Leg Size on The Adonis Index Workout

A couple questions have come in about building legs for enhancing the Adonis Index ratio.

The point is to develop your legs so they’re impressive but not the dominant feature of your body, kinda like soccer players bodies are dominated by their legs and their upper bodies look smaller in comparison. This is a similar visual effect cyclist, hockey players, skiers and other lower body dominant sport athletes end up with. They end up with a bulkier looking lower body that takes away from the look of their upper body and in some cases it makes them look slightly overweight in clothes (if they’re butt and legs get too big they end up with big pants and a kind of well, wide ass!)

The workout is designed to develop legs but not quite at the same rate or degree as the upper body. The best way I can describe it is with this picture comparison of Arnold vs Ronnie.

I designed the workout to try and mimic Arnolds upper-to-lower body proportions and avoid ronnies look.

Arnolds proportions from upper to lower body look better than ronnie



(< == Brad Pilon chillin at Wet Republic behind the MGM Grand in Vegas) What I'm about to tell you revolves around both my own experiences and failures with Eat Stop Eat AND the experiences and failures of others who have embarked on the Eat Stop Eat Lifestyle.

Does this mean that Eat Stop Eat is a failure of a program?

In 2 words…


In fact, the power of ESE is unmistakable to someone that’s been struggling with extra weight. Quite frankly, it’s a god send.

BUT, there are a few places where people can get hung up on the program so what I’m going to do right now is give you a “plug in” if you will, and this “plug in” will show you how to use Eat Stop Eat as a powerful framework to getting the low body fat levels you deserve.

First of all, let me tell you the ONE thing that ESE will do for you that completely trumps any other benefit.

“After you take a break from eating for 24 hours a few times and magically discover that you haven’t DIED or broken down or that your skin hasn’t fallen off from malnutrition or that your pecker hasn’t shrank (come on, guys, you KNOW you think about it… lol) – you suddenly feel this incredible WEIGHT rapidly lift off of your shoulders as you realize that everything you’ve ever read or been told by big media just DOESN’T APPLY to you any more…”

Your mind opens up to other possibilities.

You start to stress less about this weight loss thing because you now KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can actually LIVE YOUR LIFE and get the body you want at the same time.

No sacrificing time with the kids.

No drinking cat urine or whatever the next great superfood is.

No worries about spending 57.35 hours in the gym a week – only to get hurt and/or break a knee

(and yes I’m exaggerating a bit… )

So with that being said. Let me give you 4 solid tips on how to MAXIMIZE your ESE experience.

Tip #1: Don’t call it fasting. Call it “taking a break from eating”.

Look, point blank, you mention the word “fasting” in forums or around your friends or family and you’d think that you’d clubbed a baby seal with the response you’ll get back. The fact is, NO ONE will understand it and this is a losing battle all the way around. No need to test the mettle of your friends and family, because they ALL care about you and will only give you their uneducated opinion of the subject in the effort to HELP you. Why add the drama? Which leads to…

Tip #2: Try to arrange your “breaks” in such a way that the NON eating portions of your day go under the radar.


Simple. Diet “persecution” is still the MAIN reason people never lose weight. And, when you broadcast your “diet” to the world, whether you tell them out right or skip a meal or outing due to “diet”, you can generally expect all sorts of BLOWBACK, whether it’s a friend telling you a ‘better’ way to do it, or the co worker that says “Oh, one beer won’t hurt”.

In other words, just like we talked about in the “Proven Fat Loss Formula” post, try to arrange your fasts around your social life if possible.

If you’re finding (like myself) that dinner is ON everynight, then a dinner to dinner fast is in order.

(plus, if you’re at work, you can just say you’re not hungry or are slammed, etc – easy way to deflect)

In other words, let ESE be YOUR LITTLE SECRET until you are well on your way to getting the results you want. Then tell people the secret.

More weight loss progress is lost due to people not being able to develop CONSISTENTLY due to failure to launch or social blowback.

Don’t be that person. Better to share with people that are going the the exact same process (other ESE’ers) for now and get your motivation/inspiration from those people and not from those NOT-in-the-know.

Tip #3: When you eat your first meal after your fast, eat the EXACT same as you normally would for that particular meal. Same portions, etc. So, if you normally eat 3 meals per day, then ideally, on your fasting day, you’re just looking to MINUS out the 2 meals without impacting the 3rd.

Too many people just relax and think that the fast itself is doing all of the work… that the fast is the magic.

But if you pound a 2000 calorie meal… you just fasted for nothing.

In other words, the idea is to have the same eating profile as normal – and just “forget” about the meals you missed, then just keep on trucking like you normally would. Don’t COMPENSATE for the fast by eating more for your next meal.

Tip #4: Get a grip on your maintenance load of calories. This is easier than it sounds.

If you haven’t been gaining weight over the last few weeks, you’re at maintenance. Just insert your fast (or fasts) into your strategic places and you’re off to the races (but remember the other tips)

However, if you’ve been gaining weight recently, just adding in a few fasts MY only bring you down to maintenance. So you feel like you’re doing all of this “work” but not losing weight.

Listen, if you’re ramming 3000 calories down your gullet every day, 1 to 2 fasts per week isn’t going to cut it.

You’re gonna need to show SOME restraint on your off days as well.

Basically, here’s the gist of it… if you don’t get a handle on what your maintenance levels are… then you’ll balloon back up to where you were once you stop the “diet”. You can’t continue to eat the way you were because that’s what got you there in the first place. So loosely determining maintenance is a HUGE key both in the short term and long term.

Remember, the goal is to either hold an AVERAGE caloric deficit over time OR to hold an AVERAGE caloric equilibrium over time. Thinking in weekly chunks definitely helps remove all of the statistical fluctuations and “food errors” that can occur…

… and also keeps you sane.

In closing, Eat Stop Eat is a great – but most importantly – a FREEING system for almost effortless weight loss.

If you pick up Brad’s book, read it, and then apply these 4 “plugins”…

… you’re off to the races.

Your Body is Linked to Your Identity Whether You Like it or Not

The look and shape of your body plays a major role in you sense of identity and who you are. This is true whether you choose to believe it or not.

Making a serious change to your body will open your eyes to this realization (if you didn’t already know this)

There are multiple factors that can influence your view of yourself including money, your relationships with women and your body shape and size.

In this podcast we’ll talk about:

1. How an irrational body image and specifically bodyweight goal can leave you depressed and unsatisfied

2. Accepting your genetic limits is essential to having a realistic body image

3. The trap of trying to and One-Up your way through life

4. Relative size vs absolute size. “One pound” of muscle looks different on each person

5.  Having the grace and class to lead other people by example with your personal transformation

Show Notes:

Muscle Mass accounts for approximately 50% of total Lean Body Mass.

