The Evolution of an Adonis: Interview with Jason Gottlieb Part 2

In todays podcast we pick up where we left off from last week with Jason Gottlieb. He walks us through how he prepared for and won the open division in the latest Adonis Index competition.

We’ll discuss his diet and training routine and more psychological tricks and mindsets for getting in phenomenal shape. Jason also took top notch pictures that will likely land him on the cover of one of our books as one of our first cover models.

Back Double Bicep

Lean Proportioned and Muscular










Jason also put his personal picture chronology/evolution that you can see below here.


Amazing Transformation

Listen in as Jason explains how he made this amazing transformation. If you haven’t already listened to part one you can go to this link to listen –> Interview with Jason Gottlieb Part 1


P.S. There is no formal introduction at the beginning of this audio as I’m less than competent at editing the two pieces of this interview (you’ll remember that part one also ends quite abruptly, which is also due to my lack of editing prowess).



The Lifestyle of being in great shape: Interview With Jason Gottlieb Part 1

There is some down time and recovery time that we all need after dieting and training hard and pushing our bodies to a new level.

Managing the physical and physcological states after recovery might be an even bigger challenge than getting in shape in the first place. You can trick yourself into thinking that maintaining your new shape is effortless but it isn’t. Staying in shape takes a new kind of effort compared to the effort it takes to get into shape in the first place. This is the elusive state of ‘maintenance’ that seems to be the hardest part for most people.

Jason got into awesome shape

This is the Adonis Index look

At some point you need to come to a realization that it has to become a lifetyle that you live and embrace. It’s something different from preparing for a contest or dieting for a photoshoot. In many ways it’s less strict and less intense, but it’s a new skill set and a new mindset that you must learn.

Once you’ve gone through a transformation you will know what it takes to change your body and you’ll know that you have it in you to do so. Maintaining that new body is a different step entirely. The physical effort isn’t has hard, but the psychological and mental effort will be a new challenge and new learning experience.

It’s not always going to be an all or nothing 100% blitz the way a contest or photoshoot prep is. Maintenance requires smaller changes but ones that must last for longer.

The real game of maintenance is not a physical one but a psychological one. It’s learning to see what you really look like on a daily basis. It’s learning to adjust your daily routine and your social routine to fit with your body ideal goals as well as your social goals. It’s learning to manage your overall stress and pick your spots when to push hard and when to back off.

This is the first part of a two part podcast were Jason and I talk about how he managed his condition and learning to maintain his shape from one contest to the next and got into phenomenal shape and won the open contest. We discuss how he is learning to deal with maintaining his new shape and some of psychological tricks he uses to objectively perceive where he is and not let his mind play tricks on him  (and believe me, your mind will play tricks on you)

This is something we all have to deal with after getting in shape. Making it a lifestyle and having the body you want on a daily basis while enjoying life is the ultiamte goal. Jason has made some major strides to making this a real lifestyle and he shares them with us in this two part interview. Today is part 1.


AT6: Adonis Index Transformation & Open Contest #6

6th Adonis Index Transformation and Open Contest is upon us. Time to set the ground rules.

Top 6 in transformation and Top 6 in Open get prize money. You must be an Adonis Index customer to enter.

Prize money for both Transformation and Open are as follows:

1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $350
3rd Place – $250
4th-6th Place – $200

Submissions of “Before” Photos will be accepted starting wed Aug 31st. We will be accepting submissions for 7 days until
wed Sept 7th.

Mandatory before photo poses are the front, back, and side relaxed (arms at side) pose.

Mandatory newspaper picture within this photoshoot is required. For the newspaper picture we need to see you in the same position as each of the front, side and back shots. I need to see your body and your face with the paper. Once you’ve done the shots with the paper please redo them immediately without the paper, same shorts, same position, same location, same photoshoot.

There is now a mandatory Contest data chart that you can
download at this link: ***AT6 Contest Data Chart***
Fill this chart out with your name, age, height, and you starting weight, waist, and shoulder measurement. The chart has some built in functions to calculate your ideal AI and how far you have to go to get to it.

Filling this chart out before and after the contest is mandatory.

You can watch this video on how to fill out the chart:
***How to Fill Out Adonis Index Contest Chart Video***

Before pictures must be submitted in a zip file labeled in the format of the following example:


Each picture must be labelled with your first and last name and the associated pose ie:


Picture size:

Please re-size larger picture files down to a size that has a height of  approx 500 pixels.

Failure to label, or re-size the pictures correctly or zip the file will result in potential disqualification from the contest (these files can easily become lost if they’re not labeled and sent in correctly)

Before and After pictures are mandatory for all contestants even if you think you’ll be in the open category (the open category is essentially for those people who are ‘close’ to their ideal proportions whereas the transformation category is for all people no matter how far they have to go to get to their idea proportions)…if you make a big change, but still have a ways to go to get to Golden you will be placed in the Transformation category…if you only have 10lbs or a few inches to go to get to golden then you will be placed in the open division.

All contestants who place in the open division will qualify for the level 2 competition to be held in April 2012.


A special note about taking ‘after’ photos. We are now looking at featuring some of our contestants on our book covers in the coming year. If you want to be in the running to be an Adonis Index cover model we will be giving instructions on
taking your best after photos. This doesn’t and will never require you to hire a photographer. We will be giving you instructions for taking great after pics with a regular digital camera and some simple lighting and a back drop you can put together at your house. All contestants from both the transformation and open division are eligible to be in the running for a cover model.

If you want to hire a photographer that is your choice, but we do not require it and will never ask anyone to do so.

The bar has been set high in the past 5 contests, it’s time for someone else to step up!



Contest Rules and Regulations:

This is the section with the boring legal stuff, you don’t have to read it all but it must be included in this post.

All entries become the property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned.

Contest Sponsor, its advertising and promotion agencies assume no responsibility for lost, stolen, delayed, damaged, illegible, incomplete, postage-due, garbled or misdirected entries or entries that have been submitted through illicit means, or do not conform to or satisfy the Contest Rules or for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any entry to be received or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from playing or downloading any material in the contest.

The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend this Contest should an external circumstances arise which are beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor. The Contest Sponsor is not responsible for any errors or omissions in printing or advertising this Contest.

The Contest Sponsor collects your personal information for the purposes of registration, program evaluation and to keep you informed about contest. The Contest Sponsor may, if consent was given during registration, also contact you from time to time with information about other ways you can lose weight.

The Contest Sponsor will not share any personal data about entrants with any
other party. The personal data collected for this Contest will not be used for any other purposes unless entrants provide explicit permission as indicated on the entry form. For more information about our privacy practices or to obtain a copy of our Privacy Policy, visit Privacy Policy

By entering this Contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the Contest Sponsor and their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, advertising and promotional agencies from any liability for any loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person in connection with this Contest or participation in any Contest related activities, including but not limited the taking of a urine test or, if declared a winner, the use or misuse of a prize or any portion of a prize including personal injury, death or property damage.

This Contest will run in accordance with these Contest Rules, subject to amendment by the Contest Sponsor. Contest Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or terminate this Contest or the Rules at any time in its sole discretion and without notice.

Entrants must comply with these rules, and will be deemed to have received and understood the rules if they participate in the Contest.


Learning to Maintain a Change: Interview With Erik Ledin Part 1

Getting in shape is a lifestyle not a destination. It’s an ever evolving process that changes throughout life as you change.

Learning that your body and you fitness and your shape is a not just a moment in time, a contest, a one day goal, but rather it’s a lifestyle.

Erik is one of the best in the business for getting people prepped to be on stage.

Sure you may compete in a contest, one of our contests, or getting in shape for an event or a photoshoot, but you must understand it’s just a stop along the way of the bigger journey of your life.

Date specific motivation can help push you to a new level of body composition and fitness can help kick start your journey, but it cannot be your only way to motivate yourself.

Adopting a lifestyle of training and fitness is with an eye on your diet as it relates to your body composition is truly a lifestyle change and a way to live for your entire life and not just a 12 week run at an event.

Today’s podcast is a part 1 of a two part series I did with a friend and diet/fitness coach Erik Ledin.

Erik has over 11 years of experience coaching people into the best shape of their lives from pro bodybuilders and fitness competitors to every day gym rats and stay at home mom’s who just want to finally get in shape.

We’ll dig into the psychology of diet, training, and the common post contest malaise that hits many competitors. We also talk about what it takes to finally adopt the true lifestyle of taking care of your body and staying in shape…the elusive state of ‘maintenance’.

Erik will also walk us through is philosophy on how to prepare for a show/event. We talk about the psychological issues, dieting, training and how your past history of dieting and training is going to define what to do with your body right now.

Listen up cuz this is an awesome interview.


P.S. The audio file ends rather abruptly today, it’s not an error, its just my less than adequate editing skills!

P.P.S. You can read more about what Erik does at this website here: Lean Bodies Consulting

Login and Download Podcast Here

For more information as well as how to get access to Adonis UNCENSORED, click the link below:

Adonis UNCENSORED Premium Podcast


Adonis Index Contest Winners Announced

The fifth Adonis Index Transformation contest (and second Open contest) have just ended. Now it’s time to post the results.

As with each past contest the judging is my least favorite thing to do because it’s so hard to place/pick the winners. Everyone who submitted did a great job.

If you’re new to the game and want to know how they did it, just go here to check out the AI Systems.

Without further delay here are the winners of the 5th Adonis Index Transformation contest.


Adonis Index Transformation 1st Place: Al Sandoval

Adonis Index Transformation 1st Place Al Sandoval

Adonis Index Transformation 2nd Place

Al Sandoval Adonis Index Transformation 1st Place


Adonis Index Transformation Contest 2nd Place: Adam Rawlings

Adonis Index Transformation 2nd Place

Adonis Index 2nd Place

Adam R Adonis Index 2nd Place


 Adonis Index Transformation Contest 3rd Place: Mike Schaefer

Adonis Index Transformation 3rd Place Mike S

Adonis Index Contest 3rd Place

Mike S Adonis Index Transformation 3rd Place


 Adonis Index Transformation Contest 4th Place: Brad Greyeyes Brant

Adonis Index Transformation 4th Place Brad GB

Adonis Index Transformation 4th Place

Brad GB Adonis Index 4th Place


 Adonis Index Transformation Contest 5th Place: Calvin Chen

Adonis Index Transformation 5th Place Calvin Chen


Adonis Index 5th Place

Adonis Index 5th Place Calvin Chen


Adonis Index Transformation Contest 6th Place: Alexander Suherman

Adonis Index Transformation 6th Plac Alexander Suherman

Adonis Index 6th Place

Adonis Index Contest 6th Place Alexander S


The transformation category is only half of our contest. Next up are the “open” category competitors. In the open category we’re not necessarily looking for the biggest transformation but rather we’re looking for a final AI look. With that said, here are the Open category winners.


Adonis Index Open Contest 1st Place: Jason Gottlieb

Adonis Index Contest 1st Place Jason Gottlieb

Adonis Index Contest Winner Jason G

Adonis Index 1st Place


Adonis Index Open Contest 2nd Place: Nick Yarbrough

Adonis Index Open 2nd Place Nick Yarbrough

Adonis Index Open 2nd Place

Adonis Index Open 2nd Place Nick Y


Adonis Index Open Contest 3rd Place: Jason Haynes

Adonis Index Open Contest 3rd Place Jason Haynes

Adonis Index Open 3rd Place

Adonis Index 3rd Place Jason H


 Adonis Index Open Contest 4th Place: Leo Bell

Adonis Index Open Contest 4th Place Leo Bell

Adonis Index contest 4th Place Leo Bell

Adonis Index 4th Place Leo B



Adonis Index Open Contest 6th Place: Gerry Nelson

Adonis Index Open 6th Place Gerry Nelson

Adonis Index Open 6th Place

Adonis Index 6th Place Gerry N


Congrats to all who entered and finished, you should all be proud of yourselves.


p.s. If you want to be in the next contest, just go here and pick up the AI Systems today

Contest Blueprint: Turning Pro with Vince Delmonte Part 3 of 3

6 years after doing his first fitness competition Vince finally put it all together and got his pro card. In this third and final interview Vince talks about how he got much more serious with his contest preparation in order to obtain his pro card.

He hired a coach, laid out a plan and stuck to it. Nothing was left to chance this time including doing back to back shows (which is quite common). The condition you see Vince in here is the culmination of over 9 years of training, learning about diet, discovering what works and what doesn’t, and the experience of multiple contests.

9 Years of training and 6 years of competition experience.

The key message is to track what you’ve done, take measurements and make notes. The only way to improve is to learn from your past experiences.

Getting in contest shape is an inexact science, there are general guidelines that you start out with, but as you move through the process you’ll find things that happen to work better for you  compared to someone else. Once you discover the mix of training intensity, volume, and the dietary components that fit for your body then you’ll be off to races.

In this final interview Vince explains what has worked for him and how he got into his best shape to date, and what his plan is for the future.

