Are You Satisfied with Your Body Shape?

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 8th Adonis Index Transformation Contest.

Today John talks to Lester Sing who placed 4th in the 12-Week Transformation.

Check out his transformation pictures:

Awesome progress in just 12 weeks, what do you think?

Lester was always lean, at least till he got out of high school. That’s when he started gaining weight – and it wasn’t muscle.

This is pretty common, most people get out of school, stop doing sports, and begin living a sedentary lifestyle.

Lester gained quite a lot of weight and at his height 5’4” he got up to 180 pounds.

This is something that happens when you stop paying attention, start eating more, start attending more social eating events and stop exercising.

Lester realized that he had to do something about this so he invested in a couple workout programs and tried several different approaches.

He dropped to 139 pounds (achieved his goal) and decided to stay active.

However, he still wasn’t happy.

Even though he improved his body, he wasn’t comfortable taking his shirt off, yet.

As he said, he didn’t think he could see his abs again.

…Then he noticed an online ad for Adonis Index.

He jumped on board, got the workout plan, got into the community and started training.

He wanted to test out whether the program can produce any results for him.

And he was very surprised when he saw his final pictures.

Results Come with Patience

Lester played around with fasting and Pilon’s 24 hour fasting protocol called Eat Stop Eat.

What worked for him the most was fasting for 15 hours and then having the first big meal of the day.

It took him a lot to get from eating every 3 hours to eating just once a day.

And if you are experiencing something similar, then understand that changing your eating habits may take up to two weeks.

Your body needs to get used to eating less often. You will experience a hunger pang followed by a strong urge to eat.

It will take some time and effort to get used to it, but after about two weeks you will be comfortable with having an empty stomach and it’s at  that time when you will begin seeing the results.

The first week you will think that what you are doing is wrong, it will feel uncomfortable, because it’s simply something new.

…And your body subconsciously fights when you are trying new things.

But after you get over this initial first bump, you will feel great, you will feel alive, more in control.

It’s necessary to go through this, because it’s probably the best way to learn how to manage your food intake, you will just learn so much about yourself and about food and your eating habits that it’s impossible to describe it (even though Pilon did a pretty good job in his latest ESE book).

Tips from Lester:

  • Dedication and consistency are necessary for you to succeed
  • It’s a slow process so how much you want it will determine the results you will get
  • Take lots of photos and then put them side by side
  • Fat won’t come out all at once
  • You will eventually get there it just takes time and patience
  • You have the time to work out, and even if you miss a tv shows, so what?
  • If you are used to eating at certain times (same goes for food choices) it will take a couple weeks for you to change it
  • Don’t eat 6 times a day, it’s easier to track the calories when you have just two big meals
  • Keep track of everything – weight log, strength log, measurements, photos
  • Don’t be afraid to be light, it’s nothing to be ashamed of and quite frankly nobody gives a sh*t
  • If the weight is messing with your head then don’t even bother, the mirror/photos is what matters

Links from the interview:

  • Main Adonis Index Workout 3.1 – The workout that’s responsible for the most amazing transformations online
  • Adonis Index Community – The friendliest and most helpful fitness community in the world
  • Eat Stop EatDiet Lifestyle protocol designed to help you to lose fat and regain freedom in your food choices

Read Lester’s experience with Adonis Index in his own words:

Right after AT7, I had a binging frenzy and gained about 7lbs from 129 to 136.

Granted i’m short, but that 7 lbs made me look like I gained about 15lbs. The biggest mistake I think I did was restrict myself too much cutting calories down to 1200 a day throughout the contest, causing me to binge a lot of times in the weekend.

This time around my plan was to Continue reading here

Listen to the interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

G-Day: Enter The Gauntlet & Join The AT9 Invasion

The 9th Adonis Index contest (AT9) officially began this past Monday.  AT9 contestants will have the first opportunity to equip & utilize  AI’s newest workout, The  Adonis Index  Gauntlet (AIG).

To bring  you up to speed if you’re new or just catching up, here are a few talking points on AIG:

  • A gauntlet is defined as going through an intimidating or dangerous crowd, place, or experience in order to reach a goal
  •  Like a traditional gauntlet, AIG has challenging workouts that stand in your way; not to prevent you from your goal but to empower you as you overcome and complete each workout
  •  This 12 Week Peak Muscular Conditioning Program is your “road map”  to prepare you for your next photo-shoot or contest

For the first time in AI history, a 12 Week Contest Prep workout has been created.  While this is an important milestone,  I have drawn my inspiration for this blog from an even more significant event in history.

“You are about to embark upon the great crusade toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you…I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle.” – General Dwight D. Eisenhower

History of D-Day

The term D-Day ( Tuesday, 6 June 1944) was used for the day which commenced the landing operations of the Allied invasion of Normandy, in Operation Overlord during World War II.  D-Day would later be recorded as the  largest amphibious invasion in world history which was executed by land, sea, and air elements involving over 160,000 Allied troops.

“Day of The Gauntlet”: Your  Road Map Through AT9

Similar to D-Day, the term G-Day marks the commencement of  using  the AIG workout as a road map to successfully navigate through the AT9 contest period.  AIG has been birthed from the many contests and photo-shoots prepared for and the countless hours of research, trial, and error spent finding out the best way to arrive in that “Ideal” state.

AIG has been battle-field tested and is now ready for the exclusive use of all AI brethren, better known as the “Golden Army“.

The Adonis Index Gauntlet (AIG) is a 12 Week Peak Muscular Conditioning Program which features six (6)–two (2) week modules:

  • AIG Module 1:  Physique Conditioning (weeks 1-2)
  • AIG Module 2: Giant Wave Sets (weeks 3-4)
  • AIG Module 3: Mini-X Sets (weeks 5-6)
  • AIG Module 4: Tri-Phase Sets (weeks 7-8)
  • AIG Module 5: Power Giant Sets (weeks 9-10)
  • AIG Module 6: Touch Up Sets & Peak Week (weeks 11-12)

The benefit of the two-week module system is the “gauntlet effect” that occurs as you progress from module to module.

Enter The Gauntlet & Join The AT9 Invasion

The Choice is yours… G-Day: Enter The Gauntlet & Join The AT9 Invasion

As stated earlier contest AT9 has already begun. This is the final 12-week contest of the year ending on wed Nov 21st.

If you want to end 2012 with a “flash-bang” then prepare to be “shocked & amazed” when you Enter The Gauntlet .

AIG is available for individual purchase for a limited time only.  If you’re not an immersion client be sure to pick it up here.

If your “eyes are on the prize”  then join the ranks of the “Golden Army” and prepare for the AT9 Invasion.

Remember, prize money goes to the top 10 places and there are also cover model spots on some of our products up for grabs.

The deadline to  submit your “before”  pictures ends Friday Aug 31st at Midnight.

Go to this link to a watch a quick video on how to enter and get started ASAP.

>>Watch How to Enter Contest<<

In conclusion,  G-Day marks the commencement of  using  the AIG workout as a road map to successfully navigate through  the AT9 contest period.  Again, I call-out to the AT9 contestants as I have to those who have already begun AIG.  This is a call for those who are willing to display heroism in their fitness lifestyle.   A “higher calling” if you will.

As you mount up for the 12-week transformation (AT9)  and/or prepare to Enter the Gauntlet (AIG)  remember these three (3) concepts to assist you on your mission:

  1. Consistency: Proper Habits Take Time to Develop
  2. Utilize Resources: Discover which Tools Help Keep You on Track
  3. Harness the Fear:  Build Mental Courage

The time has come to hit the beach… I hope to see you on the other side.

Your Brother In Iron,

Allen Elliott


  1. Hakim, Joy (1995). A History of Us: War, Peace and all that Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 157–161. ISBN 0-19-509514-6.
  2. “D-Day June 6th, 1944” US Army Official website. Retrieved 30 Aug 2012.

AT9 Starts Today

The 9th Adonis Index contest starts today. This is the final 12-week contest of the year ending on wed Nov 21st. Prize money goes to the top 10 places and there are also cover model spots on some of our products up for grabs.

The previous contest winners just keep setting the bar higher and higher and our last contest was no exception.

This is your last chance to make a big change in your body in 2012. If you’re ready, then it’s time to enter and make it happen for real.

Go to this link to a watch a quick video on how to enter and get started this week.

>>Watch How to Enter Contest<<

You can submit pictures any time this week starting today and ending friday Aug 31st at midnight.

Are you gonna be the next person to be on the cover of an Adonis Index book?






AT8 12-Week Transformation Winners Announced

The AT8 midterm results are in. Each of these men can choose to go on to the 20-week portion of the contest. This is another strong class and it was just as difficult to judge as all the previous contests.

Lets get to the winners!

Simon Bernard – 1st Place

Tommy Lacaprucia – 2nd Place

Rodrigo Caceres – 3rd Place

Lester Sing – 4th Place

Anthony Rivest – 5th Place

Justin Dyke – 6th Place

Lou Martinez – 7th Place

Richard Tesorio – 8th Place

Cristiam Reinoso – 9th Place

Miguel Garcia – 10th Place


AT8 — 20-Week Contest still going

Congrats to all that entered, everyone did a great job. As I’ve mentioned previously everyone who submitted photos at the 12-week mark are still eligible to submit photos at the 20-week point as well if you choose to.

I’ve also  sent an email out to get a gauge of everyone who is working towards the AT8 20-week final on Oct 6th. To be clear, anyone who submitted ‘before’ photos in May can submit ‘after’ photos on Oct 6th for the 20-week transformation.

AT9 12-Week Transformation

 The final 12-week transformation contest of the year starts on Aug 27th. You will be able to submit ‘before’ pictures for 5 days starting on Aug 27th. This is the final 12-week contest of the year ending Wed Nov 21st.

If you choose to submit ‘before’ photos next week for AT9 then you cannot submit ‘after’ photos for the AT8 20-week competition. You must choose which of the two competitions you want to complete.

If you’ve submitted ‘before’ pictures back in May for AT8 and you’re still making steady progress then I suggest you push through to the end of the 20-week version of AT8.

If on the other hand AT8 was a bit of a ‘bust’ for you and you need to re-boot and start fresh, then send in ‘before’ pictures and measurements next week for AT9 and finish the year strong.

This is it, time to man up and show us what you’re made of in 2012.






The “Photo-Shoot Ready” Recipe: Four Key Ingredients Needed to Prepare your Contest Photo Submissions

The clock is ticking… The deadline for AT8 Contest Photo Submissions is rapidly approaching.

If you’re participating in the 12 week transformation contest, you’re putting the finishing touches on your “Final Look”.

If you’re in the 20 week transformation contest, you’re beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, stay the course.

For many contestants, this is the first workout program that you’ve followed consistently.  Thank you for your commitment to the Adonis Index Workout Systems and more importantly for your commitment to your own personal goals.

Win or lose, regardless of your contest placement, your transformation is a personal achievement and you should be very proud of your accomplishment.

All of your valiant efforts over this contest period stem from the synergistic combination of proper nutrition, strength training, and cardio.

One way to celebrate this achievement is by capturing some stunning images of your new & improved physique.

There are several tweaks or methods one can apply to enhance their overall appearance.

To keep things simple, yet effective I’ve chosen to focus on the top four ingredients of any “successful” fitness photo-shoot. So before you step in front of the camera, you can assure yourself that on command, you will be “Photo-Shoot Ready”.

The “Photo-Shoot” Ready Recipe: Four Key Ingredients to Prepare for your Contest Photo Submissions


1.    Conditioning: Shirt-On vs Shirt-Off? What’s the Difference?

 When it comes to conditioning, there are two different worlds we live in.

There is the “Shirt-On” world where most people reside and then there is the “Shirt-Off” world which is displayed on many a beach or magazine cover.

Neither world is bad but there are rules for living in both.

A person who has good conditioning will possess these three  features:  separation in the muscle groups, striations, and vascularity.  Unfortunately, in “Shirt-On” world it is is very difficult to tell the conditioning of a person because clothes cover the body.

A man who looks muscular “Shirt-On”  may not have the same conditioning as a man who  “Shirt-Off”  is ripped but not as impressive  in the same outfit.

In regards to this contest you will be judged by the rules & standards of  “Shirt-Off” world where conditioning is paramount.

As you’ve followed the AI programs, you have heard of the the term “Golden Ratio” or your body’s ideal  shoulder-to-waist (AI) ratio.  This transformation contest measures your starting and final AI-ratio to evaluate your progress over the 12 or 20 week period.

Nevertheless, here are a few suggestions to enhance your conditioning for your Contest Photos:

1. Mild Water Depletion: Sometimes your body retains water on the outer layer of your skin which can impact your conditioning. To help rid the body of excess water eat  foods such as asparagus and oatmeal or drink a low sugar green tea beverage 2-3 days prior to your photo-shoot for best results.

Additionally, take photos of yourself  in this state early in the morning as opposed to later in the day.

2. Fasted State: Intermittent fasting  has also been known to enhance conditioning.

Your skin is tighter  and muscle appear more defined as your body’s fat burning hormones are elevated.

To capture yourself  in the fasted state take photos first thing in the morning upon waking up.  If your following the “Eat Stop Eat” or the “The Reverse Taper Diet” regimen try planning your photo-shoot about 6-8 hours into your fasted state.

3. Carb-Loaded:  The “Carb-Loaded” state is the direct opposite  of being fasted.

However, they both create two very aesthetic looks which are ideal for a photo-shoot.  In the carb-loaded state you body resembles more of a full-muscular look which also helps to tighten your skin and improve vascularity.

To achieve the “carb-loaded” effect choose between one or two  of the following foods: honey (2 tablespoons), dark chocolate (4-6 squares), a peach (medium-size), or banana (medium-size) about 15-30 min prior to your photo-shoot and get your body pumped up with some simple exercises (i.e. push-ups, resistance band curls, etc.)

You still have a few days to experiment with what technique works best for you.  So take several photos in the various states and see which one’s turn out best.

2.    Posing: If you got it, make sure you show it…Properly!

Posing is the art of positioning your body in a specific way to present the best visual effect.

How you pose is very important.

In traditional bodybuilding competitions if a judge cannot see a certain part of your body they cannot judge it. Or even worse they will assume this area is under-developed.  We all have strengths and weaknesses in certain parts of our body.

Some muscles respond better to the training than others.

Posing is also a way to creatively display the parts of your body that are most flattering to your physique.

Practice, Practice, Practice! In front of a Mirror is preferred… Here is a “quick refresher” video of  the standard front, back and side shots that mimic your ‘before’ pictures and are required for the contest.

Remember “Pose Like the Pros!”


3.    Tanning: The Icing or Glaze on the Cake

The use of tanners and oils will also  improve your final look.  It has been observed that the darker your skin, the more definition can be seen.

This is most evident in bodybuilding competitions when two competitors of different ethnic backgrounds appear equally dark but are of different skin tone.

You may already tan regularly but if you don’t, there are some “sun-less” alternatives to enhance definition  for example, body oils, spray tans, sunless tanners, etc.  It’s always best to begin with a moderate amount and increase from there.

Your Final Contest Photos are a composite of: Conditioning, Posing, Tanning, and Lighting. Capture your physique at its best!

4.    Photography & Lighting: Almost Live

Since this is an Online and not a “Live” competition your photos will be all the judges have to grade you on.

While a professional photo-shoot is not mandatory,  it’s very important to  select an area whether indoor or outdoor with ample amount of lighting.

If you decide to use extra lighting, the best results were achieved  from past contestants when the lighting was balanced on either side and were pointed upwards at a 45-degree angle.

A solid black or white backdrop is preferred for indoor photos to help eliminate distractions and keep the focus on your physique.

Feel free to be fun and creative in your outdoor poses.  The bottom line is  that you’ve worked hard on your physique and you want the camera to tell the “whole” story.

In conclusion, remember these Four Key Ingredients in order to become “Photo-Shoot Ready” on Command:

  1. Conditioning
  2. Posing
  3. Tanning
  4. Photography/Lighting

Very Respectfully,

Allen Elliott

Why Weight Lifting Is Just Like Playing Music

Today we have an interview with Johannes Platz who placed 6th in the Open Level 1 category in our latest Adonis Index Contest.

Check out his pictures:

Johannes is Ripped!

Johannes is a musician which requires him to sit for long hours on end during performances and rehearsals.  He was never physically active growing up and combined with his work as a musician he began to experience  issues with back pain which prompted him to pursue more of a fitness lifestyle, specifically weight lifting.

However, Johannes journey into fitness was not without some setback and disappointment.

At first he went to a therapist, who got him to do some basic bodyweight exercises and later on prescribed a weight lifting program consisting of a few exercises of 3 sets with 15 reps.

After six months he saw some decent results.

It wasn’t exactly a complex fitness program, but at least he began to exercise regularly and was able to eliminate his back pain.

Be Aware of Goal Hijacking

When Johannes relocated to to Switzerland; he was away from his therapist and began to seek out a new fitness routine.

He jumped on a few weight lifting programs and got into a decent shape, but he fell victim to the conventional “eat bit to be big” approach.

After a while he realized two things:

  1. He never wanted to be huge like bodybuilders
  2. He gained muscle, but he became “pudgy” in the process

That’s what we call goal hijacking – you have a goal (getting in shape in this case) and you start moving in a right direction, but you fall off track on your way there (ex.: by aiming for the bodybuilder type of look).

The whole purpose of the programs Johannes tried was to get bigger by  gaining a ton of muscle – you know those claims like “gain 30 pounds of muscle over summer” programs.

Even though it worked to a certain degree, he had to prepare and eat meals up to six times a day, which is pretty time consuming, considering the fact he didn’t like the way he looked.

It wasn’t until one day when he discovered new role modes of an ideal shape from images of guys like Taylor Lautner and Ryan Gosling.  From that point, he realized that this is the body shape he wanted to achieve.

Through a few referrals he found Eat Stop Eat, the Anything Goes Diet and lastly the Adonis Index.

He  immediately started following the nutrition advice and doing the workouts.

Eat Stop Eat helped him understand that it’s okay to skip meals and he found it very freeing. Anything Goes Diet was a relief as well because somebody finally told him that he doesn’t have to worry about the food he puts in his mouth, and that there is no evidence of high caloric diet supporting muscle growth.

It even got him into cooking, which is something he never did before!

And once he saw Andrew Peter’s pictures he decided to  jump in and participate in one of the contests and take his physique to the next level.

Tips from Johannes: 

  • If you aren’t exercising. start weight lifting ASAP
  • There are a lot of fitness programs, but none of them are as flexible and simple to follow as Adonis Index (plus this one actually works)
  • Take before and after pictures to really see what amazing progress you have done
  • The little bit of bodyfat you drop can make a huge difference in pictures
  • People start noticing that you are in shape roughly at AI 1.5
  • Don’t compare yourself to others, it’s just your progress, everyone is different from genetic potential standpoint
  • Competitors are often times very genetically gifted and in some cases on drugs, so don’t take their bodies as your ideals
  • There is always someone who looks better than you
  • Be consistent with your effort in the gym
  • Stay in your calorie budget
  • Don’t be afraid of cooking the food yourself

Links from the interview:

Read Johannes’s experience with Adonis Index in his own words:

I found the adonisindex site a while ago, but didn’t buy the program until last summer. Before that I had a long journey going through different fitness programs, but I think I finally found what works best for me (…yours J).

The first time I was searching the web for muscle building I found…Continue reading here

Listen to the interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:
