Allow Us To Answer Your Questions – For FREE

The world is getting a lot more confusing.

Not only does your favorite “guru” tell you to exercise and eat a certain way, but then, in another email, he tells you you should buy someone else’s product (that has the complete OPPOSITE approach).

So we understand why you may be spinning your wheels (which is another reason we say “unsubscribe from everyone else’s stuff).

Look, a lot of people will sell you out to make a quick buck, but not us.

We’re gonna do something no one else is willing to do… ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS. Check the video out for details.

Stay cool,


p.s. Don’t get sucked in by the whirlwind of product launches. While it’s true that some are great, most are either rehashed info that everyone else is selling or based on unproven theory conformed around a limited amount of research or even research where the results are SO miniscule, you’d laugh if you knew the truth. There are only a few people that are CONSISTENTLY ahead of the curve and we aren’t willing to sell our souls just for you to get even more confused.

It’s not worth it.

Your Body is Linked to Your Identity Whether You Like it or Not

The look and shape of your body plays a major role in you sense of identity and who you are. This is true whether you choose to believe it or not.

Making a serious change to your body will open your eyes to this realization (if you didn’t already know this)

There are multiple factors that can influence your view of yourself including money, your relationships with women and your body shape and size.

In this podcast we’ll talk about:

1. How an irrational body image and specifically bodyweight goal can leave you depressed and unsatisfied

2. Accepting your genetic limits is essential to having a realistic body image

3. The trap of trying to and One-Up your way through life

4. Relative size vs absolute size. “One pound” of muscle looks different on each person

5.  Having the grace and class to lead other people by example with your personal transformation

Show Notes:

Muscle Mass accounts for approximately 50% of total Lean Body Mass.


Satisfaction With Your Body Starts With the Right Goals

Many people have a desire to change the look and shape of their body, and so they set a new body image goal.

In many cases the goal we choose for our body image is not attainable and should have never been chosen as our goal in the first place…so how do so many of us end up with such unrealistic goals anyway?

We tend to build an image of what we think we ‘should’ look like using pictures of athletes, bodybuilders, fitness models and celebrities. We seem to pool these images into an idealized form we think we can build and then pursue it never once questioning if it’s even possible.  In many cases there is also a specific bodyweight associated with this goal body look.

This however can be a recipe for years of frustration and disappointment if we cannot somehow build the body we thought we could. Once you accept a more realistic and achievable goal, the frustration can disappear and a new sense of calm confidence will set in.

And make no mistake, I’m not talking about a lowered expectation for an unimpressive body. I’m simply talking about realigning the goal of your new body image with reality.

In this podcast we will talk about:

1. Setting realistic goals

2. Why a specific bodyweight should never be your sole goal

3. Why you can’t ‘cheat’ your genetics (with training or diet) and what happens when you try to

4. Focusing on the advantage your genetics gave you instead of the shortcomings

This podcast features an interview with our BUILD category winner Pierre Farine who will teach us many of these lessons and more.

Pierre also shares an extraordinary thing that happened to him during his transformation.


Changing Your Look Changes Your Game

Making a real change in your life requires 3 main factors

1) Goal

2) Deadline

3) Reward

Every “to do” list and idea that you come up with is just a dream without a clearly stated goal. Setting goals that are too far off in the distance don’t help create any momentum and leave you wishing and dreaming about ‘some day’ when it’ll all happen for you.

The goal most be achievable, within site, and clearly defined…and the most important factor to bring a goal to life is setting is a deadline. Without a clearly defined deadline a goal is meaningless.

Finally a goal must always be linked to a reward (otherwise what was the point of setting the goal in the first place)

In todays podcast we’ll talk about the goal of changing your body and the rewards that follow.

As you see your body change you will also notice people changing the way they react to you. This change is profound and you will also notice that you must also change the way you act.

You’ll learn all of this while we profile one of our transformation contest winners Tristan Creswick 3rd place overall.

We’ll discuss:

1. How your look changes your inner game

2. How your look changes what you will and won’t do

3. How your look changes how people act

4. What it takes to change your body

5. How low calories really have to go for effective weight loss

6. Social and psychological changes that come with a better body


Can You Eat Your Way To Bigger Muscles?

Browsing the fitness section of the magazine stand will reveal dozens of headlines that seem to be the answer to your fitness and dieting questions.

I went to my local book store and browsed the fitness magazine section. Here is a sample of the headlines I found:

“709 Tips to get you  Jacked”

“Get abs you’ve always wanted in less than 1 hour per week”

“16 Rules of fitness you MUST follow”

“Low carb diet risk”

“9 Biggest training traps to avoid”

“15 Foods that fight fat”

“78 simple ways to swap flab for brawn”

This is just a small sample of all the headlines I found.

It would probably take you the entire year to implement all of the “rules” and “tips” in these articles…and these are just the articles I found in the January issues! There are 11 months of magazines with “tips” “rules” and “tricks” to go for the rest of 2010.

This is an example of how the fitness/diet industry has to keep you guessing and thinking that you’re missing something important. All of this is in an effort to get you to buy this months magazine with the promise that you’ll find the right tips to get you the results you’re looking for. And of course, next months issue will have just as many tips tricks and secrets.

Within this ongoing flood of tips and rules is the dogma of eating to get bigger muscles. This is one of the most persistent fallacies of the fitness industry.

In this podcast we will deconstruct fitness headlines and get to the bottom of the eating to get bigger muscles fallacy.


Diet, Workout, Health? What Defines You?

There are many ways you can be defined, some of them you can’t control like your height, age, race, where you were born. But there are many other things that you CAN control, like your career, education, how you conduct yourself in your relationships and your body shape.

When it comes to influencing the look of your body things like your workout and your eating pattern are simply tools and not a definition of who you are, but the health diet/fitness industry try to convince you to define yourself in these terms.

With a closer look you will realize that terms like “health” “nutrition” and “fitness” have no meaning without the specific meaning you give to them. Each one is a personal definition that you alone should make.

In this podcast we’ll discuss:

1. The definition of Health

2. The definition of Fitness

3. What defines you

4. How the ‘health and fitness’ industry uses ambiguity to sell you things you don’t understand

As long as you allow someone else to define each of these terms for you, you’ll always be susceptible to another new diet or fitness marketing fad.

Define yourself.

