The 14th Adonis Transformation Contest starts TODAY!

The 14th Adonis Transformation contest (AT14) starts today!

The 14th Adonis Transformation contest (AT14) starts today!

The Adonis Transformation Contest AT-14 starts TODAY!

We will accept contest entries starting on May 19, 2014. The deadline for entering your before pictures will be Midnight Eastern Time on May 26, 2014.

The pictures must be taken between between May 19th and May 26th, 2014. The newspaper front page picture must be taken during the same photo session.


Before you enter please read the contest instructions


Click here –> Contest instructions, rules, and regulations <– Click here

Note: The contest dashboard is only open during the

week of May 19-26, 2014



You will receive a confirmation email after May 27, 2014 if you carefully followed the contest instructions.

If you completed all 8 steps but did not carefully follow the contest instructions you will not receive a confirmation email and you may have to wait to enter the next contest.  Please carefully read the contest instructions before you enter the contest.

Checkout the winners of our previous contests.

GET EXCITED!! The Adonis Golden Ratio 12 week transformation contest is the first step in your Adonis Lifestyle journey!

Stay Safe & Train Hard!

your brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott | Adonis/Venus Index Transformation Coach

P.S. Email me if you have any problems or questions entering the contests:

The Adonis Transformation Contest AT-14 Will Start on May 19, 2014

Would you like to achieve the same success as these previous Adonis Transformation contest winners? You definitely can do it too – at any age!

Would you like to achieve the same success as these previous Adonis Transformation contest winners? You definitely can do it too – at any age!

The Adonis Transformation Contest AT-14 starts on May 19, 2014

We will accept contest entries starting on May 19, 2014. The deadline for entering your before pictures will be Midnight Eastern Time on May 26, 2014.

The pictures must be taken between between May 19th and May 26th, 2014. The newspaper front page picture must be taken during the same photo session.


Before you enter please read the contest instructions


Click here –> Contest instructions, rules, and regulations <– Click here

Note: The contest dashboard is only open during the

week of May 19-26, 2014

Here are the steps to enter AT14:

1)      Login to you online Adonis account

2)      Click on the “Tracker” menu

Step 1 Click on Tracker

 3)      Click on the “Contest Dashboard” button

Step 2 Click on Contest Dashboard

4)      Click on the green “Join Contest” button

Cliick on green Join Contest button

5)      Drag and Drop your contest pictures

Step 3 Drag and Drop Pictures

6)      Scroll down and enter your measurements with the drop down arrows

Step 4 Scroll down and use drop down arrows to enter metrics

7)      Click on the blue “Start Contest” button

Step 5 Click the Blue Start Contest button

8)      You are successfully entered when you see the green letters that say “Before photos uploaded”

Sucess - You are in the contest

You will receive a confirmation email after May 27, 2014 if you carefully followed the contest instructions.

If you completed all 8 steps but did not carefully follow the contest instructions you will not receive a confirmation email and you may have to wait to enter the next contest.  Please carefully read the contest instructions before you enter the contest.

Checkout the winners of our previous contests.

GET EXCITED!! The Adonis Golden Ratio 12 week transformation contest is the first step in your Adonis Lifestyle journey!

Stay Safe & Train Hard!

your brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott | Adonis/Venus Index Transformation Coach

P.S. Email me if you have any problems or questions entering the contests:

Hi-Cholesterol, YouTube, and The Adonis Effect: Interview with AT-12 Winner Jon McManus

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 12th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

When backed into a corner, one has two choices fight or flea.  Jon chose to fight back and restore his health after learning that his cholesterol was three times above the normal limit.  He began to make changes in his diet and even began searching out fitness routines on YouTube.

It was on YouTube that Jon first learned of an interesting concept known as, “The Adonis Effect.”

Scroll down to read Jon’s transformation essay in his own words, but first, check out his  AT12 Pictures:

Jon McManus - AT12 3rd Place - Front Before/After Photos

Jon McManus – AT12 – 3rd Place – Front Before/After Photos


Jon McManus - AT12 - 3rd Place - Transformation Image

Jon McManus – AT12 – 3rd Place – Transformation Image


Jon McManus - AT12 - 3rd Place - Side Before/After Photos

Jon McManus – AT12 3rd Place – Side Before/After Photos



Jon’s Transformation Essay:

The clock struck twelve midnight, the start of a new year,2013 ,and I’m staring down the barrell of my fortieth year. Thoughts and notions have been playing in my mind for a while now. ” Jon your not getting any younger you need to get in shape”?  So I start to watch what I eat (a bit), exercise (a bit) etc…

Then around March, I go for a check up and have bloods taken,the results when I get them back shocked me! My cholesterol is nearly three times what it should be. This scared the crap out of me. Heart decease is in our family. This kicked my backside into gear. I cut out all the crap in my diet, and started earnestly excersizing.I started doing routines out of fitness magazines,surfed YouTube, this is when I came across Mike Chang.

I started following some of his workouts. Then one day on one of his vids. There is this big guy,well defined, highly ripped,guesting with mike(our one and only John Barban).

This guy is not only talking about lifting large weights but small weights also with higher reps to target all of the muscles. This really caught my attention. Until this point i had mainly heard lift big to get big!

Then John started talking about the Adonis affect…  I was really hooked now.  I went straight to the Adonis site that had been mentioned and joined up on the spot!

I have to say this is the smartest thing that I have ever done where my fitness is concerned! Boy, did this program ever deliver. The changes to my physique in just three weeks was amazing! There’s nothing like results that you can see, to drive you forward and spur you on!

Everything that the Adonis system promises it delivers.The support from the AI team, the design of the workouts the advise from the fellow AI brothers of Iron,it is all here to help build a body that will turn heads and have you feeling like the best thing since  sliced bread!! So to sum up….. for those looking for change, look no further…….Your home is here among  your brothers of Iron.

I want to say a big thank you, to all here….I am firmly on the road to the Golden Number 1.61


Editor’s Note:

Hey Jon,

Congratulation on a Amazing contest transformation.  It was interesting to learn how you discovered the AGR system.  I also discovered the AGR system in a similar way.  Glad to know that when the going got tough, you got going!  Taking control of your health choices and transforming your physique has been a huge inspiration to others.  Your transformation further solidifies that the Adonis Golden Ratio system delivers proven results to those who embrace the Adonis Lifestyle.

your brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott | Adonis Golden Ratio Ambassador

AT13 12-Week Transformation Winners Announced

The “Cut” Mentality: Interview with AT-12 Winner Joseph Riggs

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 12th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today John talks to Joseph Riggs who placed 10th in our last contest.

Joseph tell us in his interview how he pulled no punches when it came to “cutting fat.”  Making some serious lifestyle changes he was determined to improve himself.   Joseph stumbled upon AGR when he found our “Podcast Content.”

At first, he was a little skeptical but the information shared during the podcast kept him “open-minded”  and curious enough to learn more.

As his journey continued, one of the biggest challenges he faced was abandoning the “Cut Mentality” and applying the rules of (RTD) by increasing his calorie content  for “Muscle-Building.”

Scroll down to read more of  Joseph’s transformation journey in his own words.

But first, check out Joseph’s  AT12 Pictures:

Joseph Riggs- AT12 10th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Joseph Riggs- AT12 10th Place – Front Before/After Photos

Joseph Riggs- AT12 10th Place - Side Before/After Photos

Joseph Riggs- AT12 10th Place – Side Before/After Photos


Joseph Riggs- AT12 10th Place - Back Before/After Photos

Joseph Riggs- AT12 10th Place – Back Before/After Photos

Joseph’s Transformation Essay:

I never really lifted weights nor ever had a desire to, just to be honest. I was happy where I was in life. I struggled with blood pressure problems, and other medical issues as well.

But never really equated the problems that I was having with my weight. I am 6’3″ and I weighed 235lbs! Looking back at old pictures of myself, I see a difference from then to now but I can remember that I never thought of myself as being, “overweight”.1

Thankfully, my wife came up with the idea of wanting  to eat “better.” I thought to myself…”So tell me, what exactly is better?” Better in my mind was doing a complete 180 from where I was at in my life. I am one of those people that when I set my mind to something I am going to give it my all.

Not only did I start trying to put my diet in check but I also started running! At first I hated it. I couldn’t get very far but I had my mind made up and I kept it up. The first 35lbs came off relatively easy and quickly!

I was able to lose the weight in about 2 and a half to 3 months! When I got to the 200 pound mark, I stalled out. It didn’t matter how much running I was doing the weight just wasn’t coming off the way it had been. I decided to start working out the last part of 2012.

I did my own thing and the only thing I got out of it was an injury. In February 2013 I bought the Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR) Program. I dove right in and never looked back.

I shadowed AT11 and I thought, what did I have to lose? So I entered AT12 and the results speak for themselves!! AGR is a lifestyle that I have embraced and will always hold on too!

Editor’s Note:

Hey Joseph,

As I listened to your podcast and read your essay, I’m reminded of a quote, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”   Thanks to your wife, who I believe positively challenged you to want to eat better. Which ultimately led you to take it to the next level and improve your overall physique. Very cool your wife is also on board with Venus as well!  It was also very refreshing to hear your feedback on how much the testimonials and experience of other former contestants became your motivation & support system. We look forward to seeing your next round of photos along your Adonis Lifestyle journey!

your brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott | Adonis Golden Ratio Ambassador

Joseph’s Transformation Interview:

To listen to Joseph’s transformation podcast interview click below:

Clear the Mechanism: Interview with AT-12 Winner Audie Harrison

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 12th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today John talks to Audie Harrison who placed 6th in our last contest.

Audie begins the discussion talking about his obsession with coffee.  It had become his crutch, helping him get through extended sessions in front of his PC.  He knew it was time to make a change and rather than gradually making a change he decided to “Clear The Mechanism” and went cold-turkey.

This mental battle would prove to be a continuing theme during the period of his transformation contest.

Prior to beginning the AGR System, Audie’s weight had the “Yo-Yo” effect. He was literally at the mercy of his lifestyle or environment.  Desperately looking for something to focus on, he felt AT12 would be the great opportunity to take control of his physique.

Scroll down to read more of  Audie’s transformation journey in his own words.

But first, check out Audie’s  AT12 Pictures


Audie Harrison - AT12 6th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Audie Harrison – AT12 6th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Audie Harrison - AT12 Transformation Image

Audie Harrison – AT12 Transformation Image


Audie Harrison - AT12 6th Place - Back Before/After Photos

Audie Harrison – AT12 6th Place – Back Before/After Photos


- AT12 6th Place - Side Before/After Photos

Audie Harrison- AT12 6th Place – Side Before/After Photos

Audie’s Transformation Essay:

I decided to do AT12 quite a while before the contest even started. I’d gained more fat than I would have liked and decided the competition would be a good way to focus my energy and keep me on track. Had I really thought hard about it I never would have entered at this time what with a family holiday to contend with as well as a week I would be away with work. It had me freaking out at the time but I’m glad I did it  anyway.

I knew I was in for a tough time and I had actually planned on being very close to my golden waist by the time the competition started, which I knew would leave the majority of my transformation to come in the form of muscle growth, which is obviously very slow. I’d set the bar high for myself but that was fine with me.

Workout wise there was nothing too fancy. I’d spoken to various forum members about what worked for them and decided to do Adonis 3.1 and add in a Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR) Booster every single day on top of it, or as much as my body would allow anyways. My body tolerated the flow of Adonis 3.1 and I was able to stay mentally engaged during the workouts. Calories were a huge pain for me. I was on a deficit the whole time and I’d experimented with two different eating patterns, one of which made me feel horrible for two weeks.

All in all,  I really enjoyed the competition even though I felt I made more mistakes than I needed to.  Something struck me as soon as I’d had my pictures done. There was this feeling of catharsis where everything just seemed to evaporate and I felt an immense sense of relief. It was at that point that I realized just how hard this competition can be on someone without them even knowing it.  My biggest support system was the online community. There are some terrific guys on there. They’ll stand by you and encourage you when you need it, and give you a mental shake when you need that too. I honestly don’t know if I could have made it through the whole contest without the support and encouragement I received from those guys.

One thing I’m very glad to take way from this contest is the liberation from doubts and worries that I had pre contest. I’m genuinely looking forward to the years ahead. Many thanks to everyone behind the Adonis Golden Ratio System, and a special shout-out to all you guys on the forums! Thanks to you that I have a very clear vision of the road ahead. I know now exactly what physique I want and exactly how I’m going to get it!


Editor’s Note:

Hey Audie,

Through sheer mental toughness and perseverance you held fast to your goals.  ” Congrats on your transformation and placement in this contest!  Happy to know that you finally came to utilize all the tools that the AGR system has to offer.  Most importantly, the online Adonis community!  Your story is a great inspiration to others. Keep pushing toward your goals, remember, “Winners Find A Way to Win!”

your brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott | Adonis Golden Ratio Ambassador

Audie’s Transformation Interview:

To listen to Audie’s transformation podcast interview click below:
