Contest Blueprint: Learning from Mistakes with Vince Delmonte (Part 2 of 3)

After competing in his first fitness model shows in 2005 Vince took 3 years off from competing to improving his physique. During his first shows in 2005 his primary goal was getting lean, however his muscle mass suffered. This time around building and maintaining muscle was the primary focus.

His training philosophy changed and evolved from a whole body routine to a more advanced routine with more volume, shorter rest periods and element of overall conditioning built into the weight training workouts themselves. And the results speak for themselves, he definitely got bigger as you can see here.

Much bigger in 2008, but not lean enough and the judged punished him for it.

After winging it for his first contest diet he also decided to follow a structured contest diet given to him by a coach and record all of it. Keeping track of what you’re doing is a major key to improving as you can look back and see what worked and what didn’t. This is a critical step to constantly improving your physique.

The 2008 competition arrived and Vince was one of the biggest guys on stage, which was his goal, but he wasn’t lean enough and placed worse than he expected. This time around he sacrificed too much definition to be bigger and the judges punished him for it. Another tough lesson learned.

In part two of our three part series Vince describes what changes he made to both his training and diet to build more muscle, and the mistakes he made along the way that lead to his placing in the 2008 show.

We’ll also set the stage for what he learned from this experience and how it changed his view of competing and transforming his physique.


Contest Prep Blueprint: Putting it together with Vince Delmonte (part 1 of 3)

When he first picked up a weight at age 22 Vince Delmonte likely didn’t know it would take over 9 years to transform and evolve his physique to the shape he has today.

Most new comers have the false idea that all it takes is a summer of hard training to get the body that they’ve been imagining from scanning covers of fitness magazines. Little do they know those athletes and models have spent years training and dieting, making mistakes, learning from those mistakes and refining the process. And that’s precisely what it is…a process.

Vince in 2005. Pretty good condition for his first show.

This is exactly what Vince has done to transform his body over time. In this special 3 part interview series Vince will walk us through the evolution of his physique starting with the first bodybuilding show he did in 2005 up to his latest show where he won his pro card in April 2011.

In this first interview Vince describes how he approached his first show with a lot of heart and determination but without much of  a plan. He definitely got into a shape that most people would be perfectly happy with, but this wasn’t the shape he was hoping for. He knew there was definitely room for improvement.

He shares his insights on what it was like to compete for the first time, the mistakes he made and the lessons he has learned and took with him for his next competition.


Best Shape of His Life at 60 years old!

Joe Weaver competed in our Adonis Index senior open division and came in 2nd place. I caught with him on the eve of his 60th birthday to chat about what it’s like to get into the best shape of his life.

Amazing Shape at 60 years old!

Joe Weaver 2nd Place Adonis index Open Senior Class

Joe explains how things have changed over the years and how the whole process started.

He shares some valuable information about the difference between training when you’re in your 20’s and 30’s compared to your 50’s. As a senior Adonis you’ve got to pay more attention to your rest and recover and listen to what your body is telling you.

When we’re young we tend to have an immortality complex and we tend to abuse our bodies, but a we move along in life we can’t do this anymore.

The lifelong process of working out, getting in shape and staying in shape isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon, and pacing yourself is the key to getting the most out of your body without breaking down.

Joe shares many words of wisdom for longevity and being in great shape at any age. And make no mistake about it Joe is in great shape, and a shape many 20 and 30 year olds would envy.


P.S. The breathing technique Joe refers to is called “Ujjayi”

The book Joe refers to in the podcast is called “Body Mind & Sport” by John Douillard


Going Places Adonis Index Style

Building a great physique can open all kinds of doors for you. The next step is choosing to walk through those doors, and that is exactly what Allen Elliot is doing with the physique he has built using the Adonis Index systems. Allen finished first place in our open contest in the 25-40 age category.


Allen Elliot First Place Adonis Index Open

This Physique is talking Allen Places

Allen has competed in the new ‘physique’ category which takes a more sensible approach to competitions compared to the steroid ridden over bloated bodybuilding categories.


Allen explains the opportunities that have presented themselves form being an Adonis and that you should keep an open mind towards change and where things can go with your body and your life.

Staying consistent and trusting the program you’re following is always the key to making steady progress. And Allen is living proof.



How to Look 20 Years Younger

Getting “big” isn’t the same as getting in shape. Most guys are missing the point when they dedicate years and even decades of their life in an effort to simply be bigger. You may be able to fill out a large shirt, but you many not ever want to take that shirt off in public. Leo Bell fell into this trap before he found the Adonis Index system and got ripped at age 48! Leo finished 2nd in our 4th transformation contest and proves that weight is just a number and the leaner you are the bigger you look.


Adonis Index Transformation 2nd Place Leo Bell

Leo Bell 2nd Place Adonis Index Transformation

Adonis Index Transformation Leo Bell

Leo dropped 30lbs!

Adonis Index Transformation Leo Bell

Leo took 6 inches off his waist for a remarkable transformation


This is a trap that many guys fall into and some never get out of. Months of ‘bulking’ turn into years, and the years turn into decades. Some guys can find themselves in the perpetual ‘bulked’ state for the better part of their 20’s and 30’s and in some cases even through their 40’s.

At some point this bulking cycle has to end and it becomes time to get into real shape and show off the muscle that you got.

Building muscle mass is part of the process, but getting lean is the other part. At some point you have to accept and understand the size isn’t the only goal.

It’s never too late to get in shape, and Leo Bell is living proof that once you put your mind and effort to the right goal you can achieve amazing results faster than you thought possible. The key is opening your mind to the concept of being lighter and leaner, and then sticking to a program that is designed to get you there.




Consistency is the Key To Building Muscle and Staying Lean

The North American obsession with weight loss and fitness might be in part due to the fact that most people in north America tend to gain weight and get out of shape if they’re not paying attention to it.

Sometimes we need to be reminded that other cultures don’t eat the same way as westernized societies do. Having a big breakfast lunch and dinner isn’t a universal around the globe.


Adonis Index Open Contest Kidafi Byer

2nd Place Adonis Index Open Kidafi Byer

Adonis Index Open Kidafi

Kidafi has great definition and shape

when Kidafi Byer moved to the usa he was told he would get fat, but he didn’t let it happen. Instead he got golden and placed 2nd in our Adonis Index Open contest.

In today’s podcast we talk about different ways of eating and what it takes to build muscle.

Consistency and patience is a major key. You can’t expect the muscle to come faster than it’ll come. Challenging yourself in the gym and lifting heavy but withing your means is how you  will progress. Over doing it to the point of breaking down and having sloppy form isn’t going to get you there any faster.

Being consistent with portion control and calorie control is all that you really need to do with diet, but we know that is easier said than done.


