You Get What You Deserve

You’ll never know what a body like this can do for you until you’ve got it. This is one of my training clients Joe, he’s got a perfect Adonis Index Ratio in this picture!

Working out takes time, effort, dedication, repetition, practice and a fair amount of pain and discomfort.

Dieting takes dedication, discipline, mental effort, emotional effort, and requires a degree of self monitoring and self reflection that likely surpasses almost any other thing you’ll attempt to do in your life.

So why do it? Why bother? Is the shape you’re hoping to get into really worth all the work? Is it just a look and shape? Or is there more to it?

The simple answer is yes, yes the body and condition is worth it, and so is the change you will go through in self perception, and how you interact with everyone around you and how they choose to interact with you.

If you’ve ever worked your way to a great shape you already know how things change. You already know how they way you feel changes and how the way everyone around you changes.

If you’ve lost that condition due to life getting in the way you know what it’s like to miss it and what it back. This memory of how good it once was is all the incentive you need if this is you.

But if you’ve never been in the shape you want YET you’re somewhat going on a leap of faith. You’re hoping that as you change all the benefits that I’ve just mentioned will actually come true.

I can tell you that it IS worth it, and it WILL happen if you put the work in, and all the things you hope will happen will in fact happen.

It’s a bit of a cliche but it’s true for working out and getting in shape…and that is you get out of it what you put into it. If it were easy and everyone deserved the benefit that comes with building a great body then nobody would value it and it would cease to be something worth striving for.

In reality only a few people will get there and all the benefits will fall onto them because they’ve done the work to deserve it.

So do you want to be one of those deserving few?!


Golden Eye for the Adonis Guy

“Golden Eye for the Adonis Guy” By: Allen Elliott

Golden Eye for the Adonis Guy

As an ambassador of the Adonis Lifestyle, I strive to take the utmost care when writing blog posts.  My goal is that the content I bring to you will be encouraging, informational, and last but not least entertaining.

In keeping with that tradition I present to you: Golden Eye for the Adonis Guy–an ongoing series featuring several topics not limited to but including my experiences, observations and “lessons learned” from fitness competitions and my association with the modeling industry.  This Golden insight that I will share with you comes from the results of applying the Adonis Effect and the pursuit of obtaining my ideal AI ratio.

However, I will forewarn you that my perspective is biased.  Rightfully so, as I’ve been on both sides of the “fitness” fence.  However, let me assure you the grass is greener on the “Adonis Lifestyle” side.

It’s often said, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat.”  While skinning cats is of no interest to me, I understand or perceive the meaning; which brings us to today’s discussion of perception.

Faces or Vases?
“Perception is Reality.” -Lee Atwater

Is Perception Reality?

The famous quote, “perception is reality” by Lee Atwater compels us to ask a few questions. First of all, what is perception? Perception is defined as the awareness of the elements in an environment through physical sensation.  The sensation being our five senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, & smell.

Secondly, what is reality? Reality is defined as a real event, entity, or state of affairs.  After gaining understanding of these two definitions we can begin to draw a few conclusions.  What we perceive often times leads us to pass judgment on ourselves or others.

In the context of body types, someone could be labeled: short, tall, skinny, fat, or muscular.  While nothing is particularly wrong with any of these, it still does not negate the fact that all of these body types will make an impression on others.  Sad yet true, a person’s body type is subject to discrimination. For example, a model is held to a higher standard, as they are valued for their aesthetic appearance or the illusion there of.  Rather fitness or fashion, the model’s goal or objective is present themselves’ in the most compelling way to market & promote their client’s product or service.  While this may seem like a very crude definition of a model, keep in mind millions of dollars are spent in marketing.  Therefore, only the best models will be chosen to represent a company; which makes the modeling industry all the more competitive.

I’m sure by now you’re wondering how and why these concepts apply to you?

To answer your question, these concepts apply to you because  a model has a very significant influence on your perception of the world and the expectations you have of it.  From your favorite cologne  to your choice of body wash, we have been conditioned to expect certain features and attributes from the model who represents their respective product or service.  I make this point only to emphasize that in the Information Age,  we are constantly bombarded with several forms of media all lobbying to influence our perception.  To bring this into perspective consider the quote, “image is everything.” While this is true in some instances, what is certain is that your image will leave an impression upon others.  With that being said, how you are perceived by others is indeed a reality in their mind.

Augment Your Reality (AI=AR)

Now that we’ve come to realize the importance of perception and that at no fault of our own, we are often times judged by our appearance, we have a decision to make. Before revealing what that decision is, a certain phrase or saying comes to mind.  The saying, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game” means don’t fault the successful participant in a flawed system try instead to learn that aspect which displeases you.  In this scenario, you are the player and the game is the society you live in. With that being said, if you change the player, you will change the game. In other words, by augmenting yourself  you can change the way society responds to you; which in turn places the odds in your favor.

There is a specific area of research called Anthropology that involves the in-depth examination of how people interact with one another. This research has shown us that all human beings have the ability to pick out a beautiful and attractive person. Physical attractiveness has a significant effect on people’s perception of  you.  Changing your body into the ideal human form (AI Golden Ratio),  has a direct influence on your ability to impress others; therefore, augmenting your reality (AR).  It is a physical law of attraction that is simply undeniable.

In conclusion,  under the new series: Golden Eye for the Adonis Guy  I’ve shared from my perspective, if perception is indeed reality and how to augment your reality by changing yourself.  It’s fascinating to know that the shape of your body can and will affect your sex life,  success in business, friendships and all other forms of social opportunity.

The ball is in your court now… What type of player will you become?

Your Brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott

The “Photo-Shoot Ready” Recipe: Four Key Ingredients Needed to Prepare your Contest Photo Submissions

The clock is ticking… The deadline for AT8 Contest Photo Submissions is rapidly approaching.

If you’re participating in the 12 week transformation contest, you’re putting the finishing touches on your “Final Look”.

If you’re in the 20 week transformation contest, you’re beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, stay the course.

For many contestants, this is the first workout program that you’ve followed consistently.  Thank you for your commitment to the Adonis Index Workout Systems and more importantly for your commitment to your own personal goals.

Win or lose, regardless of your contest placement, your transformation is a personal achievement and you should be very proud of your accomplishment.

All of your valiant efforts over this contest period stem from the synergistic combination of proper nutrition, strength training, and cardio.

One way to celebrate this achievement is by capturing some stunning images of your new & improved physique.

There are several tweaks or methods one can apply to enhance their overall appearance.

To keep things simple, yet effective I’ve chosen to focus on the top four ingredients of any “successful” fitness photo-shoot. So before you step in front of the camera, you can assure yourself that on command, you will be “Photo-Shoot Ready”.

The “Photo-Shoot” Ready Recipe: Four Key Ingredients to Prepare for your Contest Photo Submissions


1.    Conditioning: Shirt-On vs Shirt-Off? What’s the Difference?

 When it comes to conditioning, there are two different worlds we live in.

There is the “Shirt-On” world where most people reside and then there is the “Shirt-Off” world which is displayed on many a beach or magazine cover.

Neither world is bad but there are rules for living in both.

A person who has good conditioning will possess these three  features:  separation in the muscle groups, striations, and vascularity.  Unfortunately, in “Shirt-On” world it is is very difficult to tell the conditioning of a person because clothes cover the body.

A man who looks muscular “Shirt-On”  may not have the same conditioning as a man who  “Shirt-Off”  is ripped but not as impressive  in the same outfit.

In regards to this contest you will be judged by the rules & standards of  “Shirt-Off” world where conditioning is paramount.

As you’ve followed the AI programs, you have heard of the the term “Golden Ratio” or your body’s ideal  shoulder-to-waist (AI) ratio.  This transformation contest measures your starting and final AI-ratio to evaluate your progress over the 12 or 20 week period.

Nevertheless, here are a few suggestions to enhance your conditioning for your Contest Photos:

1. Mild Water Depletion: Sometimes your body retains water on the outer layer of your skin which can impact your conditioning. To help rid the body of excess water eat  foods such as asparagus and oatmeal or drink a low sugar green tea beverage 2-3 days prior to your photo-shoot for best results.

Additionally, take photos of yourself  in this state early in the morning as opposed to later in the day.

2. Fasted State: Intermittent fasting  has also been known to enhance conditioning.

Your skin is tighter  and muscle appear more defined as your body’s fat burning hormones are elevated.

To capture yourself  in the fasted state take photos first thing in the morning upon waking up.  If your following the “Eat Stop Eat” or the “The Reverse Taper Diet” regimen try planning your photo-shoot about 6-8 hours into your fasted state.

3. Carb-Loaded:  The “Carb-Loaded” state is the direct opposite  of being fasted.

However, they both create two very aesthetic looks which are ideal for a photo-shoot.  In the carb-loaded state you body resembles more of a full-muscular look which also helps to tighten your skin and improve vascularity.

To achieve the “carb-loaded” effect choose between one or two  of the following foods: honey (2 tablespoons), dark chocolate (4-6 squares), a peach (medium-size), or banana (medium-size) about 15-30 min prior to your photo-shoot and get your body pumped up with some simple exercises (i.e. push-ups, resistance band curls, etc.)

You still have a few days to experiment with what technique works best for you.  So take several photos in the various states and see which one’s turn out best.

2.    Posing: If you got it, make sure you show it…Properly!

Posing is the art of positioning your body in a specific way to present the best visual effect.

How you pose is very important.

In traditional bodybuilding competitions if a judge cannot see a certain part of your body they cannot judge it. Or even worse they will assume this area is under-developed.  We all have strengths and weaknesses in certain parts of our body.

Some muscles respond better to the training than others.

Posing is also a way to creatively display the parts of your body that are most flattering to your physique.

Practice, Practice, Practice! In front of a Mirror is preferred… Here is a “quick refresher” video of  the standard front, back and side shots that mimic your ‘before’ pictures and are required for the contest.

Remember “Pose Like the Pros!”


3.    Tanning: The Icing or Glaze on the Cake

The use of tanners and oils will also  improve your final look.  It has been observed that the darker your skin, the more definition can be seen.

This is most evident in bodybuilding competitions when two competitors of different ethnic backgrounds appear equally dark but are of different skin tone.

You may already tan regularly but if you don’t, there are some “sun-less” alternatives to enhance definition  for example, body oils, spray tans, sunless tanners, etc.  It’s always best to begin with a moderate amount and increase from there.

Your Final Contest Photos are a composite of: Conditioning, Posing, Tanning, and Lighting. Capture your physique at its best!

4.    Photography & Lighting: Almost Live

Since this is an Online and not a “Live” competition your photos will be all the judges have to grade you on.

While a professional photo-shoot is not mandatory,  it’s very important to  select an area whether indoor or outdoor with ample amount of lighting.

If you decide to use extra lighting, the best results were achieved  from past contestants when the lighting was balanced on either side and were pointed upwards at a 45-degree angle.

A solid black or white backdrop is preferred for indoor photos to help eliminate distractions and keep the focus on your physique.

Feel free to be fun and creative in your outdoor poses.  The bottom line is  that you’ve worked hard on your physique and you want the camera to tell the “whole” story.

In conclusion, remember these Four Key Ingredients in order to become “Photo-Shoot Ready” on Command:

  1. Conditioning
  2. Posing
  3. Tanning
  4. Photography/Lighting

Very Respectfully,

Allen Elliott

The Illusion of Size – Mens Gymnastics

The olympics are on right now, I don’t watch, but I hear people talking about how ‘big’ and ‘muscular’ the mens gymnasts are. So I looked up the height and weight of some of the gymnasts in the current olympic games. Not surprisingly most of them are well below what is considered average height for a man in north america.

Lean defined muscle always looks bigger and better than overall size and bulk

For comparison, the average height of a man in north america is 5’10. The average height of the mens gymnastics competitors I looked up with closer to 5’5. In north america 5’5 is a short man, no other way to say it. The mens gymnasts are also very light compared to average even tho they exhibit significant muscular development. Their bodyweights are in in the 120-140lbs range. Again this is very light compared to an average man.

When viewed in isolation away from their coaches or other ‘normal’ sized people, these gymnasts seem like hulking huge muscular men. Then you see them standing next to a coach or some other average sized person and realize how short and small they really are.

And this is the illusion of size. Being lean and muscular can make you look significantly heavier and bigger than you really are. This is also a demonstration of what we call ‘shirt off’ big vs ‘shirt on’ big. Certainly none of these athletes would seem ‘big’ in regular clothes as they wouldn’t take up much space at all and would be wearing size small clothes across the board (if not smaller). But take their shirts off and it’s and entirely different story – layers of thick well developed lean muscle is standard issue on a mens gymnast.

I’m not going to comment on how they built such bodies and whether or not drug use is involved or how many hours of training is involved, the point of this post is simply to bring to your attention the illusion of size and remind you that the leaner you are the bigger you look (no matter how tall or short you are).

Lean, defined muscles always, always trumps overall size.


How to Find Confidence

Before we dive into how to find or build confidence, let’s talk about whether it’s even important, because why would you spend time on learning something that doesn’t even matter, right?

If you fake confidence, people and especially women will sense it and it will hurt your social status.

Why Is It so Important?

Well, if you are into developing yourself then you may have already heard that status means pretty much everything. It always did, but today it has  more career influence than ever before.

It doesn’t really matter whether you want to attract more women or make a deal at a business meeting, you will need to have a  confidence and good rapport with others, the more the better.  Status is partially based on presentation (clothes, body language,  grooming, level of fitness and confidence).

So,  let’s approach this process from hindsight and begin connecting all the dots, confidence is pretty damn important. As a man you need to be in control (not controlling) and confident about yourself and what you do in life.

This will quickly translate into a higher ranking of social status.

Would You Rather Lack Insecurity or Be Confident?

I don’t know how I would answer this question myself a few years back, but today after training with Adonis Index for a little over two years I believe that the foundation for confidence is actually a lack of insecurity.

If you have noticed, the guys who are truly considered confident usually lack any insecurities at all. Or at least they naturally make it seem that way.

They respect themselves, they are smooth in conversation, cool all the time and no matter what they do (even if they are not good at a certain activity) they do everything in a confident way. I think it’s not a coincidence that these guys almost always have very high character, high social status and people love being around them.

These guys know how to present themselves and be confident, which gives them high social status.

Now by confidence I don’t mean arrogance, I think most people often confuse these two concepts.

Being confident and acting like a man with high self-esteem is not arrogance, it’s a sign of strength, both inner and outer or in other words – physical and mental strength.

By now everyone probably has at least a rough idea about what confidence is  and the important role it plays in your life.

Additionally, I’m sure you’re dying to find out the secrets of  how to obtain greater confidence.

Can You Buy Confidence?

In this age of instant gratification, everyone is looking for easy, quick fixes and most people are not interested in long term rock-solid solutions.

Confidence is one of those terms that is often times misused due to poor marketing tactics. Mostly marketers attempt to “sell” confidence by offering anxiety pills, pick up routines and so on.

Truth be told, confidence is a skill that every guy already has imprinted in his DNA, the only issue is that you have to do something very important in order to draw it out from within you.

…Wait for it…

…Here it comes…

…You have to actually endure some “pain”, go through some challenges and build or accomplish something for yourself (for example a good looking body) in order to find it in yourself .

From this milestone you will have developed the basics  to present yourself in a confident way.

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill for confidence. If there was those who already possessed “confidence” would not be as valuable or rare.

Society places value on things that are hard to obtain and this applies to tangible items like gold, as well as intangible concepts/skills that require great effort and discipline, like building a killer looking body.

If you have read the main Adonis Index manual then by now you know that building your ideal Adonis body will also translate into having more confidence.

In a nutshell what Adonis Index does for you in reality is give you the body that stands out, draws attention and gives you increased social value or ‘higher’ status.

However, there are some points to mention that  most people who are just starting out will not realize immediately.

There are common ‘growing pains’ such as: being  unhappy with the way you look or feeling INSECURE about your body if  you had to take your shirt off in a public setting.

However, there is another concept, that builds confidence like crazy.  Although, it has tremendous impact on your growth it’s understandable that you could “miss out”  because it originates from experience, more specifically the experience of challenging yourself and TRANSFORMING yourself – both your body and your whole life.

For example, consider the experience of going through a challenging workout and finishing it.

The AI workouts are tough, I mean let’s not sugarcoat it, the advanced modules like IXP or ATS are pretty difficult.

There aren’t many  more challenging things  you could do to train your body without risking injury.

Even the main modules like the main Adonis Index Workout plans 3.1 are pretty difficult too if you are a beginner.

Each workout is a challenge, each week is a challenge, each month is a challenge.

The consistent routine of working hard, building a better body, and seeing the amazing transformation you’ve made three months later give you not only  a quick boost in confidence,  it empowers you for life!

Confidence is a skill that you can learn and more importantly you can find in yourself simply by going through challenges and overcoming your fears and surpassing the  expectations of the people around you.

… what better way is there  than training with a structured plan that is designed to challenge you on regular basis?

But it’s not free.

The price is high.

It’s not a high financial price that is standing in your way though, getting in shape is pretty cheap.

And while we are strongly against the conventional living like a bodybuilder kind of lifestyle, it’s still a commitment for life.

It’s not for everyone, but the results are worth every drop of your sweat in the gym.

Now, the choice is yours to remain average or stretch out of your comfort zone.

…But before you make that decision, please realize that there is nothing worse than mediocrity, I believe that this is the biggest danger of today’s society, most people don’t aspire to improve upon  there current situation.

…Just ask yourself, wouldn’t you finally want to be confident taking pictures of yourself? How about with your shirt off?

Being average (or even if you are like I was, below average) sucks, so take control of your life, countless others have done it, you can do it.

With dedication and intelligent effort you can start moving towards your goals.

Talk to you soon,

Vaclav Gregor

Man Cave Etiquette & Managing the Adonis Effect at the Gym

“The frame of the cave leads to the frame of man.” -Stephen Gardiner

Entering The Man Cave

“The frame of the cave leads to the frame of man.” -Stephen Gardiner

Gymnasium. Fitness Center. Athletic Performance Complex.  These are a few of the many names that refer to my most frequently visited location besides home & work.   I personally prefer to call my training ground, the “Man Cave.”  Living in the digital age, apart from manual labor, it’s the closest we come to our ancestral roots of running, jumping, lifting, and exploring.  Although the “Man Caves” of today are more refined, its a place where you can come and relieve stress from being cooped up in the office or break away from the couch and TV. When I enter the domain of the “Man Cave” all is well with the world.

John Barban and myself recently got into the discussion of how different people conduct their workouts in the gym. Our brief chat prompted me to describe my experience of training and obstacles I’ve had to overcome.

First off… you should know there are all sorts of creatures in the “Man Cave” but no one wants to be the dreaded “Gym Guy.”  I’m sure he lurks wherever there are dumbbells to be dropped on the ground and machine plates to crash together like cymbals.

I’d like to share with you three concepts from “Man Cave Etiquette” that will ensure you become “Golden” and not “Gym Guy.” Remember, the “Man Cave” is a training ground that offers a place of refuge and not chaos.  A place where you can come to cast aside the cares of the world and focus on building a “Golden” you.

Three  Concepts for proper “Man Cave” Etiquette

Man Cave Etiquette

Man Cave Etiquette 101: Re-Rack Weights when Finished

1. Preparation is never Lost Time

As I prepare for photoshoots or competitions it’s important to  gameplan how I’m going to arrive at my ideal physique.  This is often times done in reverse.  Pre-Screening what workouts you will do for the week and then again the night before sets your mind on what you are trying to accomplish and brings you closer to achieving your goals.

You may have to adjust the order of the workouts to accomodate your schedule; which is fine, because the bottom line is that you complete them whether it was: good, bad, or ugly.  This concept will save you time and keep you on track during the workout because you KNOW what’s coming next.

2. Situational Awareness

It doesn’t matter which “Man Cave” you enter, they all have similar characteristics, there is a place for: dumbbells, machines, and bench/squat stations.  Upon entering, locate what equipment you will use for your workout that day.  If there is a back-up on certain things needed you may have to adjust.  If not, go ahead mark your territory in the “Man Cave”  where you will train. Rather it be with a towel, bottle, or your paper copy of the workout.  The AI workouts are designed to keep you in the same place for the duration of that particular module.

As for me, I purposely leave my FAT GRIPZ  on dumbbells or bar that I’m training with when performing a ‘Super’ or ‘X’ Set.   No one has ever taken them while I was briefly away; but it has peaked some interesting discussions…more on that later.

3. Staying the Course: Motivation to complete the workout

While desserts are typically not served in the “Man Cave” you can expect to find yourself eating some “Humble Pie” at any given workout.  There have been times where I’ve bitten off more than I can chew and I need to rest in order to attack the weights with a renewed vigor.

I keep a couple go-to Power Songs in my music playlist when times get tough.  Interestingly enough, despite all the grunting and groaning you hear in the “Man Cave” there is an alternative approach to getting past those sticking points and completing your workout.

I was eating some humble pie on a leg day and I noticed that the workout ended with the dreaded Bulgarian Split Squat.  At that very moment I laughed and thought the workout was insane; I was ready to pack it up and call it a day.   However, as soon as I laughed, I felt a wave, a rush of energy come over me that was enough motivation to finish the workout.

Since this time, I frequently laugh or chuckle to myself as a sort of power-up when I’m approaching a challenging part of the workout.  I’m sure there are many therapeutic benefits of laughter but I’d encourage you to try this technique during your next workout.

 Managing the Adonis Effect

The “ADONIS EFFECT” is a powerful subconscious effect your physical presence can have on all other people around you. | Fitness Shoot feat. FAT GRIPZ | Credits: Air Harp Photography

The “Adonis Effect” is a powerful subconscious effect your physical presence can have on all other people around you.  It appears most evident when your AI ratio is around 1.5 and up approaching a Golden 1.6. The shape and look of your body, coupled with the way you carry yourself, will immediately burn a lasting impression into the minds of everyone who encounters you on a daily basis.

At this point I fell it’s equally  important to talk about momentum.  This is a very powerful principle and a great compliment to the Adonis Effect.  By following the AI workouts consistently, you are putting the law of momentum to work for you.  Your training is focused and goal-oriented, which puts you in the elite category of  “Man Cave” dwellers.  Rest assured you will attract some attention.  While the Adonis Effect is a  flattering experience overall, you have to be careful that all of that extra attention doesn’t put the brakes on your momentum.

Case in point, the “Man Cave” is  where you actually develop and cultivate the Adonis Effect. However, if you have distractions and interruptions at the source of your development then your momentum is hindered from the very beginning.   You may be in the middle of your workout and someone may pay you a compliment or ask you a question.

Which brings me back to my comment earlier about FAT GRIPZ. While performing my AI workouts, several people ask me about them and what I’m doing…this simple “ice breaker” can lead into longer discussions.  I’d love to to tell the story of Adonis Index and FAT GRIPZ, but it’s neither the time nor the place to chat during your workout.  Its proper “Man Cave” etiquette to be polite and courteous to other individuals, however be careful not to enter a 5-minute conversation, for you risk losing your momentum.

In conclusion, these “Man Cave Etiquette” concepts will de-clutter the flow of  your workouts and maximize your training efforts.  Also, recognize that with great power comes great responsibility. The “Adonis Effect”  is completely within your control to manipulate and harness to your total advantage.  Remember to harness your momentum, always respect others and each visit  to the “Man Cave” should be a memorable experience.

Very Respectfully,

Allen Elliott


