workout using body weight training.

How Many Calories Do You Need to Lose Weight?

(play button below)

Losing weight is just a matter of calories in vs calories out. Specifically it’s a matter of eating less calories than you burn off.

So just how many calories are we talking here? The answer is actually much lower than you probably think.

In this podcast we talk about how low the real amount of calories is that you need for weight loss, and why most people overestimate it and sabotage their own weight loss success.


Fat Burning Supplements – Do They “Work”?

Walk into any health food shop and you’ll find an entire section of “fat burners” and weight loss supplements.

It’s clear that these products sell, but do they “work”?

The answer to this question is a bit more complicated than a simple yes/no. You’ve got to take into account the claims on the supplement, the research that supports those claims, the researchers that did the work, what the government regulators have to say about it, what the insurance companies will insure, and where the research dollars come from that support the fat burning claims being made.

Fat burners and weight loss supplements are big business.

I’m talking billions of dollars big.

Whenever there is this kind of money on the line the answers are never simple.

In this podcast I try to give you a good look at the ‘fat burners’ side of the supplement industry and which fat burners (if any) are worth taking.

(and don’t forget, the 1st Adonis Transformation Contest is going on RIGHT NOW. Test out our systems for $4.95 and get the body you deserve)

