Questioning Body Fat Percentage

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 3.


Questioning Body Fat Percentage


Caroline and Tori are fitness competitors who both got in amazing shape and hit their Venus ratio’s. Both had 23-24% body fat in their legs yet 5-7% in their upper body. The main thing here is everyone, depending on their genetics and heredity, will compartmentalize fat differently on their body. You can’t compare yourself to others.

Caroline and Tori are fitness competitors who both got in amazing shape and hit their Venus ratio’s. Both had 23-24% body fat in their legs yet 5-7% in their upper body. The main thing here is everyone, depending on their genetics and heredity, will compartmentalize fat differently on their body. You can’t compare yourself to others.


What is so important about body fat percentage?

Hydrostatic body fat percentage is the gold standard.  It is the method which every other method is calibrated on.  There are no assumptions; they use just the properties of your body in the water.

What is so important about of your body fat percentage?  It’s a number.

It reminds Brad of eating for calories when you need to lose weight when really you just need to eat the right amount of food to lose weight.  People like to go to an online calculator and find out they are supposed to eat 2712 calories a day as an example, then they don’t lose weight and they think their metabolism is broken.  The calculator just gave them the wrong estimate for their body.  People forget that the body is the end game, not the calculator, chart, book, theory, or what someone else did to lose weight.

The total over all body fat percentage does not tell you a whole lot unless you reach a dramatically low percentage that it is irrelevant.   It’s just like how your overall body weight on the scale doesn’t tell you a whole lot either.

DEXA/DXA is the most accurate and is the key for a health standpoint because it tells you regional fat percentages.

DEXA/DXA is the most accurate and is the key for a health standpoint because it tells you regional fat percentages.


Everyone stores fat differently


Brad and John have a lot of data to look at and today they focused on two female fitness competitors who were both approximately 15% body fat which is very low for females.   This is dramatically low for a woman.   One of them had 6.9% Bodyfat in her trunk (her upper body from the waist up).  The other one had below 5% in her trunk (she had a full set of shredded abs and her back was totally visible).

Tori and Caroline are fitness competitors that places first and third in their respective categories so they were both in amazing shape.  Neither of them looked awkward, they both looked totally feminine.

Both had 23 and 24 percent body fat in their legs.  See the difference between the upper and lower body?  The main thing here is everyone depending on their genetics and heredity will compartmentalize fat differently on their body.

So another female could have 20% in her legs, but maybe 11% in her upper body, and roughly the same overall body fat percentage as Tory and Caroline and look totally different.  If she tries to compare herself to these fitness competitors (or anyone else for that matter) at the same overall body fat it totally falls apart.

Everyone stores body fat in different patterns.  These storage patterns are genetic and you cannot manipulate them.  There are some schools of thought that you can manipulate them with diet but there is no data or measurements that prove this theory.  The theories are purely anecdotal and guess work.  


Don’t let body fat measurements hijack your goals


Setting a goal as a percentage body fat can mess you up.  It is a form of goal hijacking.

If you get down to your golden ratio and then would need to go a lot leaner to get the ab definition it could change your overall aesthetic to not be as visually appealing.  Also total body fat percentage is totally dependent on how much muscle mass is there.  Body fat is relative to your lean body mass.  So if you increase your lean body mass without losing any fat your overall body fat % drops.

Body weight and body fat percentage is only useful if you have a “shape” to go with it or a measurable goal like  Adonis or Venus  Ideal or Ratio.

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What about Genetic Differences in Performance?

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 3.

When determining your genetic potential,  compare yourself to your own performance; improve yourself. Each of these men worked hard to achieve their best, you can too!

When determining your genetic potential, compare yourself to your own performance; improve yourself. Each of these men worked hard to achieve their best, you can too!

What about genetic differences in performance?

  • There is research to show genetic differences effect performance.
  • We constantly compare ourselves with others in the gym and watching sports events.
  • We can’t help doing that, but you should at least try and compare yourself to someone of very similar genetics.
  • Genetics play a huge role in success; it plays a bigger role than anyone ever wanted to admit.
  • It doesn’t mean you are not a good person or equally of value as a human if you don’t have specific genetic gifts.
  • It doesn’t seem fair. No matter how hard you practice you won’t be the same as someone who is truly gifted.  Life is not fair.
  • If everything was equal the person who did the best hardest work wins. This is not what happens. Genetics plays the bigger role.
  • We are all unique.
  • But at the same time genetics should not be a reason to not work hard to be your best.
  • It is not an excuse to not work hard to achieve your best.  As far as performances compare yourself to your own performance; improve yourself.
  • What you can achieve?
  • Knowing about genetics is great way to understand what other people have achieved.
  • John and Brad go into great detail into how genetics affect various sports.
  • It does not always mean if you train harder you will get the same results as someone else.
  • It does not mean you should give up training.
  • Everyone is capable of change.
  • Don’t base any of your metrics on performance.
  • All that matters is your own results.
  • How you respond to exercise and diet is unique to you.   You can try things that others do, but it does not mean it will work for you. Also what works for you will change over time. You will have to experiment to find what works for you.

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Adonis Spotlight: M&F Feature + Tales from a True Insider

Today’s special post is the latest installment of the Golden Eye for the Adonis Series.   Because it’s Friday and The Goal Is Frequency (TGIF) we decided to superset today with an Adonis Spotlight “Double-Header!”

First and foremost, wanted to drop a “shout-out” to all my brothers’ in IRON for your continued support and encouragement in the pursuit of my Fitness Model Endeavors.  It was just three short years ago that I began to follow the principles of the Adonis Golden Ratio Systems.  Those simple principles of both art and science  have remained the core of my personal training foundation and continue to fuel my passion for health & wellness.

I still remember my first conversation with John Barban & Brad Howard after making the “Watch List” in AT3.  After the interview, Brad H. asked me, “So where do you want to go from here?”  I nervously replied, “I don’t really know, I just really like this program [AGR] and want to run with it as far as it will let me.”  To that response, John simply said, “Well it’s time to buckle down, and throw your hat in the ring; then we’ll see how good you are.”

I’m pleased to announce that thanks to the lessons learned in mentorship from the AGR Founders as well as my contacts within  Fitness Models International (FMI)  and International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) I was selected as a featured trainer in the November 2013 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine.


Muscle & Fitness Magazine Feature

Adonis Lifestyle Ambassador: Allen Elliott | Featured in November 2013 Muscle & FItness

Adonis Lifestyle Ambassador: Allen Elliott | Featured in November 2013 Muscle & FItness Magazine

Next time your in the bookstore  or the check-out line, feel free to pick up this copy and read about my experience as a trainer and how the ISSA helped me, “Do it  at my own pace.”


Tales from a True Insider

Continuing onto the next topic of our Adonis spotlight double-Header,  I’m pleased to announce a special guest post from Romeo Giovanni.  Better know by his True Insider Handle, “VTaper.”

VTaper: True Insider and One of our Top Bloggers in the Community

VTaper: True Insider and One of our Top Bloggers in the Community

The Adonis Community truly is an awesome resource to help answer the questions of those just becoming familiar with the AGR Program.  Veterans of the community are more than happy to lend sound advice and support one another in their journey to “Golden.”

While browsing the community earlier this week, I happened to stumble across the Blog of VTaper and was simply blown away by his content.

Here is a sample blog entry from VTaper that has transformed into a guest post!


The Scale, Lies!!!

In each transformation story, each individual has a progression that takes place and this progression must exist no matter what. The question is, “How does one measure progress? “, and the best way to track this progression is all in the numbers, correct?

Well this is true, but isn’t truly necessary.

Numbers, like statistics, can be skewed and bent, manipulated and, most importantly, misleading. Let’s look at the weight scale as a real life example. This common household weight scale is undeniably the most commonly used device in today’s society to track ones weight from home. This form of tracking is only a single form or aspect of the total progression, known as weight. The problem with only going by this measurement, a scale, in reality does not inform an individual of the entire story; there are simply too many variables and factors, which lead to false impressions. Variables such as water and food amounts.

An even larger reason a weight scale numerical value is unreliable is simple, it does not factor an individuals true body fat. An individual partaking in a fat loss routine, such as AGR, may become displeased, depressed, or just disappointed to reveal he/she only dropped 6 pounds within the month on the bases of just reading the fluctuations of the weight scale, but the question is, “what if , while losing their fat, the individual actually began to gain muscle mass?”

So if the scale lies or is inaccurate, why does one just measure body fat? The answer is simple, unless an individual is getting their body fat tested by a very expensive manner, using a DEXA Scanner, Bod Pod, or by hydro-static weighing, any other way of measurement are simply inaccurate means. An example of this is handheld devices like the Tanita or the Omron scale, who proclaim they measure an individuals body fat, but unfortunately these are inaccurate numbers as an individuals hydration lavel can cause these numbers to fluctuate.

Alternatives to tracking Progress

The following are considered the top alternative methods for an individual to monitor their progress without the use of any tools:

1. Changes in a person’s fitting of Clothing

When your clothes don’t fit anymore, you know you’re heading in the right direction!

Does it really matter what the scale says, if you find yourself buying new (smaller) clothes because the ones you own don’t fit? When the numerical value on the scales never budge for a few weeks, but your clothing start to look like they are XXXL on you, there is no doubt that ones progression is taking place. It means that you simply are gaining muscle as you are losing fat all simultaneously.

VTaper's Arm Progress pics over 6 Week Period of Transformation

VTaper’s Arm Progress pics over 6 Week Period of Transformation

The greatest and most motivating form of measurement is the photograph! The old saying,”A picture is a 100 words” is never wrong in measuring a individuals progression in weight loss. Taking progression photographs will allow a person, and others, to have a clear visual record of these weight and body changes physically. This has psychological, and in my opinion somewhat, magical, effect as one can literally see the changes in his/her physique, when comparing the images over time. Progression photographs are simple to take and do not require much. Many use a mirror and a cell phone or have their significant other take the pic against a plain wall. The key is to take two photos every 2 weeks, first thing in the morning before consuming any food or water, and just after a workout.


Progression is never just about ones aesthetics or physique. A individual should also be measuring his/hers performance in the workouts. When I began my own fitness adventure, with AGR, I was literally, the fat guy who wanted to put on some muscle and lose fat and this was after my trip to Germany and seeing the photographs of myself. I was disgusted. The only way to keep a record and monitor ones progression in strength is by maintaining a workout log. Those with the new smart phones have the ability to use tools like BodySpace, Fitocracy, Cody, FitnessFast. Then some, like myself, just use traditional pen and paper. I then transfer my information to an excel spreadsheet on the computer. Logging your workouts are simply the only means of measuring ones strength over time.

Measure through Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes are the tangible items that one can feel and see everyday, and for a lot of people, this is the ultimate joy and sense of accomplishment. An individual understands they are progressing when…

  • The kids feel light as a feather when you carry them
  • A Person feels better about themself. More motivated and happy.
  • The level of energy is significantly higher
  • Sleep becomes deeper and more relaxing
  • While doing the “honey do” list, the back and legs do not hurt anymore.
  • Using stairs are easier and you are less winded when walking up and down them

There is absolutely no doubt that a persons progression is getting better from their fitness program.

So now what?

Clearly, the Adonis Golden Ratio program, and just getting in shape, is not all about numbers. It may be nice to see the weight go down, but ones satisfaction with that measurement is short lived. Simply strive for a real long term goal that takes very little effort. Let the new clothing, progression photographs, workout logs, and changes in ones lifestyle truly gauge your results, instead of a false and misleading weight scale. It is these that will motivate and make ones self esteem much higher and rewarding in the end.

Hope this helps some of you newer members.

yours in fitness,

Romeo Giovanni aka”VTaper”



Needless to say, VTaper has outdone himself with the amount of knowledge he displays in the above post.  It is obvious that since he has made the mental transformation the physical is soon to follow.

Stay tuned for VTaper’s Final Transformation as he’s currently a contestant in AT12!

Well that’s all for now, hope you enjoyed the Adonis Spotlight: Double-Header.

Have a great weekend!


you brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott | Adonis Lifestyle Ambasador

P.S. If you want hear more from VTaper you can reach out to him in community here. 

Brad’s Recovery From Not Exercising and Not Fasting For 7 Weeks: Part 2

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 3.


Your win for today has to be your list; workout and calorie totals. You must base it on faith.

Your win for today has to be your list; workout and calorie totals. You must base it on faith.


Today’s Topic: Brad’s Recovery From Not Exercising and Not Fasting For 7 Weeks: Part 2

For the entire experiment Brad’s overall weight did not change.  During the first half of the experiment he lost muscle and gained fat.  This was not fun for him. Well, eating and relaxing was fun of course – gaining fat and losing muscle was not fun!

Rest assured, when you have built muscle and take a break from exercise your muscle will inflate back fairly quickly once you get back into your routine.


Losing the fat is a bit harder.

For Brad the first one or two fasts were hard. He had to break the ritual habits of relaxing and eating snacks in the evenings. Even though he was eating at maintenance he had quickly developed fun ritual habits with relaxing and eating.

After pushing through the initial couple of weeks he got into his healthy Reverse Taper Diet.  The first two weeks were hard.  Then six weeks in Brad was in a pretty good groove.


He tapered up in workout time and volume, eased his way up in volume.  Again the first two weeks were hard but then six weeks in he was in a pretty good groove.

It is a delayed reaction.

Especially with a calorie deficit it is a delayed reaction.  There is no immediate feedback. There is no immediate gratification.  You have to go on faith; that what you do right now will have an effect next week, or in two or three weeks.

While you are slimming down it’s a difficult mind set.  You are eating and training for results to be seen a few days or week later.

Your win for today has to be your list; workout and calorie totals.  You must base it on faith.


Keys to Remain Consistent While Maintaining Fitness, Calorie Intake, and Training

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 3.


The "Skinny Brad" is on the far right.  If you are like me you are probably thinking "Skinny? He looks pretty good to me right there!"  Brad is just plain awesome.

The “Skinny Brad” is on the far right. If you are like me you are probably thinking “Skinny? He looks pretty good to me right there!” Brad is just plain awesome.

Today’s Topic:  Brad’s 7 week experiment & DEXA scan

Brad Talks about his experiment after having just completed almost 7 weeks of no workouts, and no fasting.

The key to maintaining fitness is calorie intake and training.  While most of us already knew this, Brad proves this in a 7 week experiment using a DEXA scan and some measurements (an experiment none of us really want to undertake – so thank you Brad for doing this for us!)

One interesting point Brad makes in the podcast is that water fluctuations within the body happen constantly.  Even while eating at maintenance, not fasting, and not exercising Brad experienced the sudden weight loss (nicknamed “Whoosh”) the morning after a large meal, and also random mornings of unexplained weight gains.

This is proof that the scale being used for monitoring fat loss over time is a “trend tool” and we all need to ignore the water fluctuations that randomly happen in our body.   While some water retention can be explained with sodium, DOMS, hormone cycles, and certain foods some reasons are unknown and appear to be entirely random.  Don’t get caught up in worrying about random water fluctuations in the body that happen on a daily basis.

Brad answers the following questions in the podcast:

  • The key to having strength and muscle is needing it.
  • Muscle gain and loss is transitory.
  • Fat gain and loss is transitory.
  • Why you shouldn’t worry about muscle loss during a fast.
  • How does muscle memory work?
  • How easy it is to gain muscle back.
  • When does scale weight matter?
  • What metrics should you pay attention to?
  • Why a DEXA scan so important?

Targets, Goals, and Missions

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 3.

Today’s topic:  Targets, Goals, and Missions

Once you get to your goal, your new model is you.  It is your proximity to the target.  You have a range you like to stay in.

Once you achieve your goal, the new model is you. It is now your responsibility to maintain a close proximity to the target. Find a range you like to stay in that suits your lifestyle.

Maintenance is hard.  At some point you arrive at a point of diminishing returns.

You have arrived at your goal.  You reach a point where you look in the mirror and say “That’s my body and that’s me, and that’s pretty good.”

Before you got to your goal you may have had a picture of someone else, a role model or a fitness model.

But once you have arrived there, you have photographic evidence.  You have pictures, which now serve as a new point of reference.

You can’t have goals, targets, and missions for maintenance without undergoing a personal transformation first.

It’s also VERY important not to compare yourself to others, but it’s okay to have a model to help visualize your goal.

Once your goal is achieved, the new model becomes yourself.  You have entered the “Realm of Maintenance” and want to maintain close proximity to the target range of your ideal Adonis Golden Ratio measurements.

There will be times when you are not as tight, muscular, or sharp,  but you are able to reel yourself in; returning to the “Ideal” version of  YOU.

Tracking your measurements serve as a guide; keeping you on track as life comes at you.

Once you achieve the body you want, then the next goal is to work to keep it in a desired range that requires the least amount of effort on your part.

In the Fitness Model Industry we refer to it as walking around within “Striking Distance” of your “Peak Physique” typically one or two weeks out from being “Photo-Shoot” ready.

Once you decide on your target, goals, and mission, it’s  time to then set up your “inner circle” support group.  You need to include people who are going to help you stay on track and exclude those who would want to hinder you.

Set a goal date to help keep your team or inner circle on your side.  It can be an special event, a vacation, another photo shoot, whatever you want to keep you motivated.


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