The Adonis Transformation Contest AT12 starts today!

The Adonis Transformation Contest AT12 starts today!


Any male who owns an Adonis workout is eligible to enter the Adonis Transformation contest. There will be prizes for the top 10 contestants accompanied by a podcast interview  with John where you can share your story and pictures of success.  It is not a requirement that you are an immersion customer, but it happens to be that our most successful contest winners have used the immersion coaching.

If you have placed in a previous AT contest you are eligible to enter the contest to win in the Cover category.  There will not be prizes for this category but you can interview with John and share your story of continued success and pictures.  These pictures could be chosen for one of our covers.

The contest entry requirements will be:

  1.  Any  male who owns a Adonis workout
  2.  Front pose
  3.  Side pose
  4.  Back pose
  5.  Newspaper pose – same as front pose but with current days newspaper front page clearly visible in your hand.
  6. Your weight, height, shoulder, and waist measurements at the time of the photo.

It is very important that for your front, side, and back poses your arms are down at your sides but not covering your waist. Do not crop out your face.


Here is a perfect example of a contest entry (Michael is one of  our previous contest winners).   Front, back, and side images with  newspaper picture.

Here is a perfect example of a contest entry (Michael is one of our previous contest winners). Front, back, and side images with newspaper picture.

By the way, here is one of Michael's stunning contest pictures.

By the way, here is one of Michael’s stunning contest pictures.

The contest entry period is: September 2nd thru September 6th

This means you must submit all of the contest entry requirements anytime during the week.  The  deadline for the contest entry submissions will be this Friday at midnight Eastern Time on September 6th.

The entry photos must be taken during the week of Sept 2 – Sept 6 and the newspaper front page much show the date during this week.


Adonis Transformation Contest Entry Tutorial Video

Please feel free to contact me if you have problems with the tracker program:

Best of luck and remember to enjoy the transformation journey !

Your Brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott



Simon Says…Lose 48 Pounds

Before we get into today’s post, the first order of business is the announcement of  our third and final contest for 2013,  Adonis Transformation contest AT12, which kicks off next Monday Sept 2nd and ends on Wednesday Nov 27th. 

As many of you in the U.S. are aware, Wednesday November 27  is the day before Thanksgiving.  It’s encouraged that you submit your final pictures earlier than the deadline but  nevertheless the full 12-week period will be available to those who need it.

You may enter any time starting next monday by using the tracker app found within the Adonis Index Community.  Remember  to enter your mandatory before pictures, along with all your starting measurements. The deadline  to submit your starting pictures and measurements is Friday September 6th at Midnight (Eastern Standard Time).

Now that all announcements are out of the way, it’s time to give credit, where credit is due… We often find ourselves wishing  we had more spots to award than just “The Top 10” in our transformation contests. 

Today’s post features AT11 contestant Simon Cozzolino, who lost a whopping total of 48 pounds during the contest! Simon putting forth an exceptional effort, had the most weight-loss amongst  AT11 contestants.   Although he did not appear in the Top 10,  make no mistake his transformation did not go unnoticed.

Check out Simon’s Before/After pics:

Simon Cozzolino-  AT11 Front Shot Starting Weight: 242 Finishing Weight: 194

Simon Cozzolino- AT11 Front Shot
Starting Weight: 242
Finishing Weight: 194
“Coming to the end, I now have a whole new wardrobe, friends,
family and colleagues are immensely impressed with my progress so far.” -Simon C.


Simon Cozzolino-  AT11 Back Shot Starting Weight: 242 Finishing Weight: 194

Simon Cozzolino- AT11 Back Shot
Starting Weight: 242
Finishing Weight: 194
“The Nutrition calculator was very simple, eat 1000 calories a day average- no problem I thought.
Wrong, this would soon become a major hurdle for me.” -Simon C.


Simon Cozzolino-  AT11 Side Shot Starting Weight: 242 Finishing Weight: 194

Simon Cozzolino- AT11 Side Shot
Starting Weight: 242
Finishing Weight: 194
“I couldn’t finish all of the reps at once, I even struggled to finish push-ups- but I stayed in the gym until every rep was done, every time.” -Simon C.


Simon Says…

Simon shares his thoughts and experience  about the AT11 contest:

Younger in life I was never this fat. I was into sports, very active and kept up my gym raining throughout my early twenties. However, it wasn’t until my late twenties that I started commuting to work for a better job.  Shortly thereafter, I was overcome with the balance of stress and time constraints and  I quit going to the gym.

After a couple of years passed my friends and family started telling me I was looking big, so I weighed myself and the numbers glaring back from the scale came as a major shock to me.  Nevertheless, I kept convincing myself I wasn’t really that  fat and that things were fine.

After shaking off those delusional thoughts, I needed a motivational boost, so  I bought the AGR system in 2010. I actually never started the program, it took me until 2013 at the beginning of  AT11  to actually take a step forward and  simply begin the program.

The Nutrition calculator was very simple, eat 1000 calories a day average- no problem I thought. Wrong, this would soon become a major hurdle for me.

The workout plans were really simple to follow, there were a few moves that I had no idea about, but the guide has links to short instructional videos which solved that problem.

The first 6 Weeks were a breeze, I lost the majority of my weight then- while the  workout plans was simple to follow, the actual workout itself was immensely tough because of my lack of recent training. I couldn’t finish all of the reps at once, I even struggled to finish push-ups- but I stayed in the gym until every rep was done, every time.

After 6 weeks the caloric deficit became harder to maintain while performing the exercises, so I dropped the amount of weights used and soldiered on- but it was HARD WORK.

Along the way, I missed my fair share of workouts and helped myself to some days off the diet. Those days off felt great!

Coming to the end, I now have a whole new wardrobe, friends, family and colleagues are immensely impressed with my progress so far- although I know I have a way to go to golden. I now look at my before pictures, and I could swear I was never that fat!  


Again congratulations to  Simon on an awesome transformation, we hope to see you in a future contest!

 yours in fitness,

Allen Elliott


Marrying the Numbers to Your Picture

In light of the recent AT11 Contest, I felt compelled to add the latest installment of  the  Golden Eye for the Adonis Guy series.

Today’s Topic: Marrying the Numbers to Your Picture

The AT11 contest entries  yet again challenged the beliefs of what was believed possible to achieve in a mere 12 weeks.  Nevertheless,  the contestants of AT11 provided some valuable feedback from their transformational journeys.   As you may recall from Monday’s post, contestants were judged in a total of five equally weighted categories:

1-  Final Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR) – 20%

2-  AGR  Transformation (Delta) Change -20%

3- Weight Loss (LBS) – 20%

4- Muscularity- 20%

5- Aesthetics/Photogenic Quality – 20%

Here is an example of charted numbers in each category:


Scoring Metric Applied in AT11 Contest

Scoring Metric Applied in AT11 Contest

The Scoring Metric above serves as a great benchmark tool for quantifying your overall transformation.  However, this is only part of the equation…

Although, you may be familiar with the phrase, “The Numbers Don’t Lie,” there is another quote that states, “Statistics are No Substitute for Judgment.”  In the AT11 Contest, the numbers told the truth for the majority of the contestants,  however as the last quote stated, mere facts alone were not a substitute for “Visual Assessment.”  How you present yourself on camera with both confidence and proper posing is critical to balancing the equation.


Marrying the Numbers to Your Picture

For the first time in tangible form we’ve now been able to identify both the “Science and  Art” of a transformational contest.  John Barban summed up our finding best by simply saying, “marry the numbers to your picture.”

Michael B. AT11 Results truly demonstrate how to marry the numbers to your physique!

Michael’s AT11 Results truly demonstrate how to marry the numbers to your picture!

In conclusion, your numbers are helpful metrics to keep you guided in a logical 12-week transformation process.  However, a “Visual Assessment” should marry to your numbers and help to root the emotions of how you actually look, with the logic of what your measurements are telling you.  Ways to improve upon your “Visual Assessment”  is to take progress pics and practice posing which in return build confidence.

Stay Tuned for Monday’s Post as we’ll be revealing  a “Special Awards” category to the AT11 Contest!


Yours in fitness,

Allen Elliott


AT11 12-Week Transformation Winners Announced

The AT11 results are in and the transformations our guys made are simply amazing! This was the largest contest we’ve had yet… The competition was fierce and the contestants were judged in a total of five equally weighted categories:

1- Weight Loss (LBS) – 20%

2-  Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR)  Transformation Change -20%

3-  Final AGR Score- 20%

4- Muscularity- 20%

5- Aesthetics/Photogenic Quality – 20%

Congratulations to everyone who entered and completed their transformation goals! Here are the winners:

 Michael B. – 1st Place

Michael B. - 1st Place - Front Before/After Photos

Michael B. – 1st Place – Front Before/After Photos


Michael B. - 1st Place - Back Before/After Photos

Michael B. – 1st Place – Back Before/After Photos


Michael B. - 1st Place - Side Before/After Photos

Michael B. – 1st Place – Side Before/After Photos


 James Tonda – 2nd Place

James Tonda - 2nd Place - Front Before After

James Tonda – 2nd Place – Front Before/After Photos


James Tonda - 2nd Place -  Back Before/After Photos

James Tonda – 2nd Place – Back Before/After Photos


James Tonda - 2nd Place -  Side Before/After Photos

James Tonda – 2nd Place – Side Before/After Photos


 Lance Quenneville – 3rd Place

Lance Quenneville - 3rd Place - Front Before/After Photos

Lance Quenneville – 3rd Place – Front Before/After Photos


Lance Quenneville - 3rd Place - Back Before/After Photos

Lance Quenneville – 3rd Place – Back Before/After Photos


Lance Quenneville - 3rd Place - Side Before/After Photos

Lance Quenneville – 3rd Place – Side Before/After Photos


 Timothy Olson – 4th Place

Timothy Olson - 4th Place -  Front Before/After Photos

Timothy Olson – 4th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Timothy Olson - 4th Place -  Back Before/After Photos

Timothy Olson – 4th Place – Back Before/After Photos


Timothy Olson - 4th Place -  Side Before/After Photos

Timothy Olson – 4th Place – Side Before/After Photos


 Mark Kiser – 5th Place

Mark Kiser - 5th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Mark Kiser – 5th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Mark Kiser - 5th Place - Back Before/After Photos

Mark Kiser – 5th Place – Back Before/After Photos


Mark Kiser - 5th Place - Side Before/After Photos

Mark Kiser – 5th Place – Side Before/After Photos



William Heinrichs – 6th Place

William Heinrichs - 6th Place -  Front Before/After Photos

William Heinrichs – 6th Place – Front Before/After Photos


William Heinrichs - 6th Place -  Back Before/After Photos

William Heinrichs – 6th Place – Back Before/After Photos


William Heinrichs - 6th Place -  Side Before/After Photos

William Heinrichs – 6th Place – Side Before/After Photos


Daniel Carbonel – 7th Place

Daniel Carbonel - 7th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Daniel Carbonel – 7th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Daniel Carbonel - 7th Place - Back Before/After Photos

Daniel Carbonel – 7th Place – Back Before/After Photos


Daniel Carbonel - 7th Place - Side Before/After Photos

Daniel Carbonel – 7th Place – Side Before/After Photos


Jacob Hahn – 8th Place

Jacob Hahn -  8th Place -  Front Before/After Photos

Jacob Hahn – 8th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Jacob Hahn -  8th Place -  Back Before/After Photos

Jacob Hahn – 8th Place – Back Before/After Photos


Jacob Hahn -  8th Place -  Side Before/After Photos

Jacob Hahn – 8th Place – Side Before/After Photos


Henry Tom – 9th Place

Henry Tom -  9th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Henry Tom – 9th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Henry Tom -  9th Place - Back Before/After Photos

Henry Tom – 9th Place – Back Before/After Photos


Henry Tom -  9th Place - Side Before/After Photos

Henry Tom – 9th Place – Side Before/After Photos


Oscar Ramirez – 10th Place

Oscar Ramirez - 10th Place -  Front Before/After Photos

Oscar Ramirez – 10th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Oscar Ramirez - 10th Place -  Back Before/After Photos

Oscar Ramirez – 10th Place – Back Before/After Photos



Oscar Ramirez - 10th Place -  Side Before/After Photos

Oscar Ramirez – 10th Place – Side Before/After Photos


If you are wondering about what program(s) they used then check out the Adonis Index systems that all of them followed. You can also look forward to their interviews coming up later this month. Again congratulations to everyone, outstanding job.

TGIF: The Goal Is Frequency

Whether it be the closing of a busy week or your local restaurant hang out, TGIF is an acronym that many are familiar with.  However, for today’s post TGIF  stands for “The Goal Is Frequency.”   In the fitness context, frequency means how often a person exercises.  As AT11 comes to a close we will have the chance to interview some of the top contestants and inquire about their frequency of workouts during the contest.


TGIF: The Goal Is Frequency


Successful transformations are often achieved by those individuals who determined the frequency of their workouts to be a significant key to their success.   Frequency also influences other characteristics and behaviors such as habit and momentum.  Habit is in direct correlation to frequency because the more times you step into the gym to workout that habit is strengthened and cultivated.  Someone who is in the habit of going to the gym regularly has a greater chance of developing momentum towards a worthwhile goal or deadline such as our transformation contests.

To give an example, how exciting would it be to go to a basketball game where there were no goals and the  only thing the players did was dribble and pass to one another?  Hardly worth watching and even possibly a waste of time.  The problem is there was nothing to shoot for… no GOAL!

In conclusion, to all  my brothers in Iron, I’d like to encourage both the beginners and the senior members to  remember TGIF: “The Goal is Frequency.”    Each time you step into the gym with an AGR workout you are armed with a game plan to achieve your “Golden” Physique, the ball is now in your court and it’s up to you to shoot  for the goal… Train Hard and Good Luck!

yours in fitness,

Allen Elliott| Adonis Golden Ratio Ambassador

AT11: The Final Countdown

In the last remaining weeks of AT11 it’s imperative that you maintain your pursuit towards that  “Golden” transformation.  I’ve often heard the transformation contest described as a “Marathon” with a series of sprints.  Today’s post will strive to ensure that you are keeping pace and that you’ll have enough “fuel in the tank” to sprint to the end in order to present your best physique.

AT11: The Final Countdown

AT11: The Final Countdown

Contest Photo Submissions for AT11 will be due no later than Sunday August 11th at midnight Eastern Standard Time.  AT11 is trending to be our largest competition to date based on the number of contest entries.

For many contestants, this is the first workout program that you’ve followed consistently.  Thank you for your commitment to the Adonis Golden Ratio Program and more importantly for your commitment to your own personal goals. Win or lose, remember that your transformation is a personal achievement and you should be very proud of your accomplishment.

In a previous post, I discussed the Four Key Ingredient necessary in order to become “Photo-Shoot Ready” on command.  Those ingredients are:

1. Conditioning

2. Posing

3. Tanning

4. Photography/Lighting

Keeping these concepts in mind will help you capture some amazing images of your new & improved physique.

In conclusion, to all my brothers in Iron, I hope your enjoying living the Adonis Lifestyle and to those contestants in AT11, come August 5th, I look forward to congratulating you on your transformation!


Allen Elliott
