Getting Into Contest Shape: Interview with Allen Elliot

The way your body looks changes from day to day, and even from hour to hour, and on a bigger scale from month to month and year to year. Today we’re going to focus on what it takes to get into condition for a winning look. And what better way to do this than with Allen Elliot…he know what it takes to ‘dial it in’ and he’ll be sharing some the techniques he used to get into the condition you see here.

Allen Elliot Adonis IndexAdonis Index Allen Elliot

There are many factors that go into the look of your body including:

Total bodyfat – Not much to explain here. If you’re carrying too much fat none of your muscle will show through

Body Water – From fully hydrated after a meal to bodybuilding contest dehydrated and fasted

Training History – Do you have years of well developed muscle mass, or are you still a novice with room to grow

Current Training State – Are you pumped up from a workout or just got out of bed

Adonis Index Podcast Transcript Allen Elliot

And finally are you ‘dialed in’ to win a contest, or are you maintaining within striking distance for the next contest, photoshoot, or simply just the next time you feel like you want to tighten things up and make an impression.

Crafting a winning look to your body is a lot like working on a sculpture…but in this case the clay is your body and your tools are your workout and your diet (I think Arnold says it in a very similar way in his movie “pumping iron”)

Finally, the way you pose and display your body is the icing on the cake and could very well determine if you win or lose a bodybuilding show or the upcoming Adonis Index “open” competition.

In todays interview we pick Allen Elliots brain on how he learned to dial in for his bodybuilding show and really display his hard work through proper posing and contest conditioning.

Listen up if you’re thinking of entering the open, because Allen has some good advice and insights to share, AND some of you will likely be competing against him!

Hey we’re all in this together and we all want to see each other succeed (even if you’re technically competing against each other) we are all really on the same team.



Download the transcript here:

Getting Into Contest Shape: Interview With Allen Elliot


Winning against the Odds: Interview with Jason Gottlieb

If you want to make a change in your body then you have to start TODAY! There is no such thing as starting ‘tomorrow’ because there is always another tomorrow.

It has to be today.

Adonis Index Transformation Jason Gottlieb BeforeAdonis Index Transformation Jason Gottlieb After

If you get caught up explaining why you can’t do it, or can’t start now, you’ll never start. You’ll always find a reason to be ‘too busy’ or ‘too tired’ or ‘too caught up in other things’. None of these are legitimate excuses…instead they’re just excuses.

If you don’t believe me then you have to listen to todays podcast with Jason Gottlieb. He finished second in our latest transformation contest and just about every part of his life that could be stacked against him was.

Adonis Index Transformation interview Jason Gottlieb

From working 80 hour work weeks, to avoiding chocolate and trail mix snacks all day long, to having to workout at 6am every morning…Jason did what most people won’t do, and the results speak for themselves.

Jason explains how he managed to make a dramatic transformation while constantly being tempted with food every day, and working ungodly hours but still making it to the gym. If anyone ever had an excuse why it wouldn’t be possible to make a change, Jason is the guy…but he didn’t let the constraints of his life hold him back.

If he can do it, so can you.



Download the transcript here:

Winning against the Odds: Interview with Jason Gottlieb


Getting Real Results: Interview with Thomas Power

Working out is just a tool to achieve a desired result or outcome…this is pretty obvious. But when you commit to a workout that isn’t producing the results you want it might not be as easy to change to a new workout as you think.

Adonis Index Transformation Thomas Power Before

Adonis Index Transformation Thomas Power After

Sometimes you might think it’s you that is failing and not the workout itself. Maybe it’s just not a fit for your current training status, or maybe you’ve got the wrong expectations.

In any case, if you’re not getting results, but you’re putting in the effort, then something has got to change. Like Einstein said “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results”.

This is what Thomas had to overcome when he realized his old workout simply wasn’t producing the results he wanted.

One of the most interesting things Thomas said was that he had to ‘swallow his pride and just trust that the Adonis Index Workout would work”.

I find this to be a revealing statement because the workout he had been doing for the previous two years just wasn’t producing the results he wanted, and he was faced with a choice. Either continue doing the old workout and try to force it to work, or take a leap of faith and try the Adonis Index workout.

The rest of the story is history…Thomas finished in the money on our latest contest building a significant amount of muscle.

In todays podcast we discuss the “permission to be light” and how it can free you from the old way of believing that you must ‘gain weight’ and ‘bulk up’ to build muscle.

We’ll also discuss intensity and joining contests to generate motivation.

Adonis Index Transformation Transcript Thomas Power

And finally we’ll talk about embracing what your genetics have. If building muscle comes easy but you struggle with fat loss…well embrace the fact that you can build muscle easily (because the ‘skinny’ guys would kill to build your kind of muscle)

On the other hand if you’re naturally lean but building muscle is a challenge for you, embrace the fact that you can have visible abs without really dieting for them…(the bigger guys would kill to have abs all the time without dying)

The point is the grass is always greener on the other side if you always focus on what you DON’T have…instead you should embrace what you DO have and get to work developing your weaker points.


You can download the transcript here:

Getting Real Results: Interview with Thomas Power


42 Years old and RIPPED: An Interview with Mark Levy

During this past transformation contest we had some entries that blew us away and Mark Levy was at the head of that list. Just to be clear, Mark was in pretty good shape to start the contest but his final condition was just SICK!

Mark is the definition of the word RIPPED…but don’t take my word for it…have a look for yourself:


Mark Levy Adonis Index Workout Transformation

Great Back!

Mark Levy Adonis Index

Great Abs

Adonis Index Transformation

Simply Awesome

Adonis Index Mark Levy

Some Obliques!


Adonis Index Interview Mark Levy

In today’s interview we talk to Mark about how he got into this condition and some of the major changes he made in the way he manages his diet and how this transformation has crossed over into other area’s of his life.

The best part…Mark ate ice cream and cake every week during his cut down! SIGN ME UP!

If you want to read the transcript of the interview you can download it here:

42 Years old and RIPPED: An interview with Mark Levy


Transformation Winner Dan Richardson Interview

The results of the latest Adonis Index transformation contest were fantastic and Dan Richardson lead the way. He had a phenomenal transformation and took first place overall.

In todays podcast we interview Dan and get the inside scoop on what it was like to go through the contest and take first place. Dan will reveal the trials and challenges of dropping over 30lbs in 12 weeks and staying committed to his decision to enter and win the contest.


If you want to read the transcript of the interview instead you can download it here:

Interview with Dan Richardson


Adonis Transformation Watch List Competitors

Now that you’ve had a chance to see the top 6 we’re posting the contestants who are proving that the open class is a necessity starting in January.

Each of these guys could have easily finished in the top 6 as well and I’m not lying when I say I lost more than a few nights sleeps trying to pick the winners of this past contest.

Each of these guys did a phenomenal job and we want to recognize them as the the current front runners for the open contest in January 2011 (if they choose to enter…hint, you all better enter!)

This is just further proof that dedication and perseverance can produce dramatic results (even if you’re already in good shape you can take it further)

Each of these guys is an example of going from good to ‘exceptional’.

On to the watch list:


Mark Levy


Allen Elliot


Andrew Tullio


Andrew Irvine


Wes Granger


As you can see these guys all ended up in great shape and this is what made judging this contest so difficult.

Congratulations are in order for the results they have achieved and I think they would all do very well in the open class next year.

Some people have been asking ‘what next’ after going through a transformation…and now we’ve got an answer.

The Adonis Index Open Competition!

