The AT15 results are in and the transformations our guys made are simply amazing! This was the largest contest we’ve had yet… The competition was fierce and the contestants were judged in a total of five equally weighted categories:
1- Weight Loss (LBS) – 20%
2- Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR) Transformation Change -20%
3- Final AGR Score- 20%
4- Muscularity- 20%
5- Aesthetics/Photogenic Quality – 20%
Congratulations to everyone who entered and completed their transformation goals!
Here are the winners:
Mike R. [_MIKE_] – 1st Place

Mike R. – Front Before/After Photos
Lawrence Lampkin [llampkin1992] – 2nd Place
Noy Pizarro [gothealthy] – 3rd Place
Rodger Carter [Carterro] – 4th Place
Steve McDaniel [BigDaddyMack] – 5th Place
Ronald Wagner [kwera2] – 6th Place
Elijah Smith [ezs777] – 7th Place
Leon Perales [capr1231] – 8th Place
Oliver Reyes [olimitch] – 9th Place
Keith Barrows [kbarrows] – 10th Place
If you are wondering about what program(s) they used then check out the Adonis Golden Ratio Systems that all of them followed. You can also look forward to their interviews coming up later this month. Again congratulations to everyone, outstanding job.