Weight Loss Is Not An Industry

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 3.

Today’s topic:  Weight Loss Is Not An Industry.

Is there really a tangible goal when it comes to weight loss?

Is there really a tangible goal when it comes to weight loss?


Is there really a  tangible goal when it comes to weight loss ?

After more than 100 years the  several approaches to weight loss have been  “Industrialized” into a wide variety of  products and services.

Here are a few for example:

Information-Based  Products/Services:

  • Clinics
  • Coaches
  • Personal trainers
  • Gyms
  • Forums
  • Books
  • Recipe books
  • E-books
  • Calorie counters
  • Blogs
  • Entertainment (weight loss shows and news)

Weight Loss Products:

  • Food
  • Gear
  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Equipment
  • Supplements
  • Pharmaceutical

If weight loss had a cure it would be the golden goose.  This is the crux of it all.  If weight loss could be solved with one paradigm or one fix, you would pay for it and you would get your money’s worth.

What drives people to over eat?  It is true to an extent that people are not as active now as in previous generations, but it’s only a factor.  People living prior to the Industrial Revolution were certainly more active all day long.

There is no comparison when it comes  to the one or two hours of high intensity work at the gym versus the laborious activities in manufacturing and agriculture performed all day long in previous generations.  As technology increases, we are slowly chipping away at our daily physically  activity levels. All of our daily chores are becoming automated.  Modern conveniences replace what would once require  hours upon hours of work.

We were built to move; the Information Age, strives for modernization and convenience so that will barely have to move at all.

There are hundreds of  driving forces behind why we eat too much (advertising, boredom, stress, etc.).

The bottom line is our appetite exceeds what we can eat for current activity level. Our metabolic rate is very low for our activity level. It does not feel wrong to eat 3000 calories in a day when our metabolic rate is under 2000.

We are designed for feast and famine. This is why we crave high caloric foods like sweets and fats.

We have gotten away from being able to feel when and how much we really need to eat. So the key would be to learn what just enough is, and sadly just enough is always going to be a little less than what you want.  When in doubt a little bit extra exercise is always a good idea, but not enough to burn you out.

You can’t get this answer from the “weight-loss industry”, in a pill, or in any of the “quick fix” answers.  One hundred years of industrial advances has not quite solved this.

If you want to know what it feels like to actually burn say 3000-4000 calories in a day try a form of exercise that takes at least three hours. That’s the sort of day where you might be able to eat ad lib or sort of unchecked.  Then as you are eating notice how quickly you can eat 3500 or so calories.

The bottom line is you will need to take steps to not become obese.  You will need to make an active effort from now on and for the rest of your life.


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TGIF: The Goal Is Frequency

Whether it be the closing of a busy week or your local restaurant hang out, TGIF is an acronym that many are familiar with.  However, for today’s post TGIF  stands for “The Goal Is Frequency.”   In the fitness context, frequency means how often a person exercises.  As AT11 comes to a close we will have the chance to interview some of the top contestants and inquire about their frequency of workouts during the contest.


TGIF: The Goal Is Frequency


Successful transformations are often achieved by those individuals who determined the frequency of their workouts to be a significant key to their success.   Frequency also influences other characteristics and behaviors such as habit and momentum.  Habit is in direct correlation to frequency because the more times you step into the gym to workout that habit is strengthened and cultivated.  Someone who is in the habit of going to the gym regularly has a greater chance of developing momentum towards a worthwhile goal or deadline such as our transformation contests.

To give an example, how exciting would it be to go to a basketball game where there were no goals and the  only thing the players did was dribble and pass to one another?  Hardly worth watching and even possibly a waste of time.  The problem is there was nothing to shoot for… no GOAL!

In conclusion, to all  my brothers in Iron, I’d like to encourage both the beginners and the senior members to  remember TGIF: “The Goal is Frequency.”    Each time you step into the gym with an AGR workout you are armed with a game plan to achieve your “Golden” Physique, the ball is now in your court and it’s up to you to shoot  for the goal… Train Hard and Good Luck!

yours in fitness,

Allen Elliott| Adonis Golden Ratio Ambassador

Uncensored on Uncensored

Here’s the first episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 3.

Today’s topic:  Uncensored on Uncensored.

Uncensored Taboo Topics

Taboo Topics: Uncensored on Uncensored


Brad and John will talk a little bit about the history of diet and fitness information.

What resources you should look at?

Magazines have always been mainly supplement catalogs paid for by advertising.  The content must bend somewhat to the advertisers.

Newspapers, news websites, and shows are all censored or narrowly focused.  Their job is to get the most viewers, or subscriptions, or hits.

Nothing online is really free. You are subjected to other forms of advertising.  You are the product, your information, or your search patterns.  YouTube sells viewing which must be shocking, compelling, or education mixed with entertainment. Even iTunes has requirements and restrictions.

The reason why we do these uncensored is because we want complete freedom of speech.  We don’t want the truth edited or watered down to bend to advertising.

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How Much Weight Should You Use During Workouts?

In the upcoming weeks John and I will seek to provide our feedback and insight on “trending” topics and questions from within the  AGR Community.

Today’s topic is a frequently asked question among our newest brothers in iron.  The question many people ask once they begin the AGR workouts is, “How Much Weight Should I Use?”


Adonis Golden Ratio: Solid Goals & Simple Metrics

Adonis Golden Ratio: Solid Goals & Simple Metrics

Unique to the the AGR program,  the repetition ranges are specifically designed for positive progression toward your “Golden” Adonis Index Score, which is based on the  Fibonacci Sequence and cyclical, periodized weight training.

It’s important to note  that a “repetition” or “REP” is directly related to a suggested level of effort.  The level of effort on a scale of  1 to 10, will determine the amount of weight that you train with.

Below is break-out of REP ranges and the level of effort that should be applied when lifting a specific amount of weight.




  • Give yourself permission to lift lighter weights, to maintain your form.
  • Always use a spotter if you are training with heavy weights.
  • It’s ok to train while “sore” but NOT while “hurt.”
  • Try, Fail, Adjust– Record the amount of weight you use and look for opportunities to SAFELY increase upon the weight used in previous workouts.

What To Do About Injuries

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 2.

Today’s topic:  What To Do About Injuries

Images showing hand in a bandage with a thumbs up

The key to being able to stay physically active long term is to 1) not get injured, and 2) learn to manage injuries properly.


Today John and Brad will talk about the main philosophy of the Adonis Workout being to remain physically active most of your life.  It is to be able to weight train all your life without injury if possible.  On your menu of goals should be “Am I able to do this injury free?  Or at least with minimal injury?”

Some people are genetically more durable, more athletic, and have a special kind of connection between mind and body.  Most of us are not gifted the way pro athletes are.  The key to being able to stay physically active long term is to 1) not get injured, and 2) learn to manage injuries properly.

Be careful not to let your goals get hijacked by younger or genetically gifted trainers.  Your age and your “training age” come into play for what is right for you.  Just because a young or gifted trainer knows something well and is (or was) good at something does not mean it’s good for you.   You have to consider whether or not it’s right for you given your age,”training age”, and genetic abilities.

John will tell you about what to do to work around an injury and how to avoid over use injuries.  A big part of the Adonis design is to avoid over use injuries by constantly changing up the routines.  John said that working out and making progress for even one year injury free is a pretty big win.

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Fitness Trends 2013

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 2.

Today’s topic: Fitness Trends 2013


Regardless of what is coming for the rest of 2013 you can be sure it's all be done before

Regardless of what is coming for the rest of 2013 you can be sure it’s all been done before.


Fitness Trends 2013

Everything that’s old is new again, and this is always true in diet and fitness. Every trend you’ve seen in the past 10 years has already come to a rise and fallen decades earlier.

The low carb fad that hit in the 1990’s is at least the 3rd time low carb came into vogue. The low fat push in the 1950’s and 60’s had it’s first push 60 years before that.

Even fasting has been promoted as a healthy way to eat and stave off disease and sickness as far back as the late 1800’s.

Believe it or not protein was even regarded as an evil nutrient that should be eaten in very limited quantities. And conversely you can find information promoting very high protein diets in the 1800’s as well.

When it comes to strength training we’ve seen the recent popularity of self proclaimed ‘functional’ training such as cross fit. Traditional bodybuilding has faded and might be due for a resurgence.

Regardless of what is coming for the rest of 2013 you can be sure it’s all be done before.

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